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Last active September 5, 2016 09:29
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Appium Log Output - Secure Cookies
Launching Appium with command: /usr/local/bin/appium --pre-launch --debug-log-spacing --log-timestamp --platform-version "9.3" --platform-name "iOS" --safari --browser-name "Safari" --udid "bbd3a999b6e882b312c5de660f2ffea333fdc0bb" --default-device --launch-timeout "90000"
2016-09-05 09:24:47:898 - [Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.5.3 (REV cc10c632a8c2803b7e62a37c9490beca8fb48128)
2016-09-05 09:24:47:901 - [Appium] Non-default server args:
2016-09-05 09:24:47:902 - [Appium] launch: true
2016-09-05 09:24:47:903 - [Appium] logTimestamp: true
2016-09-05 09:24:47:903 - [Appium] safari: true
2016-09-05 09:24:47:903 - [Appium] defaultDevice: true
2016-09-05 09:24:47:903 - [Appium] debugLogSpacing: true
2016-09-05 09:24:47:904 - [Appium] platformName: 'iOS'
2016-09-05 09:24:47:905 - [Appium] platformVersion: '9.3'
2016-09-05 09:24:47:906 - [Appium] browserName: 'Safari'
2016-09-05 09:24:47:906 - [Appium] udid: 'bbd3a999b6e882b312c5de660f2ffea333fdc0bb'
2016-09-05 09:24:47:907 - [Appium] Deprecated server args:
2016-09-05 09:24:47:907 - [Appium] --platform-name => --default-capabilities '{"platformName":"iOS"}'
2016-09-05 09:24:47:907 - [Appium] --platform-version => --default-capabilities '{"platformVersion":"9.3"}'
2016-09-05 09:24:47:907 - [Appium] --browser-name => --default-capabilities '{"browserName":"Safari"}'
2016-09-05 09:24:47:908 - [Appium] -U,--udid => --default-capabilities '{"udid":"bbd3a999b6e882b312c5de660f2ffea333fdc0bb"}'
2016-09-05 09:24:47:908 - [Appium] Default capabilities, which will be added to each request unless overridden by desired capabilities:
2016-09-05 09:24:47:921 - [Appium] platformName: 'iOS'
2016-09-05 09:24:47:922 - [Appium] platformVersion: '9.3'
2016-09-05 09:24:47:922 - [Appium] browserName: 'Safari'
2016-09-05 09:24:47:922 - [Appium] udid: 'bbd3a999b6e882b312c5de660f2ffea333fdc0bb'
2016-09-05 09:24:48:003 - [Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on
2016-09-05 09:24:49:058 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:24:49:060 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:24:49:072 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:24:49:078 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 16 ms - 121
2016-09-05 09:24:52:904 - [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session {"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName":"Safari","platformName":"iOS","version":"9.3","deviceName":"iPhone 4s","platform":"MAC"}}
2016-09-05 09:24:52:905 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.createSession() with args: [{"browserName":"Safari","p...
2016-09-05 09:24:52:907 - [Appium] Creating new IosDriver session
2016-09-05 09:24:52:908 - [Appium] Capabilities:
2016-09-05 09:24:52:908 - [Appium] browserName: 'Safari'
2016-09-05 09:24:52:909 - [Appium] platformName: 'iOS'
2016-09-05 09:24:52:909 - [Appium] version: '9.3'
2016-09-05 09:24:52:909 - [Appium] deviceName: 'iPhone 4s'
2016-09-05 09:24:52:910 - [Appium] platform: 'MAC'
2016-09-05 09:24:52:910 - [Appium] platformVersion: '9.3'
2016-09-05 09:24:52:910 - [Appium] udid: 'bbd3a999b6e882b312c5de660f2ffea333fdc0bb'
2016-09-05 09:24:52:918 - [BaseDriver] The following capabilities were provided, but are not recognized by appium: version, platform.
2016-09-05 09:24:52:920 - [BaseDriver] Session created with session id: 4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944
2016-09-05 09:24:52:921 - [debug] [iOS] Not auto-detecting udid.
2016-09-05 09:24:52:923 - [debug] [iOS] Creating iDevice object with udid bbd3a999b6e882b312c5de660f2ffea333fdc0bb
2016-09-05 09:24:54:643 - [debug] [iOS] Removing any remaining instruments sockets
2016-09-05 09:24:54:647 - [debug] [iOS] Cleaned up instruments socket /var/folders/v7/d4fvcxfx4_qbmv6fqk1z7bnr0000gn/T/instruments_sock
2016-09-05 09:24:54:648 - [debug] [iOS] No language specified. Using default strings
2016-09-05 09:24:54:652 - [debug] [iOS] Strings file not found. Looking in 'en.lproj' directory
2016-09-05 09:24:54:653 - [iOS] Could not file localizable strings file 'Localizable.strings'!
