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Created May 4, 2019 10:45
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  • Save haxscramper/fe8086f71edfdaadfee24e7d569d7980 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Log files for stack exchange question
echo "Time: $(date -Ins)" >> $err_file
echo 'Running setup script' >> $err_file
##= Create usb gadget
cd /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/
mkdir -p hax_usb
cd hax_usb
##= Provide gadget configuration info
echo 0x1d6b > idVendor
echo 0x0104 > idProduct
echo 0x0100 > bcdDevice
echo 0x0200 > bcdUSB
mkdir -p strings/0x409
echo "fedcba9876543210" > strings/0x409/serialnumber
echo "Tobias Girstmair" > strings/0x409/manufacturer
echo " USB Device" > strings/0x409/product
##= Create gadget functions
mkdir -p functions/ecm.usb0
mkdir -p functions/hid.usb0
##== Describe emc function
echo "48:6f:73:74:50:43" > functions/ecm.usb0/host_addr
echo "42:61:64:55:53:42" > functions/ecm.usb0/dev_addr
echo 'Created ethernet functions'
##== Descrive hid function
echo 1 > functions/hid.usb0/protocol
echo 1 > functions/hid.usb0/subclass
echo 8 > functions/hid.usb0/report_length
echo -ne \\x05\\x01\\x09\\x06\\xa1\\x01\\x05\\x07\\x19\\xe0\\x29\\xe7\\x15\\x00\\x25\\x01\\x75\\x01\\x95\\x08\\x81\\x02\\x95\\x01\\x75\\x08\\x81\\x03\\x95\\x05\\x75\\x01\\x05\\x08\\x19\\x01\\x29\\x05\\x91\\x02\\x95\\x01\\x75\\x03\\x91\\x03\\x95\\x06\\x75\\x08\\x15\\x00\\x25\\x65\\x05\\x07\\x19\\x00\\x29\\x65\\x81\\x00\\xc0 > functions/hid.usb0/report_desc
echo 'Created USB HID function'
##= Create gadget configuration
mkdir -p configs/c.1/strings/0x409
echo "Config 1: ECM network" > configs/c.1/strings/0x409/configuration
echo 250 > configs/c.1/MaxPower
echo 'Creating configuration'
##== Add functions to gadget configuration
ln -s functions/ecm.usb0 configs/c.1/
ln -s functions/hid.usb0 configs/c.1/
echo 'Added functions'
ls /sys/class/udc > UDC
ifconfig usb0 netmask up
route add -net default gw
ifconfig -a
route -n
ls /dev | grep hid
echo 'Done'
} >> $err_file 2>&1

I’m following this tutorial for converting RPI to usb gadget. I’ve modified setup script a little to fit my needs:

echo "Time: $(date -Ins)" >> $err_file
echo 'Running setup script' >> $err_file

##= Create usb gadget
cd /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/
mkdir -p hax_usb
cd hax_usb

##= Provide gadget configuration info
echo 0x1d6b > idVendor
echo 0x0104 > idProduct
echo 0x0100 > bcdDevice
echo 0x0200 > bcdUSB

mkdir -p strings/0x409
echo "fedcba9876543210" > strings/0x409/serialnumber
echo "Tobias Girstmair" > strings/0x409/manufacturer
echo " USB Device" > strings/0x409/product

##= Create gadget functions
mkdir -p functions/ecm.usb0
mkdir -p functions/hid.usb0

##== Describe emc function
echo "48:6f:73:74:50:43" > functions/ecm.usb0/host_addr
echo "42:61:64:55:53:42" > functions/ecm.usb0/dev_addr
echo 'Created ethernet functions'

##== Descrive hid function
echo 1 > functions/hid.usb0/protocol
echo 1 > functions/hid.usb0/subclass
echo 8 > functions/hid.usb0/report_length
echo -ne \\x05\\x01\\x09\\x06\\xa1\\x01\\x05\\x07\\x19\\xe0\\x29\\xe7\\x15\\x00\\x25\\x
x15\\x00\\x25\\x65\\x05\\x07\\x19\\x00\\x29\\x65\\x81\\x00\\xc0 > functions/hid.usb0/re
echo 'Created USB HID function'

