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Created August 8, 2012 20:14
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Hack xcms to read from a database
##' Select spectra based on the path of their associated raw file.
run_index, spectra.start_time, array_length, mz_array, intensity_array,
polarity, total_ion_current, lowest_observed_mz, highest_observed_mz
FROM runs LEFT JOIN spectra ON spectra.run_id =
WHERE runs.raw_file_path = \'%s\' AND ms_level = %d
%s /* Will be filled with TIME_RANGE_QUERY_TEMPLATE */
ORDER BY spectra.start_time ASC'
##' Builds and executes a query for a run based on a raw file name.
ExecRawFileQuery <- function(conn,
msLevel=1) {
timeConstraints <- GetTimeRangeQuery(timeLower, timeUpper)
query <- sprintf(RAW_FILE_NAME_QUERY_TEMPLATE, raw_file_name, msLevel, timeConstraints)
odbcQuery(conn, query)
##' Seriously, this function is bad news.
HackRawReader <- function() {
xEnv <- environment(xcms:::xcmsSet)
unlockBinding("xcmsRaw", xEnv)
assign("xcmsRaw", xcmsRaw.db, envir=xEnv)
assign("xcmsRaw", xcmsRaw.db, envir=parent.frame())
#lockBinding("xcmsRaw", xEnv)
##' Trick xcms into using database values for its raw data.
##' Must be called from an environment which contains a variable `conn` bound to
##' a RODBC database connection. Optionally, if a variable `timeRange` is
##' defined within the environment, it should be in the form of
##' `list(lower=LOWER_TIME, upper=UPPER_TIME)` where the elements specify the
##' lower and upper bounds of the time window (respectively), specified in
##' minutes.
##' On its own, this function is just fine; it's when it is hacked to replace
##' the "default" `xcmsRaw` that things become dicey.
xcmsRaw.db <- function(filename, profstep = 1, profmethod = "bin",
profparam = list(),
includeMSn = FALSE, mslevel=NULL,
scanrange=NULL) {
object <- new("xcmsRaw")
object@env <- new.env(parent=.GlobalEnv)
if (exists("timeRange")) {
ExecRawFileQuery(conn, filename, timeRange$lower, timeRange$upper)
} else {
ExecRawFileQuery(conn, filename)
cb <- list()
attr(cb, "class") <- c("decode")
spectra <- ProcessAllSegments(conn, cb)
if (length(spectra) == 0) {
stop(paste("No spectra found for run:", filename))
object@filepath <- filename
## Database start time is in minutes; must convert to seconds.
object@scantime <- sapply(spectra, getElement, "start_time") * 60
object@tic <- sapply(spectra, getElement, "total_ion_current")
## This is a bit tricky. The goal is to populate `object@env` with two
## variables: `mz` and `intensity` which are the concatenated vectors of the
## mz and intensity vectors of each spectrum, respectively. Setting the
## environment for `addSpectrum` allows its body to access the variables
## `mz` and `intensity` because of environment inheritance. For
## `addSpectrum` to modify the variables, it has to assign them in the
## _parent_ environment because its local environment is created for each
## invocation of the function.
## The length of the `mz` vector before appending the new decoded arrays is
## the index of the element immediately _before_ the first element added by
## the `spectrum` argument. It is returned so that `sapply` can append it to
## the `object@scanindex` vector.
assign("mz", double(), envir=object@env)
assign("intensity", double(), envir=object@env)
addSpectrum <- function(spectrum) {
idx <- length(mz)
assign("mz", append(mz, spectrum$decoded[,1]), envir=parent.env(environment()))
assign("intensity", append(intensity, spectrum$decoded[,2]), envir=parent.env(environment()))
environment(addSpectrum) <- object@env
object@scanindex <- sapply(spectra, addSpectrum)
object@profmethod <- profmethod
object@profparam <- profparam
if (profstep)
profStep(object) <- profstep
## run_index from database is 0-based, xcms expects 1-based spectra.
object@acquisitionNum <- as.integer(sapply(spectra, getElement, "run_index") + 1)
object@polarity <- sapply(spectra, getElement, "polarity")
levels(object@polarity) <- list(negative="MS:1000129",
## MS2 spectra aren't dealt with right now.
if(exists("rawdataMSn")) {
object@env$msnMz <- rawdataMSn$mz
object@env$msnIntensity <- rawdataMSn$intensity
object@msnScanindex <- rawdataMSn$scanindex
object@msnAcquisitionNum <- rawdataMSn$acquisitionNum
object@msnLevel <- rawdataMSn$msLevel
object@msnRt <- rawdataMSn$rt
object@msnPrecursorScan <- match(rawdataMSn$precursorNum, object@acquisitionNum)
object@msnPrecursorMz <- rawdataMSn$precursorMZ
object@msnPrecursorIntensity <- rawdataMSn$precursorIntensity
object@msnPrecursorCharge <- rawdataMSn$precursorCharge
object@msnCollisionEnergy <- rawdataMSn$collisionEnergy
if (!missing(mslevel) & !is.null(mslevel)) {
object <- msn2ms(object)
object <- split(object, f=object@msnLevel==mslevel)$"TRUE"
## fix xcmsRaw metadata, or always calculate later than here ?
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