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Created March 13, 2012 20:05
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Save hcarty/2031221 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple OCaml logging, conceptually modeled after Log::Log4perl's easy mode
open Batteries
module type Level_sig = sig
type t
val to_string : t -> string
val default_level : t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module type S = sig
type level_t
val set_logger : (level_t -> string -> unit) -> unit
val set_prefix : (level_t -> string) -> unit
val set_level : level_t -> unit
val set_flush : bool -> unit
(** [set_*] set the current functions and levels for the active logger *)
val get_logger : unit -> level_t -> string -> unit
val get_prefix : unit -> level_t -> string
val get_level : unit -> level_t
val get_flush : unit -> bool
(** [get_*] get the current functions and levels used by the active logger *)
(** [init l] (re)sets logging to use the default logging and prefix functions
and sets the logging level to [l]. The default prefix is the current
time stamp. The default logger outputs log entries on [stdout]. *)
val init : ?flush:bool -> 'a Batteries.IO.output -> level_t -> unit
(** [log l m] logs the message [m] using the current logging function if the
current log level is greater than or equal to [l]. *)
val log : level_t -> string -> unit
val logf : level_t -> ('a, 'b Batteries.IO.output, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a
module Make(L : Level_sig) = struct
type level_t = L.t
(** By default, the logger does nothing *)
let logger : (L.t -> string -> unit) ref = ref (const ignore)
(** By default, the prefix string is empty *)
let prefix : (L.t -> string) ref = ref (const "")
(** By default, the log level is the largest (most restrictive) *)
let level : L.t ref = ref L.default_level
(** By default, output is flushed after every log message *)
let flush = ref true
let default_prefix level =
let open Unix in
let now = gmtime (time ()) in
Printf.sprintf "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %s> "
(now.tm_year + 1900) (now.tm_mon + 1) now.tm_mday
now.tm_hour now.tm_min now.tm_sec
(L.to_string level)
let default_logger out level message =
IO.nwrite out (!prefix level);
IO.nwrite out message;
IO.nwrite out "\n";
if !flush then IO.flush out
else ()
(** Set a custom logger function *)
let set_logger f =
logger := f
(** Set a custom prefix function *)
let set_prefix f =
prefix := f
(** Set log level *)
let set_level l =
level := l
(** Set output flush flag *)
let set_flush b =
flush := b
(** Get current logger function *)
let get_logger () = !logger
(** Get current prefix function *)
let get_prefix () = !prefix
(** Get log level *)
let get_level () = !level
(** Get flush flag *)
let get_flush () = !flush
(** Initialize the logging system using the default logger and prefix
functions *)
let init ?flush out l =
Option.may set_flush flush;
set_logger (default_logger out);
set_prefix default_prefix;
set_level l
(** Main logging function *)
let log l m =
if l !level >= 0 then
!logger l m
(** Main logging function - printf-style *)
let logf l format =
if l !level >= 0 then
Printf.ksprintf2 (fun s -> !logger l s) format
Printf.ifprintf () format
module Basic = struct
type t = [
| `trace
| `debug
| `info
| `warn
| `error
| `fatal
| `always
let to_string : (t -> string) = function
| `trace -> "TRACE"
| `debug -> "DEBUG"
| `info -> "INFO"
| `warn -> "WARN"
| `error -> "ERROR"
| `fatal -> "FATAL"
| `always -> "ALWAYS"
let to_int : (t -> int) = function
| `trace -> 0
| `debug -> 1
| `info -> 2
| `warn -> 3
| `error -> 4
| `fatal -> 5
| `always -> 6
let default_level = `always
let compare a b = (to_int a) (to_int b)
module Easy = Make(Basic)
(** {2 Logging} *)
(** Signature required to implement a logging module *)
module type Level_sig = sig
type t
(** Possible debug levels *)
(** [to_string l] returns a string describing or naming the log level [l] *)
val to_string : t -> string
(** The default log level *)
val default_level : t
(** [compare a b] should be [0] if [a] and [b] are equal, [< 0] if [a] is
less restrictive than [b], and [> 0] if [a] is more restrictive than
[b] *)
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Signature of a logging module *)
module type S = sig
type level_t
val set_logger : (level_t -> string -> unit) -> unit
val set_prefix : (level_t -> string) -> unit
val set_level : level_t -> unit
val set_flush : bool -> unit
(** [set_*] set the current functions and levels for the active logger *)
val get_logger : unit -> level_t -> string -> unit
val get_prefix : unit -> level_t -> string
val get_level : unit -> level_t
val get_flush : unit -> bool
(** [get_*] get the current functions and levels used by the active logger *)
(** [init l] (re)sets logging to use the default logging and prefix functions
and sets the logging level to [l]. The default prefix is the current
date/time stamp. The default logger outputs log entries on [stdout]. *)
val init : ?flush:bool -> 'a Batteries.IO.output -> level_t -> unit
(** [log l m] logs the message [m] using the current logging function if the
current log level is greater than or equal to [l]. *)
val log : level_t -> string -> unit
(** [logf l format] logs the message [m] using the current logging function
if the current log level is greater than or equal to [l]. *)
val logf : level_t -> ('a, 'b Batteries.IO.output, unit, unit) format4 -> 'a
(** A functor to create a logging module using the log levels defined in [L] *)
module Make : functor (L : Level_sig) -> S with type level_t = L.t
(** A basic logging level structure *)
module Basic : sig
type t = [
| `trace
| `debug
| `info
| `warn
| `error
| `fatal
| `always
val to_string : t -> string
val default_level : t
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** Logging module using the {!Basic} log levels *)
module Easy : S with type level_t = Basic.t
open Batteries
module E = Log.Easy
let () =
let oc = IO.output_string () in
E.init oc `error;
E.set_prefix (fun _ -> "PREFIX: ");
E.log `error "test";
assert (IO.close_out oc = "PREFIX: test\n");
print_endline "ok"
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