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Created September 24, 2012 02:16
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Bounded values experiment
(* Experimenting with different ideas for convenience additions to BatBounded *)
module type S = sig
type base_t
type t
val make : base_t -> t
val bind : (base_t -> t) -> t -> t
val map2 : (base_t -> base_t -> base_t) -> t -> t -> t
module type S_numeric = sig
include S
val add : base_t -> base_t -> base_t
val sub : base_t -> base_t -> base_t
val mul : base_t -> base_t -> base_t
val div : base_t -> base_t -> base_t
module type O = sig
type base_t
type t
type u = private t
val make : base_t -> u
val map2 : (base_t -> base_t -> base_t) -> u -> u -> u
module type O_numeric = sig
include O
val ( + ) : u -> u -> u
val ( - ) : u -> u -> u
val ( * ) : u -> u -> u
val ( / ) : u -> u -> u
module Make(M : S) : O
with type base_t = M.base_t
with type t = M.t
with type u = private M.t
= struct
type base_t = M.base_t
type t = M.t
type u = t
let make x = M.make x
let map2 f a b = M.bind make (M.map2 f a b)
module MakeNumeric(M : S_numeric) : O_numeric
with type base_t = M.base_t
with type t = M.t
with type u = private M.t
= struct
include Make(M)
let ( + ) = map2 M.add
let ( - ) = map2 M.sub
let ( * ) = map2 M.mul
let ( / ) = map2 M.div
module Base = struct
type base_t = int
type t = base_t option
let make x = if x < 10 && x > 0 then Some x else None
let bind f x =
match x with
| None -> None
| Some x -> f x
let map2 f a b =
match a, b with
| None, _
| _, None -> None
| Some x, Some y -> Some (f x y)
let add = ( + )
let sub = ( - )
let mul = ( * )
let div = ( / )
module BaseFloat = struct
type base_t = float
type t = base_t
let make x = if x < 10.0 && x > 0.0 then x else nan
let bind f x = f x
let map2 f a b = f a b
let add = ( +. )
let sub = ( -. )
let mul = ( *. )
let div = ( /. )
module I10 = Make(Base)
module N10 = MakeNumeric(Base)
module F10 = MakeNumeric(BaseFloat)
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