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Created September 26, 2012 16:52
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BatEnum, BatArray, BatList pretty printers
let pp_enum ?(flush = false) ?(first = "") ?(last = "") ?(sep = " ") ?(indent = String.length first) pp f e =
let open Format in
pp_open_box f indent;
pp_print_cut f ();
pp_print_string f first;
pp_print_cut f ();
match Enum.get e with
| None ->
pp_print_string f last;
pp_close_box f ();
if flush then pp_print_flush f ()
| Some x ->
pp_open_box f indent;
pp f x;
let rec aux () =
match Enum.get e with
| None ->
pp_close_box f ();
pp_print_cut f ();
pp_print_string f last;
pp_close_box f ();
if flush then pp_print_flush f ()
| Some x ->
pp_print_string f sep;
pp_close_box f ();
pp_print_cut f ();
pp_open_box f indent;
pp f x;
aux ()
aux ()
let pp_array ?(flush = false) ?(first = "[|") ?(last = "|]") ?(sep = "; ") ?(indent = String.length first) pp f a =
let open Format in
pp_open_box f indent;
pp_print_cut f ();
pp_print_string f first;
pp_print_cut f ();
for i = 0 to Array.length a - 2 do
pp_open_box f indent;
pp f a.(i);
pp_print_string f sep;
pp_close_box f ();
pp_print_cut f ();
if Array.length a > 0 then (
(* Print the last element without a trailing separator *)
pp_open_box f indent;
pp f a.(Array.length a - 1);
pp_close_box f ();
pp_print_cut f ();
pp_print_string f last;
pp_close_box f ();
if flush then pp_print_flush f ()
let pp_list ?(flush = false) ?(first = "[") ?(last = "]") ?(sep = "; ") ?(indent = String.length first) pp f l =
let open Format in
pp_open_box f indent;
pp_print_cut f ();
pp_print_string f first;
pp_print_cut f ();
match l with
| [] ->
pp_print_string f last;
pp_close_box f ();
if flush then pp_print_flush f ()
| hd :: tl ->
pp_open_box f indent;
pp f hd;
let rec aux rem =
match rem with
| [] ->
pp_close_box f ();
pp_print_cut f ();
pp_print_string f last;
pp_close_box f ();
if flush then pp_print_flush f ()
| hd :: tl ->
pp_print_string f sep;
pp_close_box f ();
pp_print_cut f ();
pp_open_box f indent;
pp f hd;
aux tl
aux tl
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