2016-09-05 09:24:54:653 - [debug] [iOS] Creating instruments
2016-09-05 09:24:54:654 - [debug] [UIAuto] Preparing bootstrap code
2016-09-05 09:24:54:654 - [debug] [UIAuto] Dynamic bootstrap dir: /Users/workray/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap
2016-09-05 09:24:54:655 - [debug] [UIAuto] Dynamic env: {"nodePath":"/usr/local/bin/node","commandProxyClientPath":"/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-ios-driver/node_modules/appium-uiauto/build/lib/bin/command-proxy-client.js","instrumentsSock":"/var/folders/v7/d4fvcxfx4_qbmv6fqk1z7bnr0000gn/T/instruments_sock","interKeyDelay":null,"justLoopInfinitely":false,"autoAcceptAlerts":false,"autoDismissAlerts":false,"sendKeyStrategy":"grouped"}
2016-09-05 09:24:54:677 - [debug] [UIAuto] Dynamic bootstrap code: // This file is automatically generated. Do not manually modify!
2016-09-05 09:24:54:677 - [debug] [UIAuto] Dynamic bootstrap path: /Users/workray/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-e1aaef5fbb1f0b1b.js
2016-09-05 09:24:54:679 - [debug] [UIAuto] Reusing dynamic bootstrap: /Users/workray/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-e1aaef5fbb1f0b1b.js
2016-09-05 09:24:54:681 - [debug] [iOS] Running ios real device reset flow
2016-09-05 09:24:54:684 - [debug] [iOSLog] Attempting iOS device log capture via libimobiledevice idevicesyslog
2016-09-05 09:24:54:685 - [debug] [iOSLog] Found idevicesyslog: '/usr/local/bin/idevicesyslog'
2016-09-05 09:24:56:597 - [debug] [iOS] App is installed.
2016-09-05 09:24:56:597 - [debug] [iOS] fullReset not requested. No need to install.
2016-09-05 09:24:56:598 - [debug] [iOS] Starting UIAutoClient, and launching Instruments.
2016-09-05 09:24:56:607 - [debug] [UIAuto] Instruments socket server started at /var/folders/v7/d4fvcxfx4_qbmv6fqk1z7bnr0000gn/T/instruments_sock
2016-09-05 09:24:56:638 - [debug] [Instruments] Instruments is at: /Applications/
2016-09-05 09:24:56:638 - [debug] [Instruments] Attempting to launch instruments, this is try #1
2016-09-05 09:24:56:639 - [Instruments] Launching instruments
2016-09-05 09:24:56:653 - [debug] [Instruments] Attempting to run app on real device with UDID 'bbd3a999b6e882b312c5de660f2ffea333fdc0bb'
2016-09-05 09:24:56:655 - [debug] [Instruments] Found Insruments-Without-Delay: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-ios-driver/node_modules/appium-instruments/thirdparty/iwd7
2016-09-05 09:24:56:656 - [debug] [Instruments] Spawning instruments with command: '/Applications/ -t /Applications/ -D /var/folders/v7/d4fvcxfx4_qbmv6fqk1z7bnr0000gn/T/appium-instruments/instrumentscli0.trace -w bbd3a999b6e882b312c5de660f2ffea333fdc0bb com.bytearc.SafariLauncher -e UIASCRIPT "/Users/workray/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-e1aaef5fbb1f0b1b.js" -e UIARESULTSPATH /var/folders/v7/d4fvcxfx4_qbmv6fqk1z7bnr0000gn/T/appium-instruments'
2016-09-05 09:24:56:656 - [debug] [Instruments] And extra without-delay env: {}
2016-09-05 09:24:56:656 - [debug] [Instruments] And launch timeouts (in ms): {"global":90000}
2016-09-05 09:24:58:166 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST STDERR] 2016-09-05 10:24:58.165 instruments[55454:997379] WebKit Threading Violation - initial use of WebKit from a secondary thread.
2016-09-05 09:25:00:152 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:00:152 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:01:152 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status - - ms - -
2016-09-05 09:25:02:227 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:02:227 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:03:226 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status - - ms - -
2016-09-05 09:25:03:357 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:03:357 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:04:300 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:04:301 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:04:356 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status - - ms - -
2016-09-05 09:25:05:299 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status - - ms - -
2016-09-05 09:25:05:430 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:05:430 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:05:786 - [UIAuto] Instruments is ready to receive commands
2016-09-05 09:25:05:787 - [debug] [iOS] Instruments launched. Starting poll loop for new commands.
2016-09-05 09:25:05:788 - [debug] [iOS] Setting bootstrap config keys/values
2016-09-05 09:25:05:790 - [debug] [UIAuto] Socket data received (2 bytes)
2016-09-05 09:25:05:791 - [debug] [UIAuto] Got a result when we were not expecting one! Ignoring it
2016-09-05 09:25:05:792 - [debug] [UIAuto] Sending command to instruments: target = $.target();
au = $;
$.isVerbose = true;
2016-09-05 09:25:06:370 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:06:371 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:06:430 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status - - ms - -
2016-09-05 09:25:06:679 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:06 +0000 Debug: evaluation finished
2016-09-05 09:25:06:680 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:06 +0000 Debug: responding with:
2016-09-05 09:25:06:680 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:06 +0000 Debug: Running system command #1: /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-ios-driver/node_modules/appium-uiauto/build/lib/bin/command-proxy-client.js /var/folders/v7/d4fvcxfx4_qbmv6fqk1z7bnr0000gn/T/instruments_sock 2,{"status":0,"value":true}...
