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Forked from ArcticLight/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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class ClobberTable<K, T> {
ClobberTable parent;
HashTable<K, T> my;
ArrayList<K> whites;
public ClobberTable() {
parent = null;
my = new HashTable<K, T>();
whites = new ArrayList<K>();
public void put(K a, T b) {
if(whites.contains(a)) whites.remove(a);
public T get(K a) {
if(whites.contains(a)) return null;
if(my.hasKey(a)) { return my.get(a); }
if(parent != null && parent.hasKey(a)) return parent.get(a);
return null;
public void remove(K a) {
if(my.contains(a)) {
else if (parent.contains(a)) {
public boolean hasKey() {
if(my.hasKey(a) || (parent != null && parent.hasKey(a))) return true;
public ClobberTable<K, T> fork() {
ClobberTable child = new ClobberTable<K, T>();
child.parent = this;
return child;
package com.meteorcode.common
import scala.collection.{AbstractMap, DefaultMap, mutable}
* Scala re-implementation of Max's ClobberTable
* Created by hawk on 10/15/14.
class ForkTable[K, V](protected var parent: ForkTable[K,V] = null,
protected var children: List[ForkTable[K,V]] = Nil) extends AbstractMap[K, V] with DefaultMap[K, V]{
val whiteouts = mutable.Set[K]()
val back = mutable.HashMap[K, V]()
def put(key: K, value: V): Option[V] = {
if (whiteouts contains key) whiteouts -= key
back.put(key, value)
* @return true if this is the root-level, false if it is not
def root: Boolean = parent == null
* @return true if this is a bottom-level leaf, false if it is not
def leaf: Boolean = parent != null && (children isEmpty)
def getParent = parent
def getChildren = children
private def removeChild(other: ForkTable[K, V]): Unit = {
this.children = children.filter({other != _})
private def addChild(other: ForkTable[K, V]): Unit = {
this.children = this.children :+ other
* Change the parent corresponding to this scope.
* @param nParent the new parent
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified parent was invalid
@throws[IllegalArgumentException]("if the specified parent was invalid")
def reparent(nParent: ForkTable[K, V]) = if (nParent == this) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Scope attempted to mount itself as parent!")
} else {
if (this.parent != null) {
val oldParent = this.parent
oldParent.removeChild (this)
nParent.addChild (this)
override def get(key: K): Option[V] = if (whiteouts contains key) {
} else if (this.contains(key)) {
back get key
} else if(parent != null && (parent chainContains key)) {
parent get key
} else {
def remove(key: K): Option[V] = {
if (back contains key) {
back remove key
} else {
if (parent != null && (parent contains key)) {
whiteouts += key
parent get key
} else {
override def iterator = back.iterator
* Returns true if this contains the selected key OR if any of its' parents contains the key
* @param key the key to search for
* @return true if this or any of its' parents contains the selected key.
def chainContains(key: K): Boolean = (back contains key) || ((!(whiteouts contains key)) && parent != null && (parent chainContains key))
override def contains(key: K): Boolean = back contains key
override def exists(p: ((K, V)) => Boolean) = back exists p
override def apply(key: K) = back(key)
* @return a new child of this scope
def fork: ForkTable[K, V] = {
val c = new ForkTable[K, V](parent=this)
children = children :+ c
override def toString = this.prettyPrint(0)
def prettyPrint(indentLevel: Int) = (" "*indentLevel) + this.keys.foldLeft[String](""){(acc, key) => acc + "\n" + (" " * indentLevel) + s"$key ==> ${this.get(key).getOrElse("")}"}
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