##= Create gadget configuration
mkdir -p configs/c.1/strings/0x409
echo "Config 1: ECM network" > configs/c.1/strings/0x409/configuration
echo 250 > configs/c.1/MaxPower
echo 'Creating configuration'

##== Add functions to gadget configuration
ln -s functions/ecm.usb0 configs/c.1/
ln -s functions/hid.usb0 configs/c.1/
echo 'Added functions'

ls /sys/class/udc > UDC

ifconfig usb0 netmask up
route add -net default gw

ifconfig -a
route -n
ls /dev | grep hid

echo 'Done'
} >> $err_file 2>&1

Script works correctly for the most part (usb interface is created, ip address and gateway assigned), but avahi does not see my raspberry when connected to the pc. My network setup looks like this:

+-------+                       +-------+
| RPI   |< GW:     | HOST  |
|       |<        |       |
|       |< usb0                 |       |
|       *-----------------------*       |
|       | >|       |
|       |       enp3s0f0u6u4u1 >|       |
+-------+                       +-------+

Host pc interface:

enp3s0f0u6u4u1: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::7dfe:77a0:ed21:f67c  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 48:6f:73:74:50:43  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 458  bytes 35426 (34.5 KiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 85  bytes 18024 (17.6 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

Raspberry pi interface:

usb0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        ether 42:61:64:55:53:42  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

Raspberry pi routing table:

Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         UG    0      0        0 usb0   U     0      0        0 usb0

Tutorial checklist:

  • [X] Added setup script to rc.local
  • [X] Added required modules to /etc/modules
  • [X] Added dtoverlay=dwc2 to /boot/config.txt

Other info:

