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Last active September 24, 2023 18:50
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from torch import Tensor
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple
import math
import warnings
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
class CSigmoid(nn.Module):
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return c_sigmoid(input)
class CTanh(nn.Module):
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return c_tanh(input)
class modTanh(nn.Module):
__constants__ = ['rounding_mode']
rounding_mode: str
def __init__(self, rounding_mode: str = None):
super(modTanh, self).__init__()
self.rounding_mode = rounding_mode
def forward(self, input: Tensor, rounding_mode: str = None) -> Tensor:
return mod_tanh(input, rounding_mode=rounding_mode)
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return 'rounding_mode={}'.format(self.rounding_mode)
class Hirose(nn.Module):
__constants__ = ['m', 'inplace']
m: float
inplace: bool
def __init__(self, m: float = 1., inplace: bool = False):
super(Hirose, self).__init__()
self.m = m
self.inplace = inplace
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return hirose(input, m=self.m, inplace=self.inplace)
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
inplace_str = 'inplace=True' if self.inplace else ''
return 'm={}{}'.format(self.m, inplace_str)
class Siglog(nn.Module):
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return siglog(input)
class CCardioid(nn.Module):
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return c_cardioid(input)
class CReLU(nn.Module):
__constants__ = ['inplace']
inplace: bool
def __init__(self, inplace: bool = False):
super(CReLU, self).__init__()
self.inplace = inplace
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return c_relu(input, inplace=self.inplace)
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
inplace_str = 'inplace=True' if self.inplace else ''
return inplace_str
class zReLU(nn.Module):
__constants__ = ['inplace']
inplace: bool
def __init__(self, inplace: bool = False):
super(zReLU, self).__init__()
self.inplace = inplace
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return z_relu(input, inplace=self.inplace)
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
inplace_str = 'inplace=True' if self.inplace else ''
return inplace_str
class modReLU(nn.Module):
__constants__ = ['bias', 'rounding_mode', 'inplace']
bias: float
rounding_mode: str
inplace: bool
def __init__(self, bias: float = -math.sqrt(2), rounding_mode: str = None, inplace: bool = False):
super(modReLU, self).__init__()
self.bias = bias
self.rounding_mode = rounding_mode
self.inplace = inplace
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return mod_relu(input, bias=self.bias, rounding_mode=self.rounding_mode, inplace=self.inplace)
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
inplace_str = 'inplace=True' if self.inplace else ''
return 'bias={}, rounding_mode={}, inplace_str={}'.format(self.bias, self.rounding_mode, inplace_str)
class CLeakyReLU(nn.Module):
__constants__ = ['negative_slope', 'inplace']
negative_slope: float
inplace: bool
def __init__(self, negative_slope: float = 1e-2, inplace: bool = False) -> None:
super(CLeakyReLU, self).__init__()
self.negative_slope = negative_slope
self.inplace = inplace
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return c_leaky_relu(input, self.negative_slope, self.inplace)
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
inplace_str = ', inplace=True' if self.inplace else ''
return 'negative_slope={}{}'.format(self.negative_slope, inplace_str)
class modSoftmax(nn.Module):
__constants__ = ['dim']
dim: Optional[int]
def __init__(self, dim: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
super(modSoftmax, self).__init__()
self.dim = dim
def __setstate__(self, state):
if not hasattr(self, 'dim'):
self.dim = None
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return mod_softmax(input, self.dim, _stacklevel=5)
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return 'dim={dim}'.format(dim=self.dim)
class modLogSoftmax(nn.Module):
__constants__ = ['dim']
dim: Optional[int]
def __init__(self, dim: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
super(modLogSoftmax, self).__init__()
self.dim = dim
def __setstate__(self, state):
if not hasattr(self, 'dim'):
self.dim = None
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return mod_log_softmax(input, self.dim, _stacklevel=5)
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return 'dim={dim}'.format(dim=self.dim)
class rSoftmax(nn.Module):
__constants__ = ['dim']
dim: Optional[int]
def __init__(self, dim: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
super(rSoftmax, self).__init__()
self.dim = dim
def __setstate__(self, state):
if not hasattr(self, 'dim'):
self.dim = None
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return r_softmax(input, self.dim, _stacklevel=5)
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return 'dim={dim}'.format(dim=self.dim)
class rLogSoftmax(nn.Module):
