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Created July 15, 2012 16:34
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Super Sudoku
* Solve Every Sudoku Puzzle
* See
* Throughout this program we have:
* r is a row, e.g. 'A'
* c is a column, e.g. '3'
* s is a square, e.g. 'A3'
* d is a digit, e.g. '9'
* u is a unit, e.g. ['A1','B1','C1','D1','E1','F1','G1','H1','I1']
* grid is a grid,e.g. 81 non-blank chars, e.g. starting with '.18...7...
* values is a dict of possible values, e.g. {'A1':'12349', 'A2':'8', ...}
function cross(A, B){
* Cross product of elements in A and elements in B.
var AB = [];
for (var a in A){
for (var b in B){
return AB;
digits = '123456789'
rows = 'ABCDEFGHI'
cols = digits
squares = cross(rows, cols)
unitlist = [];
for (var c in cols){
for (var r in rows){
for (var rs in ['ABC','DEF','GHI']){
for (var cs in ['123','456','789']){
unitlist.push(cross(rs, cs));
units = [];
for (var s in squares){
var units_of_s = [];
for (var u in unitlist){
if (s in u){
units = dict(units);
peers = [];
for (var s in squares){
peers.push( [ s,set_minus(units[s],[s]) ] );
peers = dict(peers);
//############## Unit Tests ################
function test(){
* A set of tests that must pass.
assert(squares.length === 81);
assert(unitlist.length === 27);
for (var s in squares){
assert(units[s].length === 3);
assert(peers[s].length === 20);
assert(units['C2'] === [['A2', 'B2', 'C2', 'D2', 'E2', 'F2', 'G2', 'H2', 'I2'],
['C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5', 'C6', 'C7', 'C8', 'C9'],
['A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3']]
assert(peers['C2'] === ['A2', 'B2', 'D2', 'E2', 'F2', 'G2', 'H2', 'I2',
'C1', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5', 'C6', 'C7', 'C8', 'C9',
'A1', 'A3', 'B1', 'B3']
console.log('All tests pass.');
//############## Parse a Grid ################
function parse_grid(grid){
*Convert grid to a dict of possible values, {square: digits}, or
*return False if a contradiction is detected.
// To start, every square can be any digit; then assign values from the grid.
var values = [];
for (var s in squares){
for s,d in grid_values(grid).items(){ //aaaaaah
if ( d in digits && (!assign(values, s, d)) ){
return false // (Fail if we can't assign d to square s.)
return values
function grid_values(grid){
*Convert grid into a dict of {square: char} with '0' or '.' for empties.
chars = [];
for (var c in grid){
if (c in digits || c === '0' || c === '.'){
assert(chars.length === 81);
return dict(zip(squares, chars)) //aaaaaaah
//############## Constraint Propagation ################
function assign(values, s, d){
*Eliminate all the other values (except d) from values[s] and propagate.
*Return values, except return False if a contradiction is detected.
var other_values = values[s].replace(d, '')
var eliminate_other_values = [];
for (var d2 in other_values){
if all(eliminate_other_values){
return value;
else {
return false
function eliminate(values, s, d){
*Eliminate d from values[s]; propagate when values or places <= 2.
*Return values, except return False if a contradiction is detected.
if (!(d in values[s]) ){
return values // Already eliminated
values[s] = values[s].replace(d,'')
// (1) If a square s is reduced to one value d2, then eliminate d2 from the peers.
if (values[s].length === 0){
return false // Contradiction: removed last value
else if (values[s].length === 1){
var d2 = values[s]
var eliminate_peers = [];
for (var s2 in peers[s]){
eliminate_peers.push(eliminate(values, s2, d2))
if (! all(eliminate_peers)){
return false;
// (2) If a unit u is reduced to only one place for a value d, then put it there.
for (var u in units[s]){
var dplaces =[];
for (var s in u){
if (d in values[s]){
if (dplaces.length === 0){
return false // Contradiction: no place for this value
else if (dplaces.length === 1){
// d can only be in one place in unit; assign it there
if (! assign(values, dplaces[0], d)){
return false
return values
//############## Display as 2-D grid ################
function display(values){
* Display these values as a 2-D grid.
var width = 1+max(len(values[s]) for s in squares) //aaaaaaah
var line = '+'.join(['-'*(width*3)]*3) //aaaaaaah
for r in rows:
console.log( ''.join(values[r+c].center(width)+('|' if c in '36' else '') //aaaaaaah
for c in cols)
if (r in 'CF'){console.log(line);}
console.log(" ");
//############## Search ################
function solve(grid){ return search(parse_grid(grid)) }
function search(values){
*Using depth-first search and propagation, try all possible values.
if values === False:
return false // Failed earlier
var values_length_one = [];
for (var s in squares){
values[s].length === 1;
if all(values_length_one){
return values // Solved!