  • For raspberry I’m using 2019-04-08-raspbian-stretch-full
  • On desktop I’m using Gentoo Linux
  • No networking configuration other than in script were performed on the RPI
  • When using avahi-browse (I use avahi-browse -atr) I can see enp3s0f0u6u4u1.
  • Pinging RPI results in 100% packet loss but no errors.
  • I cannot ssh to the rpi (ssh pi@ - it gives me error: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
  • Restarting interface on the host (sudo ifconfig enp3s0f0u6u4u1 down and sudo ifconfig enp3s0f0u6u4u1 up) didn’t result in anything.
#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
# Print the IP address
_IP=$(hostname -I) || true
if [ "$_IP" ]; then
printf "My IP address is %s\n" "$_IP"
echo 'rc.local has been run' >> $HOME/usb_setup_err
exit 0
Apr 8 13:17:01 raspberrypi CRON[7126]: (root) CMD ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-modules-load[69]: Inserted module 'dwc2'
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-modules-load[69]: Inserted module 'libcomposite'
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi fake-hwclock[61]: Mon 8 Apr 12:17:01 UTC 2019
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[86]: e2fsck 1.43.4 (31-Jan-2017)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[86]: Superblock last mount time (Sat May 4 10:30:05 2019,
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[86]: #011now = Mon Apr 8 13:17:01 2019) is in the future.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[86]: Fix? yes
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[86]: Superblock last write time (Sat May 4 10:30:05 2019,
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[86]: #011now = Mon Apr 8 13:17:01 2019) is in the future.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[86]: Fix? yes
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[86]: Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started udev Kernel Device Manager.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Set the console keyboard layout.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[86]: Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[86]: Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[86]: Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[86]: Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[86]: rootfs: 146888/474208 files (0.2% non-contiguous), 1221251/1879040 blocks
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started File System Check on Root Device.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Remount Root and Kernel File Systems...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting udev Coldplug all Devices...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Load/Save Random Seed...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Local File Systems (Pre).
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Load/Save Random Seed.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started udev Coldplug all Devices.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Paths.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Encrypted Volumes.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Found device /dev/ttyAMA0.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Found device /dev/disk/by-partuuid/50860078-01.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-partuuid/50860078-01...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[146]: fsck.fat 4.1 (2017-01-24)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[146]: 0x41: Dirty bit is set. Fs was not properly unmounted and some data may be corrupt.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[146]: Automatically removing dirty bit.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[146]: Performing changes.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-fsck[146]: /dev/mmcblk0p1: 182 files, 44069/86467 clusters
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-partuuid/50860078-01.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Mounting /boot...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Mounted /boot.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Local File Systems.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Raise network interfaces...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Set console font and keymap...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Preprocess NFS configuration...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Set console font and keymap.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Preprocess NFS configuration.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target NFS client services.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre).
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Remote File Systems.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Create Volatile Files and Directories.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Network Time Synchronization...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Network Time Synchronization.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target System Time Synchronized.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Received SIGRTMIN+20 from PID 129 (plymouthd).
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Sound Card.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd-udevd[122]: Process '/usr/sbin/alsactl -E HOME=/run/alsa restore 0' failed with exit code 99.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target System Initialization.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Listening on triggerhappy.socket.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Sockets.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Basic System.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] Linux version 4.14.98+ (dom@dom-XPS-13-9370) (gcc version 4.9.3 (crosstool-NG crosstool-ng-1.22.0-88-g8460611)) #1200 Tue Feb 12 20:11:02 GMT 2019
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] CPU: ARMv6-compatible processor [410fb767] revision 7 (ARMv7), cr=00c5387d
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT nonaliasing instruction cache
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] OF: fdt: Machine model: Raspberry Pi Zero Rev 1.3
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] Memory policy: Data cache writeback
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] cma: Reserved 8 MiB at 0x1b400000
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 114688
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c09caaf0, node_mem_map db010000
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] Normal zone: 1008 pages used for memmap
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] Normal zone: 0 pages reserved
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] Normal zone: 114688 pages, LIFO batch:31
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s0 r0 d32768 u32768 alloc=1*32768
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 113680
