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Created April 21, 2021 20:41
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Partial example for extracting a tar in memory using ocaml-tar
let max_ocaml_int = Int64.of_int max_int
let read_file input_channel (header : Tar_cstruct.Header.t) =
let file_size = header.file_size in
assert (file_size <= max_ocaml_int);
let buf = Cstruct.create (Int64.to_int file_size) in
Tar_cstruct.really_read input_channel buf;
let rec read_files input_channel accu =
match Tar_cstruct.Archive.with_next_file input_channel read_file with
| file -> read_files input_channel (file :: accu)
| exception Tar_cstruct.Header.End_of_stream -> List.rev accu
let do_stuff data =
let tar = Tar_cstruct.make_in_channel data in
let files = read_files tar [] in
... do something with files ...
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