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Created May 30, 2012 08:39
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An example iolist
import Data.Map hiding (map)
newtype IOListBuilder a = IOListBuilder { makeLB :: (a, IOList) }
data IOList = StringEntry String | Sublist [IOList] | EmptyEntry | DictEntry String String
iolistToString :: Map String String -> IOList -> String
iolistToString dict (StringEntry s) = s
iolistToString dict (Sublist []) = ""
iolistToString dict (EmptyEntry) = ""
iolistToString dict (DictEntry k d) = findWithDefault d k dict
iolistToString dict (Sublist xs) = concat $ map (iolistToString dict) xs
appendS :: String -> IOListBuilder()
appendS s = IOListBuilder ((), entry)
entry = parseString s
appendN :: (Show n) => n -> IOListBuilder()
appendN n = IOListBuilder ((), StringEntry s)
s = i2s `seq` i2s
i2s = show n
appendD :: String -> String -> IOListBuilder()
appendD def key = IOListBuilder((), DictEntry def key)
newline = appendS "\n"
parseString :: String -> IOList
parseString str = parse str []
parse [] acc = StringEntry acc
parse ('%':cs) acc = Sublist [StringEntry acc, parsed cs [] []]
parse (c:cs) acc = parse cs (acc++[c])
parsed ('%':cs) a1 a2 = parse cs "%"
parsed ('(':cs) a1 a2 = parsed cs a1 a2
parsed (')':cs) a1 a2 = parsef cs a1 a2
parsed ('|':cs) a1 a2 = parseg cs a1 a2
parsed (c:cs) a1 a2 = parsed cs (a1++[c]) a2
parseg (')':cs) a1 a2 = parsef cs a1 a2
parseg (c:cs) a1 a2 = parseg cs a1 (a2++[c])
parsef ('s':cs) a1 a2 = Sublist [DictEntry a1 a2, parse cs []]
execIOListBuilder :: Map String String -> IOListBuilder a -> String
execIOListBuilder dict (IOListBuilder (_, iolist)) = iolistToString dict iolist
evalIOListBuilder :: IOListBuilder a -> a
evalIOListBuilder (IOListBuilder (a, _)) = a
debugIOListBuilder :: IOListBuilder a -> String
debugIOListBuilder (IOListBuilder (_, iolist)) = show iolist
instance Monad IOListBuilder where
return a = IOListBuilder (a, EmptyEntry)
IOListBuilder (res, iolist) >>= f =
IOListBuilder (newres, Sublist [iolist, newlist])
where IOListBuilder (newres, newlist) = f res
instance Show IOList where
show (StringEntry s) = "StringEntry " ++ show s
show EmptyEntry = "EmptyEntry"
show (Sublist l) = "Sublist " ++ show l
show (DictEntry k d) = "DictEntry " ++ show k ++ " " ++ show d
main = do
let dict = fromList [("name", "hc"), ("foo", "bar")]
putStrLn $ execIOListBuilder dict greeting
putStrLn "\n\n -- where --"
putStrLn $ debugIOListBuilder greeting
where greeting = do
appendS "Hello World, %(name|unknown being)s!"
appendS "Wie geht's?"
appendS "Es geht "
appendN 100
appendS "%% gut"
appendD "name" "[def]hc"
foo <- return "12"
appendS foo
return "Hi"
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