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: bcm2708_fb.fbwidth=656 bcm2708_fb.fbheight=416 bcm2708_fb.fbswap=1 vc_mem.mem_base=0x1ec00000 vc_mem.mem_size=0x20000000 dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=50860078-02 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] PID hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] Memory: 435216K/458752K available (6451K kernel code, 589K rwdata, 1992K rodata, 440K init, 673K bss, 15344K reserved, 8192K cma-reserved)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout:
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] vector : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000 ( 4 kB)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] fixmap : 0xffc00000 - 0xfff00000 (3072 kB)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] vmalloc : 0xdc800000 - 0xff800000 ( 560 MB)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xdc000000 ( 448 MB)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xc0000000 ( 16 MB)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] .text : 0xc0008000 - 0xc0655050 (6453 kB)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] .init : 0xc08d4000 - 0xc0942000 ( 440 kB)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] .data : 0xc0942000 - 0xc09d54f8 ( 590 kB)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] .bss : 0xc09dadf0 - 0xc0a8338c ( 674 kB)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] ftrace: allocating 24128 entries in 71 pages
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS: 16, nr_irqs: 16, preallocated irqs: 16
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000029] sched_clock: 32 bits at 1000kHz, resolution 1000ns, wraps every 2147483647500ns
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000062] clocksource: timer: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 1911260446275 ns
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000146] bcm2835: system timer (irq = 27)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000709] Console: colour dummy device 80x30
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000737] console [tty1] enabled
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.000770] Calibrating delay loop... 697.95 BogoMIPS (lpj=3489792)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.060288] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.060781] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.060802] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.062102] Disabling memory control group subsystem
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.062267] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.063405] Setting up static identity map for 0x8200 - 0x8238
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.064654] devtmpfs: initialized
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.074144] random: get_random_u32 called from bucket_table_alloc+0x88/0x1c4 with crng_init=0
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.075090] VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 1 part 20 variant b rev 5
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.075496] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 19112604462750000 ns
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.075524] futex hash table entries: 256 (order: -1, 3072 bytes)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.076834] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.078175] NET: Registered protocol family 16
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.081193] DMA: preallocated 1024 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.087818] hw-breakpoint: found 6 breakpoint and 1 watchpoint registers.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.087836] hw-breakpoint: maximum watchpoint size is 4 bytes.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.087957] Serial: AMBA PL011 UART driver
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.090885] bcm2835-mbox 2000b880.mailbox: mailbox enabled
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.130418] bcm2835-dma 20007000.dma: DMA legacy API manager at dc80d000, dmachans=0x1
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.132834] SCSI subsystem initialized
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.133057] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.133168] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.133374] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.140799] raspberrypi-firmware soc:firmware: Attached to firmware from 2019-03-27 15:45
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.142866] clocksource: Switched to clocksource timer
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.228694] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.6.0
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.228820] VFS: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.229106] FS-Cache: Loaded
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.229456] CacheFiles: Loaded
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.246661] NET: Registered protocol family 2
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.247840] TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.247927] TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.248023] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.248173] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.248203] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.248557] NET: Registered protocol family 1
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.249280] RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.249292] RPC: Registered udp transport module.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.249297] RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.249302] RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.251276] hw perfevents: no irqs for PMU, sampling events not supported
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.251353] hw perfevents: enabled with armv6_1176 PMU driver, 3 counters available
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.255156] workingset: timestamp_bits=14 max_order=17 bucket_order=3
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.267508] FS-Cache: Netfs 'nfs' registered for caching
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.268839] NFS: Registering the id_resolver key type
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.268901] Key type id_resolver registered
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.268909] Key type id_legacy registered
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.268935] nfs4filelayout_init: NFSv4 File Layout Driver Registering...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.273752] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 251)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.274175] io scheduler noop registered
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.274188] io scheduler deadline registered (default)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.274731] io scheduler cfq registered