2016-09-05 09:25:06:751 - [debug] [UIAuto] Socket data received (27 bytes)
2016-09-05 09:25:06:752 - [debug] [UIAuto] Got result from instruments: {"status":0,"value":true}
2016-09-05 09:25:06:753 - [debug] [iOS] Setting initial orientation to PORTRAIT
2016-09-05 09:25:06:753 - [debug] [UIAuto] Sending command to instruments: au.setScreenOrientation('PORTRAIT')
2016-09-05 09:25:07:368 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status - - ms - -
2016-09-05 09:25:07:507 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:07:507 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:07:773 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:07 +0000 Debug: Got new command 1 from instruments: au.setScreenOrientation('PORTRAIT')
2016-09-05 09:25:07:774 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:07 +0000 Debug: evaluating au.setScreenOrientation('PORTRAIT')
2016-09-05 09:25:07:775 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:07 +0000 Debug: target.setDeviceOrientation("1")
2016-09-05 09:25:08:441 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:08:441 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:08:507 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status - - ms - -
2016-09-05 09:25:08:732 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:08 +0000 Debug: evaluation finished
2016-09-05 09:25:08:732 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:08 +0000 Debug: responding with:
2016-09-05 09:25:08:733 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:08 +0000 Debug: Running system command #2: /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-ios-driver/node_modules/appium-uiauto/build/lib/bin/command-proxy-client.js /var/folders/v7/d4fvcxfx4_qbmv6fqk1z7bnr0000gn/T/instruments_sock 2,{"status":0,"value":"PORTRAIT"}...
2016-09-05 09:25:08:804 - [debug] [UIAuto] Socket data received (33 bytes)
2016-09-05 09:25:08:805 - [debug] [UIAuto] Got result from instruments: {"status":0,"value":"PORTRAIT"}
2016-09-05 09:25:08:806 - [debug] [iOS] Attempting to launch Safari from Safari Launcher
2016-09-05 09:25:08:808 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Waiting up to 0 ms for condition
2016-09-05 09:25:08:810 - [debug] [UIAuto] Sending command to instruments: au.getElementByAccessibilityId('launch safari')
2016-09-05 09:25:09:440 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status - - ms - -
2016-09-05 09:25:09:581 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:09:581 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:09:836 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:09 +0000 Debug: Got new command 2 from instruments: au.getElementByAccessibilityId('launch safari')
2016-09-05 09:25:09:836 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:09 +0000 Debug: evaluating au.getElementByAccessibilityId('launch safari')
2016-09-05 09:25:09:917 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:09 +0000 Debug: evaluation finished
2016-09-05 09:25:09:917 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:09 +0000 Debug: Lookup returned [object UIAButton] with the name "launch safari" (id: 0).
2016-09-05 09:25:09:918 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:09 +0000 Debug: responding with:
2016-09-05 09:25:09:919 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:09 +0000 Debug: Running system command #3: /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-ios-driver/node_modules/appium-uiauto/build/lib/bin/command-proxy-client.js /var/folders/v7/d4fvcxfx4_qbmv6fqk1z7bnr0000gn/T/instruments_sock 2,{"status":0,"value":{"ELEMENT":"0"}}...
2016-09-05 09:25:09:989 - [debug] [UIAuto] Socket data received (38 bytes)
2016-09-05 09:25:09:990 - [debug] [UIAuto] Got result from instruments: {"status":0,"value":{"ELEMENT":"0"}}
2016-09-05 09:25:09:991 - [debug] [UIAuto] Sending command to instruments: au.tapById('0')
2016-09-05 09:25:10:508 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:10:508 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:10:580 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status - - ms - -
2016-09-05 09:25:10:937 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:10 +0000 Debug: Got new command 3 from instruments: au.tapById('0')
2016-09-05 09:25:10:938 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:10 +0000 Debug: evaluating au.tapById('0')
2016-09-05 09:25:10:940 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:10 +0000 Debug: UIAButton.tap()
2016-09-05 09:25:11:363 - [debug] [UIAuto] Socket data received (25 bytes)
2016-09-05 09:25:11:364 - [debug] [UIAuto] Got result from instruments: {"status":0,"value":""}
2016-09-05 09:25:11:364 - [debug] [iOS] Clicked button, safari should be launching.
2016-09-05 09:25:11:365 - [debug] [iOS] Waiting for initial webview
2016-09-05 09:25:11:365 - [debug] [iOS] Waiting for 3000 ms before navigating to view.
