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Created March 23, 2016 21:28
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Feature: Checkout Login
A user needs to be able to login while on the
checkout page.
Given the following market property exists:
| name | uuid | from_extranet |
| Hotel My | d324743-bc2d-5b36-be9a-bdab9063f371 | true |
And the following unit exists:
| title | property | uuid |
| Traditional Unit | name: Hotel my | e5ff10a0-8ca4-5bff-8b7a-0a22c251b5e2 |
And PriceSheet has the availability in "property_room_rates_with_cancellation_policies.json"
And a acceptance terms exists
And I am booking an Extranet room rate using checkout
Scenario: User clicks the login button with no-js
When I follow "Book faster by signing in"
Then I should be on the login path
And I fill the login form as a customer
And I press "Sign In" within the login form
Then I should be on the checkout path, new action
Scenario: User clicks the login button with js
And I wait until the page is ready
When I follow "Book faster by signing in"
And I wait until the new modal opens
Then I should see "Sign In" within "the login form"
And I fill the login form as a customer
And I trigger a click on "Sign In"
And I wait until the page is ready
Then I should be on the checkout path, new action
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