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Created December 27, 2017 17:03
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bytearena bot
// import SDK and vector facilities to ease development
import { vector, comm } from "bytearena-sdk";
const Vector2 = vector.Vector2;
// Connecting our agent
const agent = comm.connect();
// Watching perception stream
agent.on("perception", perception => {
const actions = [];
// Get a steering vector based on perception
let steering = navigate(perception);
// Submitting our actions for this turn
actions.push({ method: "steer", arguments: steering.toArray() });;
// Returns a steering vector exploring the world,
// or dodging an obstacle if there's any
const navigate = perception => {
// Obtain a vector steering away from obstacles
// if there's any on our path, or null if not
// This func is defined below
let steering = avoidObstables(perception);
if(!steering) {
// no obstacle has to be avoided
// we can just stroll around randomly
const direction = Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1; // -1: left, 1: right
const x = 0
const y = 3; // move forward 3 meters
steering = new Vector2(x, y);
return steering;
// Returns a vector steering away from
// an obstacle if there's any in front of us
const avoidObstables = perception => {
// this is the resulting vector (null if no vector)
let steering = null;
// this remembers the distance to the obstacle we're currently
// steering away in the algorithm below
let curdistance = null;
// for everything that stands in our field of view
for (const perceived of {
// build a vector to the closest point of the obstacle
const point = Vector2.fromArray(perceived.nearedge);
// determine the angle of this point relative to us
// angle increases clockwise, and 0 is at 12:00 on the clock
// so 0° => straight ahead, 90° => 90° to our right, 270° => 90° to our left
const angle = point.angle(); // in radians
// The magnitude of a vector is its length
// This is the distance between us and the obstacle
const distance = point.mag(); // in meters
// If obstacle is 15m away or less, and our current steering
// is not yet avoiding any closer obstacle,
// we steer away from this one
if (distance < 15 && (!curdistance || curdistance > distance)) {
if (angle < degreesToRadians(180)) {
// obstacle is on our right, moving left
steering = new Vector2(-10, 0);
} else {
// obstacle is on our left, moving right
steering = new Vector2(10, 0);
// updating distance to obstacle currently steered away
curdistance = distance;
// Done ! returning either a vector, or null
return steering;
// In Byte Arena, angles are expressed in radians
// This converts from radians to degrees
const degreesToRadians = deg => deg * (2 * Math.PI) / 360.0;
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