2016-09-05 09:25:11:508 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status - - ms - -
2016-09-05 09:25:11:658 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:11:658 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:12:579 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:12:579 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:12:662 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status - - ms - -
2016-09-05 09:25:13:579 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status - - ms - -
2016-09-05 09:25:13:729 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:13:730 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:14:371 - [debug] [iOS] Navigating to most recently opened webview
2016-09-05 09:25:14:372 - [debug] [iOS] Retrieving contexts and views
2016-09-05 09:25:14:373 - [debug] [iOS] Selecting by url: true (expected url: 'undefined')
2016-09-05 09:25:14:374 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Getting WebKitRemoteDebugger pageArray: localhost, 27753
2016-09-05 09:25:14:375 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending request to: http://localhost:27753/json
2016-09-05 09:25:14:399 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Page element JSON: []
2016-09-05 09:25:14:400 - [debug] [iOS] No web frames found.
2016-09-05 09:25:14:400 - [iOS] Could not find any webviews yet, refreshing/retrying
2016-09-05 09:25:14:642 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:14:642 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:14:729 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status - - ms - -
2016-09-05 09:25:14:906 - [debug] [iOS] Retrieving contexts and views
2016-09-05 09:25:14:906 - [debug] [iOS] Selecting by url: true (expected url: 'undefined')
2016-09-05 09:25:14:907 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Getting WebKitRemoteDebugger pageArray: localhost, 27753
2016-09-05 09:25:14:907 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending request to: http://localhost:27753/json
2016-09-05 09:25:14:914 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Page element JSON: [{"devtoolsFrontendUrl":"/devtools/devtools.html?ws=localhost:27753/devtools/page/3","faviconUrl":"","thumbnailUrl":"/thumb/about:blank","title":"","url":"about:blank","webSocketDebuggerUrl":"ws://localhost:27753/devtools/page/3","appId":"PID:477"}]
2016-09-05 09:25:14:915 - [iOS] Could not find any webviews yet, refreshing/retrying
2016-09-05 09:25:15:417 - [debug] [iOS] Retrieving contexts and views
2016-09-05 09:25:15:418 - [debug] [iOS] Selecting by url: true (expected url: 'undefined')
2016-09-05 09:25:15:418 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Getting WebKitRemoteDebugger pageArray: localhost, 27753
2016-09-05 09:25:15:418 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending request to: http://localhost:27753/json
2016-09-05 09:25:15:422 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Page element JSON: [{"devtoolsFrontendUrl":"/devtools/devtools.html?ws=localhost:27753/devtools/page/3","faviconUrl":"","thumbnailUrl":"/thumb/","title":"Apple","url":"","webSocketDebuggerUrl":"ws://localhost:27753/devtools/page/3","appId":"PID:477"}]
2016-09-05 09:25:15:422 - [debug] [iOS] Picking webview 'WEBVIEW_3'
2016-09-05 09:25:15:423 - [debug] [iOS] Attempting to set context to 'WEBVIEW_3'
2016-09-05 09:25:15:436 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] WebKit debugger web socket connected to url: ws://localhost:27753/devtools/page/3
2016-09-05 09:25:15:437 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Unregistering from page readiness notifications
2016-09-05 09:25:15:438 - [Appium] New IosDriver session created successfully, session 4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944 added to master session list
2016-09-05 09:25:15:439 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.createSession() result: {"webStorageEnabled":false,...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:441 - [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session 200 22536 ms - 599
2016-09-05 09:25:15:451 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:461 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:469 - [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/url {"url":""}
2016-09-05 09:25:15:471 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.setUrl() with args: ["
2016-09-05 09:25:15:474 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'setUrl'
2016-09-05 09:25:15:475 - [debug] [iOS] Attempting to set url ''
2016-09-05 09:25:15:476 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Navigating to new URL:
2016-09-05 09:25:15:477 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Page.navigate","...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:481 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:489 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:497 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:505 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:515 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:524 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:534 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:543 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:553 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:560 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:569 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:577 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:580 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 937 ms - 121
2016-09-05 09:25:15:787 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:15:787 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:15:795 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:15:796 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 9 ms - 121
2016-09-05 09:25:17:529 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{},"id":1}
2016-09-05 09:25:17:529 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '1'
2016-09-05 09:25:17:530 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received page navigated message: {"result":{},"id":1}
2016-09-05 09:25:18:536 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Waiting for dom...
2016-09-05 09:25:18:540 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Page loaded, verifying whether ready
2016-09-05 09:25:19:043 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Checking document readyState
2016-09-05 09:25:19:043 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function (){ return docume...
2016-09-05 09:25:19:044 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:19:139 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:19:139 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '2'
2016-09-05 09:25:19:141 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] readyState was "interactive"
2016-09-05 09:25:19:141 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Page was not ready, retrying
2016-09-05 09:25:19:644 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Checking document readyState
2016-09-05 09:25:19:644 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function (){ return docume...