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.274746] io scheduler mq-deadline registered
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.274754] io scheduler kyber registered
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.277029] BCM2708FB: allocated DMA memory 5b500000
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.277094] BCM2708FB: allocated DMA channel 0 @ dc80d000
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.285169] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 82x26
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.293078] bcm2835-rng 20104000.rng: hwrng registered
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.293305] vc-mem: phys_addr:0x00000000 mem_base=0x1ec00000 mem_size:0x20000000(512 MiB)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.294372] vc-sm: Videocore shared memory driver
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.294956] gpiomem-bcm2835 20200000.gpiomem: Initialised: Registers at 0x20200000
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.313700] brd: module loaded
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.325652] loop: module loaded
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.325674] Loading iSCSI transport class v2.0-870.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.326577] usbcore: registered new interface driver smsc95xx
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.326606] dwc_otg: version 3.00a 10-AUG-2012 (platform bus)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.326775] dwc_otg: FIQ enabled
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.326782] dwc_otg: NAK holdoff enabled
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.326787] dwc_otg: FIQ split-transaction FSM enabled
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.326803] Module dwc_common_port init
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.327224] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.327663] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.327724] IR NEC protocol handler initialized
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.327731] IR RC5(x/sz) protocol handler initialized
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.327737] IR RC6 protocol handler initialized
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.327742] IR JVC protocol handler initialized
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.327747] IR Sony protocol handler initialized
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.327752] IR SANYO protocol handler initialized
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.327757] IR Sharp protocol handler initialized
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.327762] IR MCE Keyboard/mouse protocol handler initialized
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.327767] IR XMP protocol handler initialized
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.329003] bcm2835-wdt 20100000.watchdog: Broadcom BCM2835 watchdog timer
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.329546] bcm2835-cpufreq: min=700000 max=1000000
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.330146] sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.330156] sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.330783] sdhost-bcm2835 20202000.mmc: could not get clk, deferring probe
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.330988] sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.331691] ledtrig-cpu: registered to indicate activity on CPUs
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.331889] hidraw: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.332118] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.332125] usbhid: USB HID core driver
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.333130] vchiq: vchiq_init_state: slot_zero = db580000, is_master = 0
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.335123] [vc_sm_connected_init]: start
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.344463] [vc_sm_connected_init]: end - returning 0
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.345462] Initializing XFRM netlink socket
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.345521] NET: Registered protocol family 17
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.345690] Key type dns_resolver registered
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.347469] registered taskstats version 1
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.355474] uart-pl011 20201000.serial: cts_event_workaround enabled
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.355621] 20201000.serial: ttyAMA0 at MMIO 0x20201000 (irq = 81, base_baud = 0) is a PL011 rev2
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.355713] console [ttyAMA0] enabled
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.359042] sdhost: log_buf @ db510000 (5b510000)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.432946] mmc0: sdhost-bcm2835 loaded - DMA enabled (>1)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.434162] of_cfs_init
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.434313] of_cfs_init: OK
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.455594] Waiting for root device PARTUUID=50860078-02...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.467500] random: fast init done
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.500652] mmc0: host does not support reading read-only switch, assuming write-enable
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.503235] mmc0: new high speed SDHC card at address 1234
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.504030] mmcblk0: mmc0:1234 SA08G 7.21 GiB
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.506384] mmcblk0: p1 p2
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.516148] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.516167] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): write access will be enabled during recovery
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.527429] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): recovery complete
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.547694] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.547809] VFS: Mounted root (ext4 filesystem) readonly on device 179:2.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.557641] devtmpfs: mounted
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.560095] Freeing unused kernel memory: 440K
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 0.560105] This architecture does not have kernel memory protection.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 1.246131] NET: Registered protocol family 10
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 1.247949] Segment Routing with IPv6
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 1.262392] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 1.289818] random: systemd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 1.362174] random: systemd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 1.635200] uart-pl011 20201000.serial: no DMA platform data
