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Last active October 1, 2020 08:42
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Solution to Problem 11 of Project Euler in Haskell.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Read as R
import qualified Text.Printf as F
data Direction = DiagUpRight | DiagUpLeft | DiagDownRight | DiagDownLeft | Up | Down | Left | Right deriving (Enum, Show)
getGrid :: IO [[ T.Text ]]
getGrid = do
contents <- readFile "11_res/grid.txt"
return $ map (T.splitOn " " . T.pack) $ lines contents
generatePoints :: (Num a, Enum a) => (a, a) -> Direction -> a -> [(a, a)]
generatePoints (f_x, f_y) Up len = (f_x, f_y) : [(f_x, f_y - y) | y <- [ 1..len ]]
generatePoints (f_x, f_y) Down len = (f_x, f_y) : [(f_x, f_y + y) | y <- [ 1..len ]]
generatePoints (f_x, f_y) Main.Left len = (f_x, f_y) : [(f_x - x, f_y) | x <- [ 1..len ]]
generatePoints (f_x, f_y) Main.Right len = (f_x, f_y) : [(f_x + x, f_y) | x <- [ 1..len ]]
generatePoints (f_x, f_y) DiagUpRight len = (f_x, f_y) : [(f_x + y, f_y + y) | y <- [ 1..len ]]
generatePoints (f_x, f_y) DiagUpLeft len = (f_x, f_y) : [(f_x - y, f_y + y) | y <- [ 1..len ]]
generatePoints (f_x, f_y) DiagDownRight len = (f_x, f_y) : [(f_x + x, f_y - x) | x <- [ 1..len ]]
generatePoints (f_x, f_y) DiagDownLeft len = (f_x, f_y) : [(f_x - x, f_y - x) | x <- [ 1..len ]]
getPoint :: [[T.Text]] -> (Int, Int) -> Maybe T.Text
getPoint grid (x, y)
| x > gsize || y > gsize || x < 0 || y < 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ grid !! y !! x
where gsize = length grid - 1
pointExists :: [[T.Text]] -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
pointExists grid point = M.isJust $ getPoint grid point
pointsExist :: [[T.Text]] -> [(Int, Int)] -> Bool
pointsExist grid xs = all M.isJust $ map (getPoint grid) xs
flatten :: [[a]] -> [a]
flatten xs = (\z n -> foldr (flip (foldr z)) n xs) (:) []
main :: IO ()
main = do
grid <- getGrid
let directions = [DiagUpRight ..]
let gridSize = length grid - 1
let allStartPoints = flatten [[ (x, y) | x <- [ 0 .. gridSize ] ] | y <- [ 0 .. gridSize ]]
let everyCombo = flatten [ [ generatePoints point dir 3 | point <- allStartPoints ] | dir <- directions ]
let filtered = filter (pointsExist grid) everyCombo
let actuated = take (length filtered - 2) $ map (map (getUnsafe grid)) filtered
let parsed = map (product . map parseFromText) actuated
print $ maximum parsed
where getUnsafe grid (x, y) = (grid !! y) !! x
parseFromText text = fst $ either (const $ error "Couldn't parse Decimal") id $ R.decimal text
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who is for, should i look into it

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