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Forked from mubbashir/
Created September 5, 2017 20:46
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jenkins groovy scripts collection.
// Licensed under MIT
// author : Damien Nozay
// for all builds from build-flow-plugin whose parameters include a GIT_BRANCH paramater,
// change the displayName to include branch and build number
import com.cloudbees.plugins.flow.*;
jobs = Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(BuildFlow);
jobs.each { it ->
it.builds.each { b ->
( GIT_BRANCH =~ /(?:refs\/remotes\/)?(.+)/ ).each { full,branch ->
b.displayName = branch + ' (#' + b.number + ')'
// Licensed under MIT
// author : Damien Nozay
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// This script goes through all the jobs and checks the disk usage.
// prints some disk usage stats as well as the retention policy.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// e.g.:
// JOB: playground/test-python
// -> lastbuild: #1 = FAILURE, time: 2015-02-12T20:56:16Z
// -> builds=12, average=8 KB, max=9 KB, total=97 KB, worstCase=113 KB
def printDiscarder(job) {
d = job.buildDiscarder
if (d) {
println(" -> keep: builds=(${d.daysToKeep} days, ${d.numToKeep} total); artifacts=(${d.artifactDaysToKeep} days, ${d.artifactNumToKeep} total)")
} else {
println(" -> no retention policy.")
import hudson.plugins.disk_usage.BuildDiskUsageAction
import hudson.plugins.disk_usage.DiskUsageUtil
def getDiskUsage(build) {
usage = null
build.getTransientActions().each {
action ->
if (action instanceof BuildDiskUsageAction) {
// println action.buildUsageString
// println action.allDiskUsage
usage = action
return usage
def printDiskUsage(job) {
maxUsage = 0
totalUsage = 0
numBuilds = 0
job.builds.each() {
build ->
usage = getDiskUsage(build)
if (usage.allDiskUsage > maxUsage) { maxUsage = usage.allDiskUsage }
totalUsage += usage.allDiskUsage
numBuilds += 1
// println(" * build ${build.number} - ${usage.buildUsageString}")
averageUsage = 0
if (numBuilds) { averageUsage = (totalUsage / numBuilds).longValue() }
worstCase = numBuilds * maxUsage
println(" -> builds=${numBuilds}, average=${DiskUsageUtil.getSizeString(averageUsage)}, max=${DiskUsageUtil.getSizeString(maxUsage)}, total=${DiskUsageUtil.getSizeString(totalUsage)}, worstCase=${DiskUsageUtil.getSizeString(worstCase)}")
jobs = Jenkins.instance.getAllItems()
jobs.each { j ->
if (j instanceof com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder) { return }
numbuilds = j.builds.size()
println 'JOB: ' + j.fullName
if (numbuilds == 0) {
println ' -> no build'
} else {
lastbuild = j.builds[numbuilds - 1]
println ' -> lastbuild: ' + lastbuild.displayName + ' = ' + lastbuild.result + ', time: ' + lastbuild.timestampString2
println ''
// author : Ahmed Mubbashir Khan
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// This script goes through all the jobs in a view, filters succesful and failed jobs seprately
// Then prints outs them along with the time they took
// ---------------------------------------------------------
import hudson.model.*
def str_view = "Pipeline Tests"
def view = Hudson.instance.getView(str_view)
def successfulJobs = view.getItems().findAll{job -> job.lastBuild != null && job.lastBuild.result == hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS}
def faildJobs = view.getItems().findAll{job -> job.lastBuild != null && job.lastBuild.result == hudson.model.Result.FAILURE}
def disabledJob = view.getItems().findAll{job -> job.disabled == true}
def enabledJob = view.getItems().findAll{job -> job.disabled != true}
println "Total jobs: " + view.getItems().size +" Successful: " +successfulJobs.size+
" Failed: " + faildJobs.size + " Enabled jobs: " +enabledJob.size + " Disabled jobs: " +disabledJob.size
println "Current Successful job:"
successfulJobs.each{job -> printInfo(job)}
println "Current Fail job:"
faildJobs.each{job -> printInfo(job)}
println "Current disabled job:"
disabledJob.each{job -> printInfo(job)}
println "Current enabled job:"
enabledJob.each{job -> printInfo(job)}
def printInfo(job){
println "Job: ${} build on ${job.getAssignedLabelString()}, "+
"took ${job.lastBuild.getDurationString()} to build, is disabled : ${job.disabled}"
// author : Ahmed Mubbashir Khan
// Licensed under MIT
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// This script prints out information of last dwonstream job of Upstream job
// e.g. printInformationOfDownstreamJobs("ChangeListner", 11, "All Tests")
// will print all the downstream jobs invodked by ChangeListner build 11 in the view "All Tests"