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 1.651454] random: systemd-sysv-ge: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3.023707] dwc2 20980000.usb: 20980000.usb supply vusb_d not found, using dummy regulator
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3.023844] dwc2 20980000.usb: 20980000.usb supply vusb_a not found, using dummy regulator
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3.483117] dwc2 20980000.usb: EPs: 8, dedicated fifos, 4080 entries in SPRAM
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3.484502] dwc2 20980000.usb: DWC OTG Controller
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3.484569] dwc2 20980000.usb: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3.484650] dwc2 20980000.usb: irq 33, io mem 0x20980000
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3.485067] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3.485085] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3.485098] usb usb1: Product: DWC OTG Controller
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3.485107] usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 4.14.98+ dwc2_hsotg
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3.485117] usb usb1: SerialNumber: 20980000.usb
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3.486311] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 3.486421] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 32.200202] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 35.178070] snd_bcm2835: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 35.204763] bcm2835_alsa bcm2835_alsa: card created with 8 channels
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 43.149200] random: crng init done
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi kernel: [ 43.149223] random: 7 urandom warning(s) missed due to ratelimiting
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Autogenerate and use a swap file...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Turn on SSH if /boot/ssh is present...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting dhcpcd on all interfaces...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started D-Bus System Message Bus.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi dhcpcd[218]: dev: loaded udev
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi dhcpcd[218]: no valid interfaces found
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi dhcpcd[218]: forked to background, child pid 232
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting WPA supplicant...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Login Service...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Disable WiFi if country not set...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Regular background program processing daemon.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi cron[251]: (CRON) INFO (pidfile fd = 3)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Save/Restore Sound Card State...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Switch to ondemand cpu governor (unless shift key is pressed)...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi wpa_supplicant[239]: Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi cron[251]: (CRON) INFO (Running @reboot jobs)
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: Found user 'avahi' (UID 108) and group 'avahi' (GID 112).
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: Successfully dropped root privileges.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: avahi-daemon 0.6.32 starting up.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Check for v3d driver...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi alsactl[254]: /usr/sbin/alsactl: load_state:1683: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for reading: No such file or directory
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting rng-tools.service...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: Successfully called chroot().
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi alsactl[254]: Found hardware: "bcm2835_alsa" "Broadcom Mixer" "" "" ""
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi alsactl[254]: Hardware is initialized using a generic method
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: Successfully dropped remaining capabilities.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting triggerhappy global hotkey daemon...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: No service file found in /etc/avahi/services.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: apt-daily.timer: Adding 5h 57min 11.059315s random time.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: Network interface enumeration completed.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi thd[268]: Found socket passed from systemd
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Daily apt download activities.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: Server startup complete. Host name is raspberrypi.local. Local service cookie is 638166972.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi rng-tools[265]: Starting Hardware RNG entropy gatherer daemon: rngd.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: apt-daily-upgrade.timer: Adding 28min 25.957119s random time.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi rngd[276]: rngd 2-unofficial-mt.14 starting up...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Timers.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting System Logging Service...
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi rngd[276]: entropy feed to the kernel ready
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started triggerhappy global hotkey daemon.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started dhcpcd on all interfaces.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi liblogging-stdlog: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.24.0" x-pid="273" x-info=""] start
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Disable WiFi if country not set.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Save/Restore Sound Card State.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Check for v3d driver.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started rng-tools.service.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started System Logging Service.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reloading.
Apr 8 13:17:41 raspberrypi dphys-swapfile[215]: Starting dphys-swapfile swapfile setup ...
Apr 8 13:17:42 raspberrypi dphys-swapfile[215]: want /var/swap=100MByte, checking existing: keeping it
Apr 8 13:17:42 raspberrypi kernel: [ 44.385706] Adding 102396k swap on /var/swap. Priority:-2 extents:1 across:102396k SSFS
Apr 8 13:17:42 raspberrypi dphys-swapfile[215]: done.
Apr 8 13:17:43 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started WPA supplicant.
Apr 8 13:17:43 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack.
