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Created May 28, 2019 06:40
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PICO-8 Transformer

  • Disallows LuaLibs
  • Disallows classes
  • Disallows iifes if (x = 0)
  • Disallows non-tuple return methods

for loops


Can be used briefly to weed out any code that unexpectedly generates tables, functions or extra boilerplate code.

Useful for code that may be executed many times.

function x() {}             // -> function x() end          ✔ Lua equivilent
x = x + 1;                  // -> x = x + 1                 ✔ Lua equivilent
func();                     // -> func()                    ✔ Lua equivilent
x = {}                      // -> x = {}                    ✔ Lua equivilent
x += 1;                     // -> x = x + 1                 ✔ Same logic
x++;                        // -> x = x + 1                 ✔ Same logic
[x] = [0];                  // -> x = 0                     ✔ Different way but same logic
[[x]] = [[x]];              // -> ____ = {{x}} ...          ❌ This destructure requires a table
[x, y] = tuple();           // -> x, y = tuple()            ✔ Tuple return destructure
x = array();                // -> x = { array() }           ❌ This assignment requires a table
[x, y] = array();           // -> ____ = array() ...        ❌ Non-tuple-return destructure
y = x++;                    // -> y = (function() ...end)   ❌ This assignment requires an iife
x = x = x + 1;              // -> x = (function() ... end)  ❌ This assignment requires an iife
class Player {}             // -> [Class Construction]      ❌ No classes
for (...)                   // -> varies                    ❌ No complex for-loop iteration
switch (...)                // -> switch ...                ❌ There is no Lua equivilent for this
x instanceof y              // -> __TS__InstanceOf...       ❌ There is no Lua equivilent for this


Only transforms control statements that have a Lua equivilent.

Transformation Kinds

Shorthand - Transforms to Lua equivilent code without using an extra table, function or statement. Minor Workaround - Transforms to Lua equivilent code using multiple statements but no tables or functions. Major Workaround - Transforms to Lua equivilent code that uses functions, tables and as many statements as it wants.

for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {}  // -> for i=0, 6, 1
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