2016-09-05 09:25:19:645 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:19:655 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:19:655 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '3'
2016-09-05 09:25:19:656 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] readyState was "complete"
2016-09-05 09:25:19:656 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Page is ready
2016-09-05 09:25:19:656 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.setUrl() result: null
2016-09-05 09:25:19:657 - [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/url 200 4188 ms - 76
2016-09-05 09:25:19:665 - [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element {"using":"css selector","value":"#Email"}
2016-09-05 09:25:19:666 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.findElement() with args: ["css selector","#Email","4...
2016-09-05 09:25:19:666 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'findElement'
2016-09-05 09:25:19:668 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Waiting up to 0 ms for condition
2016-09-05 09:25:19:670 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'find_element' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:19:671 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:19:672 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:19:752 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:19:752 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '4'
2016-09-05 09:25:19:753 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'find_element' execution: {"ELEMENT":":wdc:1473067519744"}
2016-09-05 09:25:20:185 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.findElement() result: {"ELEMENT":"5000"}
2016-09-05 09:25:20:186 - [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element 200 521 ms - 90
2016-09-05 09:25:20:193 - [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element/5000/value {"id":"5000","value":["email.address"]}
2016-09-05 09:25:20:193 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.setValue() with args: [["email.address"],"5000","4a...
2016-09-05 09:25:20:194 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'setValue'
2016-09-05 09:25:20:196 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'click' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:20:196 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:20:197 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:20:478 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:20:478 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '5'
2016-09-05 09:25:20:479 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'click' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:20:717 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'type' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:20:718 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:20:719 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:20:958 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:20:958 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '6'
2016-09-05 09:25:20:959 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'type' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:21:225 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.setValue() result: null
2016-09-05 09:25:21:228 - [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element/5000/value 200 1034 ms - 76
2016-09-05 09:25:21:234 - [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element {"using":"css selector","value":"input#next"}
2016-09-05 09:25:21:235 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.findElement() with args: ["css selector","input#next...
2016-09-05 09:25:21:235 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'findElement'
2016-09-05 09:25:21:236 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Waiting up to 0 ms for condition
2016-09-05 09:25:21:236 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'find_element' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:21:237 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:21:237 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:21:306 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:21:306 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '7'
2016-09-05 09:25:21:307 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'find_element' execution: {"ELEMENT":":wdc:1473067519745"}
2016-09-05 09:25:21:743 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.findElement() result: {"ELEMENT":"5001"}
2016-09-05 09:25:21:745 - [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element 200 510 ms - 90
2016-09-05 09:25:21:749 - [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element/5001/click {"id":"5001"}
2016-09-05 09:25:21:749 - [MJSONWP] Calling with args: ["5001","4af23a56-060e-475d...
2016-09-05 09:25:21:750 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'click'
2016-09-05 09:25:21:750 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'click' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:21:752 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:21:752 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:22:201 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:22:201 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '8'
2016-09-05 09:25:22:202 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'click' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:22:259 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with result: null
2016-09-05 09:25:22:259 - [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element/5001/click 200 510 ms - 76
2016-09-05 09:25:22:263 - [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element {"using":"css selector","value":"#Passwd"}
2016-09-05 09:25:22:264 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.findElement() with args: ["css selector","#Passwd","...
2016-09-05 09:25:22:264 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'findElement'
2016-09-05 09:25:22:264 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Waiting up to 0 ms for condition
2016-09-05 09:25:22:265 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'find_element' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:22:265 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:22:267 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:22:592 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:22:592 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '9'
2016-09-05 09:25:22:593 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'find_element' execution: {"ELEMENT":":wdc:1473067519746"}
2016-09-05 09:25:22:791 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.findElement() result: {"ELEMENT":"5002"}
2016-09-05 09:25:22:792 - [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element 200 528 ms - 90
2016-09-05 09:25:22:809 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element/5002/displayed {}
2016-09-05 09:25:22:810 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.elementDisplayed() with args: ["5002","4af23a56-060e-475d...
2016-09-05 09:25:22:810 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'elementDisplayed'
2016-09-05 09:25:22:822 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'is_displayed' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:22:823 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:22:823 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:22:931 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:22:931 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '10'
2016-09-05 09:25:22:932 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'is_displayed' execution: true
2016-09-05 09:25:23:329 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.elementDisplayed() result: true
2016-09-05 09:25:23:330 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element/5002/displayed 200 521 ms - 76
2016-09-05 09:25:23:334 - [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element/5002/value {"id":"5002","value":["***"]}
2016-09-05 09:25:23:335 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.setValue() with args: [["***"],"5002","4af23...
2016-09-05 09:25:23:335 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'setValue'
2016-09-05 09:25:23:336 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'click' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:23:337 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:23:337 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:23:487 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:23:488 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '11'
2016-09-05 09:25:23:488 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'click' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:23:840 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'type' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:23:841 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:23:842 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:24:013 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:24:013 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '12'
2016-09-05 09:25:24:014 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'type' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:24:346 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.setValue() result: null
2016-09-05 09:25:24:348 - [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element/5002/value 200 1013 ms - 76
2016-09-05 09:25:24:351 - [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element {"using":"css selector","value":"input#signIn"}
2016-09-05 09:25:24:352 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.findElement() with args: ["css selector","input#sign...