Apr 8 13:17:43 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started LSB: Autogenerate and use a swap file.
Apr 8 13:17:44 raspberrypi raspi-config[259]: Checking if shift key is held down:Error opening '/dev/input/event*': No such file or directory
Apr 8 13:17:44 raspberrypi raspi-config[259]: No. Switching to ondemand scaling governor.
Apr 8 13:17:44 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started LSB: Switch to ondemand cpu governor (unless shift key is pressed).
Apr 8 13:17:44 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Raise network interfaces.
Apr 8 13:17:44 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Login Service.
Apr 8 13:17:44 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Network.
Apr 8 13:17:44 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...
Apr 8 13:17:44 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Listening on Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status /dev/rfkill Watch.
Apr 8 13:17:44 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting /etc/rc.local Compatibility...
Apr 8 13:17:44 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Permit User Sessions...
Apr 8 13:17:44 raspberrypi kernel: [ 46.720850] using random self ethernet address
Apr 8 13:17:44 raspberrypi kernel: [ 46.720867] using random host ethernet address
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi kernel: [ 46.940336] usb0: HOST MAC 48:6f:73:74:50:43
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi kernel: [ 46.940955] usb0: MAC 42:61:64:55:53:42
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi kernel: [ 46.944969] dwc2 20980000.usb: bound driver configfs-gadget
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface usb0.IPv4 with address
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: New relevant interface usb0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi kernel: [ 46.999881] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): usb0: link is not ready
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: Registering new address record for on usb0.IPv4.
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi kernel: [ 47.167629] dwc2 20980000.usb: new device is high-speed
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi kernel: [ 47.188613] dwc2 20980000.usb: new device is high-speed
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started /etc/rc.local Compatibility.
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Permit User Sessions.
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi kernel: [ 47.442666] dwc2 20980000.usb: new address 44
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi kernel: [ 47.497147] configfs-gadget gadget: high-speed config #1: c
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi kernel: [ 47.510368] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): usb0: link becomes ready
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Light Display Manager...
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Hold until boot process finishes up...
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen...
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Received SIGRTMIN+21 from PID 129 (plymouthd).
Apr 8 13:17:45 raspberrypi dhcpcd[232]: usb0: waiting for carrier
Apr 8 13:17:46 raspberrypi dhcpcd[232]: usb0: carrier acquired
Apr 8 13:17:46 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Hold until boot process finishes up.
Apr 8 13:17:46 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen.
Apr 8 13:17:46 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started OpenBSD Secure Shell server.
Apr 8 13:17:46 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Getty on tty1.
Apr 8 13:17:46 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Serial Getty on ttyAMA0.
Apr 8 13:17:46 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Login Prompts.
Apr 8 13:17:46 raspberrypi dhcpcd[232]: DUID 00:01:00:01:24:3d:e2:8d:42:61:64:55:53:42
Apr 8 13:17:46 raspberrypi dhcpcd[232]: usb0: IAID 64:55:53:42
Apr 8 13:17:46 raspberrypi dhcpcd[232]: usb0: adding address fe80::3573:9864:d6ba:189d
Apr 8 13:17:46 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Turn on SSH if /boot/ssh is present.
Apr 8 13:17:46 raspberrypi dhcpcd[232]: usb0: soliciting a DHCP lease
Apr 8 13:17:46 raspberrypi dhcpcd[232]: usb0: soliciting an IPv6 router
Apr 8 13:17:47 raspberrypi lightdm[384]: Error getting user list from org.freedesktop.Accounts: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.Accounts was not provided by any .service files
Apr 8 13:17:47 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Light Display Manager.
Apr 8 13:17:48 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface usb0.IPv6 with address fe80::3573:9864:d6ba:189d.
Apr 8 13:17:48 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: New relevant interface usb0.IPv6 for mDNS.
Apr 8 13:17:48 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: Registering new address record for fe80::3573:9864:d6ba:189d on usb0.*.
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi lightdm[407]: Error getting user list from org.freedesktop.Accounts: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.Accounts was not provided by any .service files
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of pi.
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Session c1 of user pi.
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting User Manager for UID 1000...
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Listening on GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache (restricted).
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Reached target Timers.
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Listening on GnuPG cryptographic agent (ssh-agent emulation).
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Starting D-Bus User Message Bus Socket.
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Reached target Paths.
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Listening on GnuPG cryptographic agent (access for web browsers).
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Listening on GnuPG cryptographic agent and passphrase cache.
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Listening on D-Bus User Message Bus Socket.
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Reached target Sockets.
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Reached target Basic System.
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Reached target Default.
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Startup finished in 279ms.
Apr 8 13:17:50 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started User Manager for UID 1000.
Apr 8 13:17:51 raspberrypi lightdm[384]: Error opening audit socket: Protocol not supported
Apr 8 13:17:51 raspberrypi dhcpcd[232]: usb0: probing for an IPv4LL address
Apr 8 13:17:51 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Started D-Bus User Message Bus.
