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Last active May 21, 2024 08:12
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Convert a ssh-keygen public key to XML format for C# use.
def convert_openssh_key_to_xml(key, verbose=False):
"""Convert Public Key to XML format for C# usage.
See for details.
.. code-block: python
>>> public_key = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDz[...]"
>>> xml_public_key = convert_openssh_key_to_xml(public_key, verbose=True)
>>> print(xml_public_key)
Exponent: 65537 (0x 010001)
Modulus: 306795311757[...] (0x 00 f3 07 [...])
key (str): The key to be converted.
verbose (bool): If key content should be printed. Defaults to ``False``.
str: The XML formatted RSA key.
_xml_template = "<RSAKeyValue>\n\t<Modulus>{0}</Modulus>\n\t<Exponent>{1}</Exponent>\n</RSAKeyValue>"
raw = base64.b64decode(key.split(' ')[-1].strip())
# Read out algorithm
n_byte_algorithm = struct.unpack(">I", raw[:4])[0]
algorithm = raw[4:4+n_byte_algorithm]
offset = 4 + n_byte_algorithm
# Read out exponent
n_byte_exponent = struct.unpack(">I", raw[offset:offset + 4])[0]
offset += 4
exponent = raw[offset: offset + n_byte_exponent]
offset += n_byte_exponent
# Read modulus
n_byte_modulus = struct.unpack(">I", raw[offset:offset + 4])[0]
offset += 4
modulus = raw[offset:offset + n_byte_modulus]
offset += n_byte_modulus
if verbose:
exponent_hex = " ".join(map(lambda x: hex(x)[2:].zfill(2),
struct.unpack('{0}B'.format(n_byte_exponent), exponent)))
modulus_hex = " ".join(map(lambda x: hex(x)[2:].zfill(2),
struct.unpack('{0}B'.format(n_byte_modulus), modulus)))
print("Exponent: {0} (0x {1})".format(int(exponent_hex.replace(' ', ''), 16), exponent_hex.replace(' ', '')))
print("Modulus: {0} (0x {1})".format(int(modulus_hex.replace(' ', ''), 16), modulus_hex))
return _xml_template.format(base64.b64encode(modulus[1:]),
base64.b64encode(exponent)).replace('\t', 4 * ' ')
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