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Last active May 22, 2021 19:05
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  • Save hbshrestha/87f449abdf448c6952da5e9b2009b271 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#Number of frames equivalent to number of rows
top_clubs=["Atletico Madrid","Real Madrid","FC Barcelona"]
x_init = np.array([1])
initial_data = []
for club in top_clubs:
y_axis = np.array(df.loc[0, club])
initial_data.append(go.Scatter(x =x_init, y = y_axis,mode = "lines",name = club))
# Frames
frames = [] #Initialize as an empty list
for f in range(1,numOfFrames):
x_axis = np.arange(1,f+1)
current_data = []
for club in top_clubs:
current_club = df[club]
y_axis = np.array(df.loc[1:f, club])
current_data.append(go.Scatter(x = x_axis, y = y_axis,mode = "lines", name = club))
current_frame = go.Frame(data = current_data)
layout={"title":"La Liga 2020/21 Race",
"title_x":0.5, #Set title alignment to centre
"xaxis":{"range":[0,39], "visible":True, "title":"Match Day"},
"yaxis":{"range":[0,100],"visible":True, "title":"Total Points"},
"updatemenus":[{"type":"buttons","buttons":[{"method":"animate","label":"play", "args":[None]}]}],
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