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Last active August 12, 2017 14:21
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(defmacro my-eflet (specs &rest body)
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((garg (cl-gensym "args--")))
`(cl-flet (,@(loop for (n b) in specs
`(,@(pcase b
(`(lambda ,arg . ,body) `(,n ,arg ,@body))
(_ `(,n (&rest ,garg) (apply ,b ,garg)))))))
(my-eflet ((my-1+ (apply-partially '+ 1))
(my-snoc (lambda (a d) (cons d a))))
(my-1+ 1)
(mapcar #'my-1+ '(1 2 3))
(not (boundp 'my-1+))
(my-snoc 'a 'b)))
;=> (2 (2 3 4) t (b . a))
#'(lambda (&rest args--8025)
(lambda (a d)
(cons d a))
;; byte code:
;; args: (&rest args--8025)
;; 0 constant apply
;; 1 constant <compiled-function>
;; args: (a d)
;; 0 varref d
;; 1 varref a
;; 2 cons
;; 3 return
;; 2 varref args--8025
;; 3 call 2
;; 4 return
#'(lambda (a d) (cons d a)))
;; byte code:
;; args: (a d)
;; 0 varref d
;; 1 varref a
;; 2 cons
;; 3 return
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