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Last active January 23, 2019 05:39
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  • Save haydosw/7351e00b07af8080f401 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save haydosw/7351e00b07af8080f401 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Checks for missing octopus variables given a project and scope to test
Using AppName the script will find all variables for that project.
It will then look at EnvironmentToCheck for variables that have
been configured in other environments but not the one specified
A variable named "Test" under the scope of a "Test" environment
will be reported if a "Test" variable under the "Prod" environment
has not also been specified/scoped
Application Name exactly as it appears in Octopus
.PARAMETER EnvironmentToCheck
Environment to test against
Octopus API Key. How to create an API Key =
Base endpoint for octopus
Check-MissingVariables -AppName "TestApp" -EnvironmentToCheck "Production" -OctopusURI "https://octopus" -APIKey "API-TBGDJSTAUOXXXXXXXXXXXX"
Function Check-MissingOctoVariables
$headers = @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey"="$($apikey)";}
$environments = Call-OctoApi("/api/environments/all")
$project = Find-Project
if ($project -eq $null)
Write-Host "Failed to find project"
$variabeAndScopes = Find-ProjectVariables
$notInEnviromnet = $variabeAndScopes | Where-Object { $_.Scopes.Count -ge 1 -and $_.Scopes.Name -ne $EnvironmentToCheck }
$inEnvironemnt = $variabeAndScopes | Where-Object { $_.Scopes.Count -ge 1 -and $_.Scopes.Name -eq $EnvironmentToCheck }
# Slow delta logic - but eh took 10 mins
$notInEnviromnet | ForEach-Object {
$testVariable = $_.variable
$found = $false
$inEnvironemnt | ForEach-Object {
$environmentVariable = $_.variable
if ($environmentVariable -eq $testVariable)
$found = $true
if ($found -ne $true)
Function script:Fetch-PagedData ($pagedData, $output, $propertiesToSelect)
$pagedData.Links | ForEach-Object {
$nextPageOfData = $_.'Page.Next'
if ($nextPageOfData -ne $null)
$nextPage = Call-OctoApi($nextPageOfData)
Fetch-PagedData $nextPage $output $propertiesToSelect
$pagedData.Items | Select-Object -Property $propertiesToSelect | ForEach-Object {
$output += $_
return $output
Function script:Find-ProjectVariables
$variables = Call-OctoApi("/api/variables/$($project.VariableSetId)")
$variabeAndScopes = @()
$variables.Variables | ForEach-Object { $variabeAndScopes += Extract-ScopeVars }
return $variabeAndScopes
Function script:Find-Project
$projects = Call-OctoApi("/api/projects")
return Fetch-PagedData $projects @() @("Id", "Name", "VariableSetId") | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $appName } | Sort -Property Name
Function script:Call-OctoApi($URIPart)
$requestParams = @{
Uri = "$($octopusuri)$URIPart"
Method = "Get"
Headers = $headers
return Invoke-Webrequest @requestParams | Select -Expandproperty Content| Convertfrom-Json
Function script:Extract-ScopeVars
$scope = @()
$_.Scope | Where-Object{$_.Environment -ne $null} | Select -expand Environment | ForEach-Object {
$env = $_
$scope += $environments | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $env} | select Name
$variableAndEnvironments = New-Object psobject
Add-Member -InputObject $variableAndEnvironments -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Variable -Value $_.Name
Add-Member -InputObject $variableAndEnvironments -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Scopes -Value $scope
return $variableAndEnvironments
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