__constants__ = ['dim']
dim: Optional[int]
def __init__(self, dim: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
super(rLogSoftmax, self).__init__()
self.dim = dim
def __setstate__(self, state):
if not hasattr(self, 'dim'):
self.dim = None
def forward(self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return r_log_softmax(input, self.dim, _stacklevel=5)
def extra_repr(self) -> str:
return 'dim={dim}'.format(dim=self.dim)
def complex_fcaller(funtional_handle, *args):
return torch.complex(funtional_handle(args[0].real, *args[1:]), funtional_handle(args[0].imag, *args[1:]))
def c_sigmoid(input: Tensor):
if input.is_complex():
return torch.complex(torch.sigmoid(input.real), torch.sigmoid(input.imag))
return torch.sigmoid(input)
def c_tanh(input: Tensor):
if input.is_complex():
return torch.complex(torch.tanh(input.real), torch.tanh(input.imag))
return torch.tanh(input)
def mod_tanh(input: Tensor, rounding_mode: str = None) -> Tensor:
if input.is_complex():
magnitude = torch.abs(input)
euler_phase = torch.div(input=input, other=magnitude, rounding_mode=rounding_mode)
return torch.mul(torch.tanh(magnitude), euler_phase).type(input.type())
return torch.tanh(input)
def hirose(input: Tensor, m: float = 1., rounding_mode: str = None, inplace: bool = False) -> Tensor:
if input.is_complex():
magnitude = torch.abs(input)
euler_phase = torch.div(input, magnitude)
if inplace:
input = torch.mul(torch.tanh(torch.div(input=magnitude, other=torch.pow(m, 2), rounding_mode=rounding_mode)), euler_phase).type(input.type())
return input
hirose = torch.mul(torch.tanh(torch.div(input=magnitude, other=torch.pow(m, 2), rounding_mode=rounding_mode)), euler_phase).type(input.type())
return hirose
if inplace:
input = torch.tanh(torch.div(input=input, other=torch.pow(m, 2), rounding_mode=rounding_mode)).type(input.type())
return input
hirose = torch.tanh(torch.div(input=input, other=torch.pow(m, 2), rounding_mode=rounding_mode)).type(input.type())
return hirose
def siglog(input: Tensor):
return torch.div(input, 1 + torch.abs(input))
def c_cardioid(input: Tensor):
phase = torch.angle(input)
return 0.5 * torch.mul(1 + torch.cos(phase), input)
def c_relu(input: Tensor, inplace: bool = False) -> Tensor:
if input.is_complex():
return torch.complex(F.relu(input.real, inplace=inplace), F.relu(input.imag, inplace=inplace))
return F.relu(input, inplace=inplace)
def mod_relu(input: Tensor, bias: float = -math.sqrt(2), rounding_mode: str = None, inplace: bool = False) -> Tensor:
if input.is_complex():
magnitude = torch.abs(input)
euler_phase = torch.div(input=input, other=magnitude, rounding_mode=rounding_mode)
if inplace:
input = torch.mul(F.relu(magnitude + bias, inplace=False), euler_phase).type(input.type())
return input
mod_relu = torch.mul(F.relu(magnitude + bias, inplace=inplace), euler_phase).type(input.type())
return mod_relu
return F.relu(input, inplace=inplace)
def z_relu(input: Tensor, inplace: bool = False) -> Tensor:
if input.is_complex():
if inplace:
mask = torch.zeros_like(input)
input = torch.where(torch.angle(input) < 0, mask, input)
input = torch.where(torch.angle(input) > (math.pi / 2), mask, input)
return input
mask = torch.zeros_like(input)
z_relu = torch.where(torch.angle(input) < 0, mask, input)
z_relu = torch.where(torch.angle(z_relu) > (math.pi / 2), mask, z_relu)
return z_relu
return F.relu(input, inplace=inplace)
def c_leaky_relu(input: Tensor, negative_slope: float = 0.01, inplace: bool = False) -> Tensor:
if input.is_complex():
return torch.complex(F.leaky_relu(input=input.real, negative_slope=negative_slope, inplace=inplace), \
F.leaky_relu(input=input.imag, negative_slope=negative_slope, inplace=inplace))
return F.leaky_relu(input=input, negative_slope=negative_slope, inplace=inplace)
def mod_softmax(input: Tensor, dim: Optional[int] = None, _stacklevel: int = 3, dtype: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor:
if input.is_complex():
return F.softmax(torch.abs(input), dim=dim, _stacklevel=_stacklevel, dtype=dtype)
return F.softmax(input, dim=dim, _stacklevel=_stacklevel, dtype=dtype)
def mod_log_softmax(input: Tensor, dim: Optional[int] = None, _stacklevel: int = 3, dtype: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor:
if input.is_complex():
return F.log_softmax(torch.abs(input), dim=dim, _stacklevel=_stacklevel, dtype=dtype)
return F.log_softmax(input, dim=dim, _stacklevel=_stacklevel, dtype=dtype)
def r_softmax(input: Tensor, dim: Optional[int] = None, _stacklevel: int = 3, dtype: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor:
if input.is_complex():
return F.softmax(input.real, dim=dim, _stacklevel=_stacklevel, dtype=dtype)
return F.softmax(input, dim=dim, _stacklevel=_stacklevel, dtype=dtype)
def r_log_softmax(input: Tensor, dim: Optional[int] = None, _stacklevel: int = 3, dtype: Optional[int] = None) -> Tensor:
if input.is_complex():
return F.log_softmax(input.real, dim=dim, _stacklevel=_stacklevel, dtype=dtype)
return F.log_softmax(input, dim=dim, _stacklevel=_stacklevel, dtype=dtype)
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