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Created May 25, 2023 02:17
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nextjs dynamic route mdx

To create a dynamic route using Next.js and MDX, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the required packages:

    npm install next-mdx-remote @mdx-js/react
  2. Create a new page in the pages directory with the following file structure:

    - pages
      - posts
        - [slug].js
  3. Inside the [slug].js file, import the necessary modules:

    import { getFiles, getFileBySlug } from '../../lib/mdx'
    import { MDXRemote } from 'next-mdx-remote'
    import { serialize } from 'next-mdx-remote/serialize'
  4. Define the main component of the page:

    export default function PostPage({ source }) {
      return (
          <MDXRemote {...source} />
  5. Implement the getStaticPaths and getStaticProps functions to fetch the necessary data for the dynamic route:

    export async function getStaticPaths() {
      const posts = await getFiles('posts') // Get the list of post files
      const paths = => ({
        params: { slug: post.replace(/\.mdx/, '') },
      return { paths, fallback: false }
    export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
      const { slug } = params
      const post = await getFileBySlug('posts', slug)
      const mdxSource = await serialize(post.content) // Serialize MDX content
      return { props: { source: mdxSource } }
  6. Implement the necessary helper functions to fetch the post data. In this example, we're using the fs module to read the MDX files from the posts directory:

    import fs from 'fs'
    import path from 'path'
    import matter from 'gray-matter'
    const root = process.cwd()
    export async function getFiles(type) {
      return fs.readdirSync(path.join(root, 'data', type))
    export async function getFileBySlug(type, slug) {
      const source = slug
        ? fs.readFileSync(path.join(root, 'data', type, `${slug}.mdx`), 'utf8')
        : fs.readFileSync(path.join(root, 'data', `${type}.mdx`), 'utf8')
      const { data, content } = matter(source)
      return { frontMatter: data, content }
  7. Create a directory named data in your project root and place your MDX files inside the posts directory. For example:

    - data
      - posts
        - hello-world.mdx
        - another-post.mdx
  8. Finally, run your Next.js development server:

    npm run dev

You should now be able to access dynamic routes for your MDX posts. For example, if you have a post with the filename hello-world.mdx, you can access it at /posts/hello-world.

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