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Created June 28, 2018 11:59
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TSP in Rust
extern crate csv;
extern crate log;
extern crate loggerv;
extern crate ordered_float;
extern crate rand;
extern crate rayon;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate structopt;
extern crate structopt_derive;
use ordered_float::OrderedFloat;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng, StdRng};
use rayon::prelude::*;
use std::cmp;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::path::Path;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use structopt::StructOpt;
type DistanceMatrix = Vec<Vec<f64>>;
type Route = Vec<usize>;
#[derive(Deserialize, Clone)]
struct City {
x: f64,
y: f64,
struct TSP {
cities: Vec<City>,
strategy: Strategy,
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
enum Strategy {
#[structopt(name = "greedy")]
#[structopt(name = "dp")]
#[structopt(name = "sa")]
#[structopt(name = "twoopt")]
TwoOpt {
#[structopt(short = "g", long = "goal")]
goal: Option<f64>,
#[structopt(name = "mapreduce")]
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
struct Opt {
#[structopt(short = "v", parse(from_occurrences))]
verbose: u64,
input: PathBuf,
strategy: Strategy,
fn main() {
let opt = Opt::from_args();
let cities = TSP::read_from_csv(opt.input);
let tsp = TSP::new(cities, opt.strategy);
let route = tsp.solve();
for i in &route {
println!("{}", i);
info!("Distance: {}", tsp.route_dist(&route));
impl TSP {
fn read_from_csv<P: AsRef<Path>>(input: P) -> Vec<City> {
let mut reader = csv::Reader::from_path(input).unwrap();
reader.deserialize().map(|r| r.unwrap()).collect()
fn new(cities: Vec<City>, strategy: Strategy) -> TSP {
TSP { cities, strategy }
fn distance_matrix(&self) -> DistanceMatrix {
let n = self.cities.len();
let mut matrix = vec![vec![0.0; n]; n];
for i in 0..n {
for j in 0..i {
matrix[i][j] = self.dist(i, j);
matrix[j][i] = matrix[i][j];
fn dist(&self, i: usize, j: usize) -> f64 {
(self.cities[i].x - self.cities[j].x).hypot(self.cities[i].y - self.cities[j].y)
fn route_dist(&self, route: &Route) -> f64 {
route.iter().fold(0.0, |acc, &i| {
acc + self.dist(route[i], route[(i + 1) % self.cities.len()])
fn solve(&self) -> Route {
match self.strategy {
Strategy::Greedy => self.greedy(),
Strategy::DP => self.dp(),
Strategy::SA =>,
Strategy::TwoOpt { goal } => self.two_opt(goal),
Strategy::MapReduce => self.map_reduce(),
fn greedy(&self) -> Route {
let mut unvisited = (1..self.cities.len()).collect::<HashSet<usize>>();
let mut current = 0;
let mut route = vec![current];
while let Some(&i) = unvisited
.min_by_key(|&&i| OrderedFloat(self.dist(current, i)))
current = i;
fn dp(&self) -> Route {
let dist = self.distance_matrix();
let n = self.cities.len();
let mut dp = vec![vec![std::f64::MAX; 1 << n]; n];
let mut backtrack = vec![vec![0; 1 << n]; n];
for i in 0..n {
dp[i][0] = dist[i][0];
for unvisited in 0..(1 << n) {
for current in 0..n {
if (unvisited & (1 << current)) != 0 {
for next in 0..n {
if (unvisited & (1 << next)) == 0 {
let next_unvisited = unvisited ^ (1 << next);
let score = dp[next][next_unvisited] + dist[current][next];
if score < dp[current][unvisited] {
dp[current][unvisited] = score;
backtrack[current][unvisited] = next;
let mut current = 0;
let mut unvisited = (1 << n) - 1;
unvisited ^= 1 << current;