Apr 8 13:17:52 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Session c2 of user pi.
Apr 8 13:17:56 raspberrypi dhcpcd[232]: usb0: using IPv4LL address
Apr 8 13:17:56 raspberrypi dhcpcd[232]: usb0: adding route to
Apr 8 13:17:56 raspberrypi avahi-daemon[247]: Registering new address record for on usb0.IPv4.
Apr 8 13:18:00 raspberrypi dhcpcd[232]: usb0: no IPv6 Routers available
Apr 8 13:18:03 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[434]: Activating via systemd: service name='org.gtk.vfs.Daemon' unit='gvfs-daemon.service'
Apr 8 13:18:03 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Starting Virtual filesystem service...
Apr 8 13:18:03 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[434]: Successfully activated service 'org.gtk.vfs.Daemon'
Apr 8 13:18:03 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Started Virtual filesystem service.
Apr 8 13:18:03 raspberrypi kernel: [ 65.742990] fuse init (API version 7.26)
Apr 8 13:18:04 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Mounting FUSE Control File System...
Apr 8 13:18:04 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Mounted FUSE Control File System.
Apr 8 13:18:05 raspberrypi dbus[221]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1' unit='polkit.service'
Apr 8 13:18:05 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Authorization Manager...
Apr 8 13:18:06 raspberrypi polkitd[572]: started daemon version 0.105 using authority implementation `local' version `0.105'
Apr 8 13:18:06 raspberrypi dbus[221]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1'
Apr 8 13:18:06 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Authorization Manager.
Apr 8 13:18:13 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[434]: Activating via systemd: service name='org.gtk.vfs.UDisks2VolumeMonitor' unit='gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor.service'
Apr 8 13:18:13 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Starting Virtual filesystem service - disk device monitor...
Apr 8 13:18:13 raspberrypi dbus[221]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.UDisks2' unit='udisks2.service'
Apr 8 13:18:13 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Disk Manager...
Apr 8 13:18:13 raspberrypi udisksd[631]: udisks daemon version 2.1.8 starting
Apr 8 13:18:14 raspberrypi dbus[221]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.UDisks2'
Apr 8 13:18:14 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Disk Manager.
Apr 8 13:18:14 raspberrypi udisksd[631]: Acquired the name org.freedesktop.UDisks2 on the system message bus
Apr 8 13:18:15 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[434]: Successfully activated service 'org.gtk.vfs.UDisks2VolumeMonitor'
Apr 8 13:18:15 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Started Virtual filesystem service - disk device monitor.
Apr 8 13:18:15 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[434]: Activating via systemd: service name='org.gtk.vfs.MTPVolumeMonitor' unit='gvfs-mtp-volume-monitor.service'
Apr 8 13:18:16 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Starting Virtual filesystem service - Media Transfer Protocol monitor...
Apr 8 13:18:16 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[434]: Successfully activated service 'org.gtk.vfs.MTPVolumeMonitor'
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Started Virtual filesystem service - Media Transfer Protocol monitor.
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[434]: Activating via systemd: service name='org.gtk.vfs.GPhoto2VolumeMonitor' unit='gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor.service'
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Starting Virtual filesystem service - digital camera monitor...
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[434]: Successfully activated service 'org.gtk.vfs.GPhoto2VolumeMonitor'
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Started Virtual filesystem service - digital camera monitor.
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[434]: Activating via systemd: service name='org.gtk.vfs.GoaVolumeMonitor' unit='gvfs-goa-volume-monitor.service'
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Starting Virtual filesystem service - GNOME Online Accounts monitor...
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[434]: Successfully activated service 'org.gtk.vfs.GoaVolumeMonitor'
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Started Virtual filesystem service - GNOME Online Accounts monitor.
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[434]: Activating via systemd: service name='org.gtk.vfs.AfcVolumeMonitor' unit='gvfs-afc-volume-monitor.service'
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Starting Virtual filesystem service - Apple File Conduit monitor...
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi gvfs-afc-volume-monitor[656]: Volume monitor alive
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi dbus-daemon[434]: Successfully activated service 'org.gtk.vfs.AfcVolumeMonitor'
Apr 8 13:18:17 raspberrypi systemd[415]: Started Virtual filesystem service - Apple File Conduit monitor.
Apr 8 13:18:30 raspberrypi systemd[1]: dev-serial1.device: Job dev-serial1.device/start timed out.
Apr 8 13:18:30 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Timed out waiting for device dev-serial1.device.
Apr 8 13:18:30 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Dependency failed for Configure Bluetooth Modems connected by UART.
Apr 8 13:18:30 raspberrypi systemd[1]: hciuart.service: Job hciuart.service/start failed with result 'dependency'.
Apr 8 13:18:30 raspberrypi systemd[1]: dev-serial1.device: Job dev-serial1.device/start failed with result 'timeout'.
Apr 8 13:18:30 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Multi-User System.
Apr 8 13:18:30 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Reached target Graphical Interface.
Apr 8 13:18:30 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes...
Apr 8 13:18:30 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes.
Apr 8 13:18:30 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Startup finished in 1.025s (kernel) + 1min 31.686s (userspace) = 1min 32.712s.
Apr 8 13:32:07 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting Cleanup of Temporary Directories...
Apr 8 13:32:08 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Cleanup of Temporary Directories.
rc.local has been run
Time: 2019-04-08T13:17:44,675455000+01:00
Running setup script
Created ethernet functions
Created USB HID function
Creating configuration
Added functions
lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536
inet netmask
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host>
loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback)
RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
usb0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
ether 42:61:64:55:53:42 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface UG 0 0 0 usb0 U 0 0 0 usb0
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