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Parse published (public) Google Spreadsheet HTML data into Javascript array
// Thanks to this gist: [Sample HTML/JS to parse a Google Spreadsheet](
var htmlEndPoint = '';
var parseHtmlTableToJson = function($table){
var data = [];
var $headers = $("tr:first-child td", $table);
var headers = [];
var $rows = $("tr:first-child ~ tr", $table).each(function(index) {
data[index] = {};
$(this).find("td").each(function(cellIndex) {
data[index][headers[cellIndex]] = $(this).html();
return data;
var parseGoogleSpreadsheetHTMLIntoArray = function (response){
var sheets = {};
var bodyHtml = /<body.*?>([\s\S]*)<\/body>/.exec(response)[1];
var $bodyHtml = $(bodyHtml);
$bodyHtml.find('#sheet-menu a').each(function(index){
sheets[$(this).text().trim()] = parseHtmlTableToJson($bodyHtml.find('table').eq(index));
return sheets;
$.ajax( htmlEndPoint )
.done(function(response) {
// console.log(response);
var sheets = parseGoogleSpreadsheetHTMLIntoArray(response);
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