// Chose the unfilled square s with the fewest possibilities
n,s = min((len(values[s]), s) for s in squares if len(values[s]) > 1) //aaaaaaah
return some(search(assign(values.copy(), s, d)) //aaaaaaah
for d in values[s])
//############## Utilities ################
function some(seq){
*Return some element of seq that is true.
for e in seq{
if e{return e}
return False
function from_file(filename, sep='\n'):
*Parse a file into a list of strings, separated by sep.
return file(filename).read().strip().split(sep) //aaaaaaah
function shuffled(seq):
*Return a randomly shuffled copy of the input sequence.
var seq = list(seq) //aaaaaaah
random.shuffle(seq) //aaaaaaah
return seq
function dict(items){
* Takes a list of lists of length two, and outputs a dictionary of item[0] -> item[1]
* Note1: if there are multiple item[0]s it will just overwrite.
* Note2: if there is a problem (i.e. not a list of lists of length two, will break)
new_dict = {}
for (var item in items){
new_dict[item[0]] = item[1];
return new_dict;
function set_minus(A, B=[]){
* takes two lists and returns A-B, with no repeat entries
for (var a in A){
if ( (!(a in B)) && (!(a in AB)) ){
return AB
function all(A){
* Takes a list of Boolean values and returns true if every element is true, else false
for (var a in A){
if (!a){
return false
return true
//############## System test ################
import time, random
def solve_all(grids, name='', showif=0.0):
* Attempt to solve a sequence of grids. Report results.
* When showif is a number of seconds, display puzzles that take longer.
* When showif is None, don't display any puzzles.
def time_solve(grid):
start = time.clock()
values = solve(grid)
t = time.clock()-start
// Display puzzles that take long enough
if showif is not None and t > showif:
if values: display(values)
console.log('(%.2f seconds)\n' % t)
return (t, solved(values))
times, results = zip(*[time_solve(grid) for grid in grids])
N = grids.length;
if (N > 1){
console.log("Solved %d of %d %s puzzles (avg %.2f secs (%d Hz), max %.2f secs)." % (
sum(results), N, name, sum(times)/N, N/sum(times), max(times)) );
def solved(values):
* A puzzle is solved if each unit is a permutation of the digits 1 to 9.
def unitsolved(unit): return set(values[s] for s in unit) == set(digits)
return values is not False and all(unitsolved(unit) for unit in unitlist)
def random_puzzle(N=17):
* Make a random puzzle with N or more assignments. Restart on contradictions.
* Note the resulting puzzle is not guaranteed to be solvable, but empirically
* about 99.8% of them are solvable. Some have multiple solutions.
values = dict((s, digits) for s in squares)
for s in shuffled(squares):
if not assign(values, s, random.choice(values[s])):
ds = [values[s] for s in squares if len(values[s]) == 1]
if len(ds) >= N and len(set(ds)) >= 8:
return ''.join(values[s] if len(values[s])==1 else '.' for s in squares)
return random_puzzle(N) ## Give up and make a new puzzle
grid1 = '003020600900305001001806400008102900700000008006708200002609500800203009005010300'
grid2 = '4.....8.5.3..........7......2.....6.....8.4......1.......'
hard1 = '.....6....59.....82....8....45........3........6..3.54...325..6..................'
if __name__ == '__main__':
solve_all(from_file("easy50.txt", '========'), "easy", None)
solve_all(from_file("top95.txt"), "hard", None)
solve_all(from_file("hardest.txt"), "hardest", None)
solve_all([random_puzzle() for _ in range(99)], "random", 100.0)
// References used:
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