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Created April 17, 2014 12:55
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Make class list for collection in Sass
$facebook-color : hsla(222, 47%, 40%, 1); // #365397
$twitter-color : hsla(198, 100%, 47%, 1); // #00a9f1
$linkedin-color : hsla(203, 100%, 35%, 1); // #006db3
social-platforms: facebook $facebook-color,
twitter $twitter-color,
linkedin $linkedin-color;
@mixin make-class-list-for-collection($collection, $index: 1, $prefix: "") {
$list: "";
@each $item in $collection {
@if($prefix == ""){
@if ($list == ""){
$list: ".#{nth($item, $index)}";
} @else {
$list: "#{$list}, .#{nth($item, $index)}";
@else {
@if ($list == ""){
$list: ".#{$prefix}#{nth($item, $index)}";
} @else {
$list: "#{$list}, .#{$prefix}#{nth($item, $index)}";
#{$list} {
@include make-class-for-collection($social-platforms, 1, s-) {
display: block;
&:hover {
color: #fc0;
background-color: #fff;
// Output:
// .s-facebook, .s-twitter, .s-linkedin { display: block; }
// .s-facebook:hover, .s-twitter:hover, .s-linkedin:hover { color: #fc0; background-color: #fff; }
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