// ---------------------------------------------------------
import hudson.model.*
//printInformationOfDownstreamJobs("ChangeListner", 11, "All Tests")
def printInformationOfDownstreamJobs(jobName, buildnumber, viewName){
def build = Jenkins.getInstance().getItemByFullName(jobName).getBuildByNumber(buildnumber)
println "${build.fullDisplayName} ${build.getCause(hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause).upstreamRun}"
def cause_pattern = /.*${jobName}.*${buildnumber}.*/
println "Cause pattern: ${cause_pattern}"
def view = Hudson.instance.getView(viewName)
def jobsByCause = view.getItems().findAll{job -> job.lastBuild != null &&
job.lastBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause)!= null &&
jobsByCause.each{ d_build->
// def d_build = job.lastBuild
println("Build: ${d_build.lastBuild.fullDisplayName}->"+
"result: ${d_build.lastBuild.result}->${d_build.lastBuild.buildStatusSummary.message}, " +
"(was triggered by: ${d_build.lastBuild.getCause(hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause).upstreamRun})" )
// Licensed under MIT
// author : Damien Nozay
// scan all jobs and check if the last build was aborted (e.g. maintenance)
// and output user / timestamp
jobs = Jenkins.instance.getAllItems()
jobs.each { j ->
if (j instanceof com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder) { return }
numbuilds = j.builds.size()
if (numbuilds == 0) { return }
lastbuild = j.builds[numbuilds - 1]
if (lastbuild.result == Result.ABORTED) {
println 'JOB: ' + j.fullName
abortCause = lastbuild.getAction(InterruptedBuildAction).getCauses()[0]
println ' -> lastbuild: ' + lastbuild.displayName + ' = ' + lastbuild.result + ', cause: ' + abortCause.shortDescription + ', time: ' + lastbuild.timestampString2
// Licensed under MIT
// author : Damien Nozay
// list jobs and their last build.
jobs = Jenkins.instance.getAllItems()
jobs.each { j ->
if (j instanceof com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder) { return }
println 'JOB: ' + j.fullName
numbuilds = j.builds.size()
if (numbuilds == 0) {
println ' -> no build'
lastbuild = j.builds[numbuilds - 1]
println ' -> lastbuild: ' + lastbuild.displayName + ' = ' + lastbuild.result + ', time: ' + lastbuild.timestampString2
// returns blank
// Licensed under MIT
// author : Ahmed Mubbashir Khan
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// This script goes through all the jobs and checks if they configured SCM is hudson.scm.NullSCM
// if they are, then prints it's info
// ---------------------------------------------------------
counter = 0
jobs = Jenkins.instance.getAllItems()
for (job in jobs) {
if (job.scm instanceof hudson.scm.NullSCM){
println "Job= '${counter++}' '${}' scm '${job.scm}'"
// Licensed under MIT
// author : Damien Nozay
// list jobs not run in the last N days / last N months
import groovy.time.TimeCategory
use ( TimeCategory ) {
// e.g. find jobs not run in last 3 months
sometimeago = (new Date() - 3.months)
jobs = Jenkins.instance.getAllItems()
lastabort = null
jobs.each { j ->
if (j instanceof com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder) { return }
numbuilds = j.builds.size()
if (numbuilds == 0) {
println 'JOB: ' + j.fullName
println ' -> no build'
lastbuild = j.builds[numbuilds - 1]
if (lastbuild.timestamp.getTime() < sometimeago) {
println 'JOB: ' + j.fullName
println ' -> lastbuild: ' + lastbuild.displayName + ' = ' + lastbuild.result + ', time: ' + lastbuild.timestampString2
// Licensed under MIT
// author : Damien Nozay
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// This script cleans a subdir in all existing workspaces for a selected job.
// node -> check workspace (concurrent too) -> check subdir -> delete
// ---------------------------------------------------------
job = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName('SomeJobFolder/myJob')
subdir = 'dist'
println "Looking for job: " + job.fullName
import hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList
combinator = System.getProperty(WorkspaceList.class.getName(),"@");
for (node in Jenkins.instance.getNodes()) {
println "Node: '" + node.getSelfLabel().toString() + "' (" + node.getAssignedLabels().join(",") + ")"
workspacePathBase = node.getWorkspaceFor(job)
// handle concurrent workspaces
for (int i=1; ; i++) {
// they are suffixed...
workspacePath = i==1 ? workspacePathBase : workspacePathBase.withSuffix(combinator+i);
// stop checking (unlikely to have higher suffix)
if (!workspacePath.exists()) {
} else {
println " * found workspace: " + workspacePath.getRemote()
targetDir = workspacePath.child(subdir)
if (targetDir.exists()) {
