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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Fluent Validator Engine - Helper class to find all validators and provide a common way of validating objects.
/// <summary>
/// Helper class to find all validators and provide a common way of validating objects.
/// </summary>
public class ValidationEngine
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, IValidator> AllValidatorsInAssembly;
static ValidationEngine()
AllValidatorsInAssembly = new Dictionary<Type, IValidator>();
private static void FindAndInstantiateAllAbstractValidators()
foreach (var abstractValidator in from x in Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ValidationEngine)).GetTypes()
let y = x.BaseType
where !x.IsAbstract && !x.IsInterface &&
y != null && y.IsGenericType &&
y.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(AbstractValidator<>)
select x)
// No need to safeguard this - if we get null's fail hard
var typeOfValidator = abstractValidator.BaseType.GenericTypeArguments.First().UnderlyingSystemType;
var validator = (IValidator)Activator.CreateInstance(abstractValidator);
AllValidatorsInAssembly.Add(typeOfValidator, validator);
/// <summary>
/// Will look at all registered abstract validators
/// Find the validator matching the given type of item
/// Run validate method to determine if item is valid
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Not Needed - Type will be inferred</typeparam>
/// <param name="item">Item for validation</param>
/// <returns>ValidationResult</returns>
public static ValidationResult Validate<T>(T item)
var classRequiringValidation = typeof(T);
if (AllValidatorsInAssembly.ContainsKey(classRequiringValidation) == false)
throw new Exception($"Unable to locate validator {classRequiringValidation.FullName} - " +
$"Please create a new AbstractValidator<{classRequiringValidation.FullName}>");
return AllValidatorsInAssembly[classRequiringValidation].Validate(item);
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