debug!("Distance (dp): {}", dp[current][unvisited]);
let mut route = vec![current];
while unvisited != 0 {
current = backtrack[current][unvisited];
unvisited ^= 1 << current;
fn sa(&self) -> Route {
fn next_route<R: Rng>(
n: usize,
dist: &DistanceMatrix,
route: &Route,
rng: &mut R,
) -> (f64, usize, usize) {
let i = rng.gen_range(0, n);
let j = rng.gen_range(0, n);
let (i, j) = (cmp::min(i, j), cmp::max(i, j));
if i + 1 < j {
let i2 = if i == 0 { n - 1 } else { i - 1 };
let j2 = j - 1;
let dist_add = dist[route[i2]][route[j2]] + dist[route[i]][route[j]];
let dist_sub = dist[route[i2]][route[i]] + dist[route[j2]][route[j]];
let dist_diff = dist_add - dist_sub;
(dist_diff, i, j)
} else {
next_route(n, dist, route, rng)
let dist = self.distance_matrix();
let mut rng: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed([0; 32]);
let n = self.cities.len();
let mut route = (0..n).collect::<Route>();
let mut iteration = 0;
let mut temperature = 100000.0;
let cooling_rate = 0.9999999;
let absolute_temperature = 0.000001;
while temperature > absolute_temperature {
if iteration % 1_000_000 == 0 {
"iteration: {}, temperature: {:10.8}, route_dist: {}",
let (delta, i, j) = next_route(n, &dist, &route, &mut rng);
if delta < 0.0 || (-delta / temperature).exp() > rng.gen::<f64>() {
temperature *= cooling_rate;
iteration += 1;
fn two_opt(&self, goal: Option<f64>) -> Route {
let dist = self.distance_matrix();
let mut route = self.greedy();
let n = self.cities.len();
let mut total_dist = self.route_dist(&route);
loop {
let mut improved = false;
for i in 0..n {
for j in (i + 2)..n {
let i2 = if i == 0 { n - 1 } else { i - 1 };
let j2 = j - 1;
let dist_add = dist[route[i2]][route[j2]] + dist[route[i]][route[j]];
let dist_sub = dist[route[i2]][route[i]] + dist[route[j2]][route[j]];
let dist_diff = dist_add - dist_sub;
if dist_diff < 0.0 {
improved = true;
if let Some(goal) = goal {
total_dist += dist_diff;
if total_dist < goal {
info!("Found: goal:{}, total: {}", goal, total_dist);
return route;
if !improved {
if let Some(goal) = goal {
warn!("Failed: goal {} is not satisfied", goal);
return route;
fn map_reduce(&self) -> Route {
struct Block {
cities: Vec<City>,
city_indices: Vec<usize>,
impl Block {
fn new() -> Block {
Block {
cities: Vec::new(),
city_indices: Vec::new(),
// TODO(hayato): Avoid magic numbers
let dx = 1600;
let dy = 900;
let block_size = 25;
assert_eq!(dx % block_size, 0);
assert_eq!(dy % block_size, 0);
let bx = dx / block_size;
let by = dy / block_size;
let blocks_num = bx * by;
let mut blocks = vec![Block::new(); blocks_num];
for (i, city) in self.cities.iter().enumerate() {
let x = (city.x as usize) / block_size;
let y = (city.y as usize) / block_size;
let block_index = y * bx + x;
let mut routes = blocks
// .into_iter()
.map(|Block {
}| {
TSP::new(cities, Strategy::Greedy)
.map(|i| city_indices[i])
let mut route = Vec::with_capacity(self.cities.len());
// TODO(hayato): Use hilbert curve
assert_eq!(bx % 2, 0);
assert_eq!(by % 2, 0);
let hx = bx / 2;
for y in {
if y % 2 == 0 {
for x in (0..hx).rev() {
route.append(&mut routes[y * bx + x]);
} else {
for x in 0..hx {
route.append(&mut routes[y * bx + x]);
for y in ( {
if y % 2 == 0 {
for x in (hx..bx).rev() {
route.append(&mut routes[y * bx + x]);
} else {
for x in hx..bx {
route.append(&mut routes[y * bx + x]);
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