2016-09-05 09:25:24:352 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'findElement'
2016-09-05 09:25:24:353 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Waiting up to 0 ms for condition
2016-09-05 09:25:24:354 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'find_element' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:24:354 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:24:355 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:24:418 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:24:418 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '13'
2016-09-05 09:25:24:418 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'find_element' execution: {"ELEMENT":":wdc:1473067519747"}
2016-09-05 09:25:24:861 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.findElement() result: {"ELEMENT":"5003"}
2016-09-05 09:25:24:862 - [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element 200 510 ms - 90
2016-09-05 09:25:24:865 - [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element/5003/click {"id":"5003"}
2016-09-05 09:25:24:866 - [MJSONWP] Calling with args: ["5003","4af23a56-060e-475d...
2016-09-05 09:25:24:866 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'click'
2016-09-05 09:25:24:867 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'click' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:24:868 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:24:869 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:25:130 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:25:130 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '14'
2016-09-05 09:25:25:131 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'click' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:25:376 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with result: null
2016-09-05 09:25:25:376 - [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/element/5003/click 200 511 ms - 76
2016-09-05 09:25:25:381 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/title {}
2016-09-05 09:25:25:381 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.title() with args: ["4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-f...
2016-09-05 09:25:25:381 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'title'
2016-09-05 09:25:25:390 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'title' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:25:391 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:25:391 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:25:452 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:25:452 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '15'
2016-09-05 09:25:25:453 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'title' execution: "Sign in - Google Accounts"
2016-09-05 09:25:25:895 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.title() result: "Sign in - Google Accounts"
2016-09-05 09:25:25:895 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/title 200 514 ms - 99
2016-09-05 09:25:26:403 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/title {}
2016-09-05 09:25:26:404 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.title() with args: ["4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-f...
2016-09-05 09:25:26:404 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'title'
2016-09-05 09:25:26:405 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'title' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:26:405 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:26:407 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:26:448 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:26:448 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '16'
2016-09-05 09:25:26:449 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'title' execution: "Sign in - Google Accounts"
2016-09-05 09:25:26:720 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:26:720 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:26:730 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:26:732 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 11 ms - 121
2016-09-05 09:25:26:912 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.title() result: "Sign in - Google Accounts"
2016-09-05 09:25:26:913 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/title 200 510 ms - 99
2016-09-05 09:25:26:921 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:26:922 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:26:930 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:26:931 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 10 ms - 121
2016-09-05 09:25:27:419 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/title {}
2016-09-05 09:25:27:420 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.title() with args: ["4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-f...
2016-09-05 09:25:27:420 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'title'
2016-09-05 09:25:27:421 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'title' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:27:421 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:27:422 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:27:539 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:27:539 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '17'
2016-09-05 09:25:27:540 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'title' execution: ""
2016-09-05 09:25:27:972 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.title() result: ""
2016-09-05 09:25:27:974 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/title 200 554 ms - 74
2016-09-05 09:25:28:484 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/title {}
2016-09-05 09:25:28:485 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.title() with args: ["4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-f...
2016-09-05 09:25:28:485 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'title'
2016-09-05 09:25:28:485 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'title' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:28:486 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:28:486 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:28:992 - [debug] [iOS] atom did not return yet, checking to see if we are blocked by an alert
2016-09-05 09:25:28:992 - [debug] [UIAuto] Sending command to instruments: au.alertIsPresent()
2016-09-05 09:25:28:999 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:11 +0000 Debug: evaluation finished
2016-09-05 09:25:29:000 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:11 +0000 Debug: responding with:
2016-09-05 09:25:29:001 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:11 +0000 Debug: Running system command #4: /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-ios-driver/node_modules/appium-uiauto/build/lib/bin/command-proxy-client.js /var/folders/v7/d4fvcxfx4_qbmv6fqk1z7bnr0000gn/T/instruments_sock 2,{"status":0,"value":""}...
2016-09-05 09:25:29:021 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:29:021 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '18'
2016-09-05 09:25:29:022 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'title' execution: "My Account"
2016-09-05 09:25:29:390 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:29 +0000 Debug: Got new command 4 from instruments: au.alertIsPresent()
2016-09-05 09:25:29:391 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:29 +0000 Debug: evaluating au.alertIsPresent()
2016-09-05 09:25:32:374 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status {}
2016-09-05 09:25:32:374 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2016-09-05 09:25:32:382 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.5.3"...
2016-09-05 09:25:32:383 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 9 ms - 121
2016-09-05 09:25:34:178 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:34 +0000 Debug: evaluation finished
2016-09-05 09:25:34:179 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:34 +0000 Debug: responding with:
2016-09-05 09:25:34:180 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:34 +0000 Debug: Running system command #5: /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-ios-driver/node_modules/appium-uiauto/build/lib/bin/command-proxy-client.js /var/folders/v7/d4fvcxfx4_qbmv6fqk1z7bnr0000gn/T/instruments_sock 2,{"status":0,"value":false}...
