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Created August 18, 2012 17:46
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BatBounded module experiment
module O = BatOrd
type 'a bounding_f = min:'a -> max:'a -> 'a -> 'a option
let bounding_of_ord ?default_low ?default_high ord =
fun ~min ~max -> assert (ord min max != O.Gt);
fun x ->
match ord x min, ord x max with
| O.Lt, _ -> default_low
| _, O.Gt -> default_high
| O.Eq, _
| _, O.Eq
| O.Gt, _ -> Some x
(* Maybe?
let chaining_of_ord ?low ?high ord =
fun ~min ~max -> assert (ord min max != O.Gt);
fun x ->
match ord x min, ord x max with
| O.Lt, _ -> (fun f -> f x) low
| _, O.Gt -> (fun f -> f x) high
| O.Eq, _
| _, O.Eq
| O.Gt, _ -> Some x
module type BoundedOrdType = sig
type t
val min : t
val max : t
val ord : t -> t -> BatOrd.order
val default_high : t option
val default_low : t option
module type BoundedType = sig
type t
val min : t
val max : t
val bounded : t bounding_f
val default_high : t option
val default_low : t option
module type S = sig
type u
type t = private u
exception Out_of_range
val min : t
val max : t
val default_high : t option
val default_low : t option
val make : u -> t option
val make_exn : u -> t
module Make(M : BoundedType) : (S with type u = M.t) = struct
include M
type u = t
exception Out_of_range
let make x = bounded ~min ~max x
let make_exn x =
match make x with
| Some n -> n
| None -> raise Out_of_range
module MakeOrd(M : BoundedOrdType) : (S with type u = M.t) = struct
include M
type u = t
exception Out_of_range
let make x = bounding_of_ord ?default_low ?default_high ord ~min ~max x
let make_exn x = BatOption.get_exn (make x) Out_of_range
module Int10_base = struct
type t = int
let min = 1
let max = 10
let default_low = Some 1
let default_high = Some 10
let bounded = bounding_of_ord ?default_low ?default_high BatInt.ord
(** Only accept integers between 1 and 10 *)
module Int10 = Make(Int10_base)
module Int10_base_ord = struct
type t = int
let min = 1
let max = 10
let default_low = Some 1
let default_high = Some 10
let ord = BatInt.ord
(** Only accept integers between 1 and 10 *)
module Int10_ord = MakeOrd(Int10_base_ord)
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