println " * found target directory"
if (!job.isBuilding()) {
println " * removing directory (job is not building)"
} else {
println " * not removing directory (job is building)"
// Licensed under MIT
// author : Damien Nozay
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Retroactively add badges to promoted builds.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
import hudson.plugins.promoted_builds.*;
import org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.groovypostbuild.*;
// customize these
project_name = "project/full/name"
promotion_name = "promotion_process_name"
// look up promoted builds for project + promotion process.
project = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(project_name)
action = project.getAction(PromotedProjectAction.class)
promotion = action.getProcess(promotion_name)
promoted_builds = action.getPromotions(promotion)
// check this other gist:
def add_release_version(promo_build) {
target =;
// access the promotion build environment and the RELEASE_VERSION parameter.
release_version = promo_build.environment.get('RELEASE_VERSION');
// create the summary with the gold star icon and attach to target.
GroovyPostbuildSummaryAction action = new GroovyPostbuildSummaryAction("star-gold.png");
// customize text for the summary.
action.appendText("RELEASE VERSION = " + release_version, false);
// also add a short text that will appear in the build history
// save build;
// do stuff; e.g. add release version in the description.
for (Promotion promo: promoted_builds) {
// Licensed under MIT
// author : Damien Nozay
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// This script goes through all the jobs and checks if they are using the Groovy Postbuild
// if they are, then it computes the hash value, and checks against the ones that are approved.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.scripts.*;
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.groovy.*;
import hudson.model.RootAction;
import org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.groovypostbuild.*;
// instance containing the approvals
// list of approved hashes: println instance.approvedScriptHashes
ScriptApproval instance = Jenkins.getInstance().getExtensionList(RootAction.class).get(ScriptApproval.class);
approvedScriptHashes = instance.approvedScriptHashes
import java.util.*
def hash(String script, String language) {
MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
digest.update((byte) ':');
return Util.toHexString(digest.digest());
jobs = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getAllItems(FreeStyleProject)
for (job in jobs) {
for (publisher in job.publishersList) {
if (publisher instanceof GroovyPostbuildRecorder) {
hashval = hash(publisher.script.script, "groovy")
println "#" * 80
println "job: " + job.getFullName()
println "script hash: " + hashval
println "approved: " + (hashval in approvedScriptHashes)
println "script: "
println "-" * 80
println publisher.script.script
println "#" * 80
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Hi Ahmed Mubbashir Khan,

I have tried your piece of code to get the list of failed job against All views. It failed with the below error. your help will be much appreciated.

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: lastBuild for class: com.cloudbees.hudson.plugins.folder.Folder
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ScriptBytecodeAdapter.unwrap(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.GetEffectivePojoPropertySite.getProperty(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.callGetProperty(
at Script1$_run_closure1.doCall(Script1.groovy:4)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedMethod.invoke(
at groovy.lang.MetaMethod.doMethodInvoke(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.ClosureMetaClass.invokeMethod(
at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeMethod(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.BooleanReturningMethodInvoker.invoke(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods.findAll(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods.findAll(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods.findAll(
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.dgm$203.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.PojoMetaMethodSite$PojoMetaMethodSiteNoUnwrapNoCoerce.invoke(

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hayderimran7 commented Oct 23, 2020 via email

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karthiklinux commented Oct 27, 2020 via email

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