2016-09-05 09:25:34:327 - [debug] [UIAuto] Socket data received (28 bytes)
2016-09-05 09:25:34:327 - [debug] [UIAuto] Got result from instruments: {"status":0,"value":false}
2016-09-05 09:25:34:328 - [debug] [iOS] No alert found.
2016-09-05 09:25:34:328 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.title() result: "My Account"
2016-09-05 09:25:34:329 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/title 200 5845 ms - 84
2016-09-05 09:25:34:333 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/cookie {}
2016-09-05 09:25:34:334 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getCookies() with args: ["4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-f...
2016-09-05 09:25:34:334 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'getCookies'
2016-09-05 09:25:34:336 - [debug] [iOS] Retrieving all cookies
2016-09-05 09:25:34:337 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'execute_script' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:34:337 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:34:337 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:34:363 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:34:363 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '19'
2016-09-05 09:25:34:363 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'execute_script' execution: "__utma=245730968.802169054.1473067529.1473067529.1473067529.1; __utmb=245730968.1.10.1473067529; __utmc=245730968; __utmt_t0=1;|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/ServiceLogin; APISID=G_dNXpzzqBeVWnfS/Abbw7Oe9VjChcMGo8; CONSENT=YES+GB.en+20150719-14-0; SAPISID=Jy6gDFiC45lJvcaq/AB_ZFPbUzfyXL-l8b; SID=uQOXkT_4AQHKu8y2mbilmDktTXYotuAnv1GW_-MrW2QLjFYhZt7VWvUWz6GFUsQ-nkgz9A."
2016-09-05 09:25:34:842 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getCookies() result: [{"name":"__utma","value":"...
2016-09-05 09:25:34:843 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/cookie 200 510 ms - 618
2016-09-05 09:25:34:868 - [HTTP] --> DELETE /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/cookie {}
2016-09-05 09:25:34:869 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.deleteCookies() with args: ["4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-f...
2016-09-05 09:25:34:869 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'deleteCookies'
2016-09-05 09:25:34:870 - [debug] [iOS] Retrieving all cookies
2016-09-05 09:25:34:870 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'execute_script' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:34:870 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:34:872 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:34:910 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:34:911 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '20'
2016-09-05 09:25:34:911 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'execute_script' execution: "__utma=245730968.802169054.1473067529.1473067529.1473067529.1; __utmb=245730968.1.10.1473067529; __utmc=245730968; __utmt_t0=1;|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/ServiceLogin; APISID=G_dNXpzzqBeVWnfS/Abbw7Oe9VjChcMGo8; CONSENT=YES+GB.en+20150719-14-0; SAPISID=Jy6gDFiC45lJvcaq/AB_ZFPbUzfyXL-l8b; SID=uQOXkT_4AQHKu8y2mbilmDktTXYotuAnv1GW_-MrW2QLjFYhZt7VWvUWz6GFUsQ-nkgz9A."
2016-09-05 09:25:35:377 - [debug] [iOS] Deleting cookie '__utma'
2016-09-05 09:25:35:388 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'execute_script' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:35:388 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:35:389 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:35:410 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:35:410 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '21'
2016-09-05 09:25:35:411 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'execute_script' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:35:894 - [debug] [iOS] Deleting cookie '__utmb'
2016-09-05 09:25:35:895 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'execute_script' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:35:896 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:35:896 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:35:957 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:35:958 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '22'
2016-09-05 09:25:35:958 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'execute_script' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:36:402 - [debug] [iOS] Deleting cookie '__utmc'
2016-09-05 09:25:36:402 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'execute_script' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:36:402 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:36:403 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:36:428 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:36:428 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '23'
2016-09-05 09:25:36:428 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'execute_script' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:36:905 - [debug] [iOS] Deleting cookie '__utmt_t0'
2016-09-05 09:25:36:906 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'execute_script' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:36:906 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:36:906 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:36:931 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:36:931 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '24'
2016-09-05 09:25:36:932 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'execute_script' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:37:411 - [debug] [iOS] Deleting cookie '__utmz'
2016-09-05 09:25:37:412 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'execute_script' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:37:412 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:37:412 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:37:432 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:37:432 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '25'
2016-09-05 09:25:37:433 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'execute_script' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:37:917 - [debug] [iOS] Deleting cookie 'APISID'
2016-09-05 09:25:37:917 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'execute_script' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:37:918 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:37:918 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:37:941 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:37:941 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '26'
2016-09-05 09:25:37:942 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'execute_script' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:38:423 - [debug] [iOS] Deleting cookie 'CONSENT'
2016-09-05 09:25:38:424 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'execute_script' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:38:424 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:38:424 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:38:446 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:38:446 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '27'
2016-09-05 09:25:38:446 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'execute_script' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:38:929 - [debug] [iOS] Deleting cookie 'SAPISID'
2016-09-05 09:25:38:929 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'execute_script' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:38:929 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:38:930 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:38:955 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:38:955 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '28'
2016-09-05 09:25:38:955 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'execute_script' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:39:435 - [debug] [iOS] Deleting cookie 'SID'
2016-09-05 09:25:39:436 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'execute_script' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:39:436 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:39:436 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:39:458 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:39:459 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '29'
2016-09-05 09:25:39:459 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'execute_script' execution: null
2016-09-05 09:25:39:939 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.deleteCookies() result: true
2016-09-05 09:25:39:939 - [HTTP] <-- DELETE /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/cookie 200 5071 ms - 76
2016-09-05 09:25:39:957 - [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/refresh {}
2016-09-05 09:25:39:957 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.refresh() with args: ["4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-f...
2016-09-05 09:25:39:958 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'refresh'
2016-09-05 09:25:39:965 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'refresh' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:39:965 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:39:966 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:40:008 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:40:009 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '30'
2016-09-05 09:25:40:010 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'refresh' execution: {"status":0}
2016-09-05 09:25:40:471 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.refresh() result: null
2016-09-05 09:25:40:473 - [HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/refresh 200 516 ms - 76
2016-09-05 09:25:40:476 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/cookie {}
2016-09-05 09:25:40:477 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.getCookies() with args: ["4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-f...
2016-09-05 09:25:40:477 - [debug] [iOS] Executing iOS command 'getCookies'
2016-09-05 09:25:40:478 - [debug] [iOS] Retrieving all cookies
2016-09-05 09:25:40:478 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Executing 'execute_script' atom in default context
2016-09-05 09:25:40:478 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending javascript command (function(){return function...
2016-09-05 09:25:40:479 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Sending WebKit data: {"method":"Runtime.evaluate...
2016-09-05 09:25:40:658 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Receiving WebKit data: {"result":{"result":{"type"...
2016-09-05 09:25:40:659 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Found handler for message '31'
2016-09-05 09:25:40:659 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Received result for atom 'execute_script' execution: "__utma=245730968.802169054.1473067529.1473067529.1473067529.1; __utmb=245730968.1.10.1473067529; __utmc=245730968; __utmt_t0=1;|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/ServiceLogin; APISID=G_dNXpzzqBeVWnfS/Abbw7Oe9VjChcMGo8; CONSENT=YES+GB.en+20150719-14-0; SAPISID=Jy6gDFiC45lJvcaq/AB_ZFPbUzfyXL-l8b; SID=uQOXkT_4AQHKu8y2mbilmDktTXYotuAnv1GW_-MrW2QLjFYhZt7VWvUWz6GFUsQ-nkgz9A."
2016-09-05 09:25:40:980 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.getCookies() result: [{"name":"__utma","value":"...
2016-09-05 09:25:40:980 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944/cookie 200 504 ms - 618
2016-09-05 09:25:40:985 - [HTTP] --> DELETE /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944 {}
2016-09-05 09:25:40:986 - [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.deleteSession() with args: ["4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-f...
2016-09-05 09:25:40:987 - [debug] [iOS] Deleting ios session
2016-09-05 09:25:40:987 - [debug] [UIAuto] Destroying instruments client socket.
2016-09-05 09:25:40:988 - [debug] [UIAuto] Closing socket server.
2016-09-05 09:25:40:989 - [debug] [UIAuto] Instruments socket server was closed
2016-09-05 09:25:40:989 - [debug] [Instruments] Starting shutdown.
2016-09-05 09:25:40:990 - [debug] [Instruments] Sending sigterm to instruments
2016-09-05 09:25:40:993 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] 2016-09-05 09:25:40 +0000 Stopped: Script was stopped by the user
2016-09-05 09:25:41:102 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST STDERR] 2016-09-05 10:25:41.101 instruments[55454:997635] Attempting to change event horizon while disengage
2016-09-05 09:25:41:970 - [debug] [Instruments] [INST] Instruments Trace Complete (Duration : 40.649593s; Output : /var/folders/v7/d4fvcxfx4_qbmv6fqk1z7bnr0000gn/T/appium-instruments/instrumentscli0.trace)
2016-09-05 09:25:41:983 - [debug] [Instruments] Instruments exited with code 0
2016-09-05 09:25:41:984 - [debug] [iOSLog] Stopping iOS log capture
2016-09-05 09:25:41:985 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] Disconnecting from WebKit remote debugger
2016-09-05 09:25:41:986 - [debug] [iOS] Running ios real device reset flow
2016-09-05 09:25:41:987 - [Appium] Removing session 4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944 from our master session list
2016-09-05 09:25:41:988 - [debug] [MJSONWP] Received response: null
2016-09-05 09:25:41:989 - [debug] [MJSONWP] But deleting session, so not returning
2016-09-05 09:25:41:989 - [MJSONWP] Responding to client with driver.deleteSession() result: null
2016-09-05 09:25:41:989 - [HTTP] <-- DELETE /wd/hub/session/4af23a56-060e-475d-8fed-fe5d8d996944 200 1004 ms - 76
2016-09-05 09:25:41:990 - [debug] [RemoteDebugger] WebKit remote debugger socket disconnected
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