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Created July 2, 2009 14:44
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From 97ec3532c97606270b97ced7ca102fb27457f06b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Takeshi Banse <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 21:18:49 +0900
Subject: [PATCH Emacs/swank-clojure] Add apropos-list-for-emacs
Signed-off-by: Takeshi Banse <>
Hi all,
I Takeshi Banse live in Japan, have been teaching myself Clojure and in the
process have a patch to the swank-clojure I'd like to make.
With this patch, I can happily `M-x slime-apropos' within Emacs/SLIME.
Hope this helps. Thanks.
swank/commands/basic.clj | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/swank/commands/basic.clj b/swank/commands/basic.clj
index 47555a4..d668d2d 100644
--- a/swank/commands/basic.clj
+++ b/swank/commands/basic.clj
@@ -161,6 +161,67 @@ (defslimefn documentation-symbol
([symbol-name default] (documentation-symbol symbol-name))
([symbol-name] (describe-symbol* symbol-name)))
+;;;; Documentation
+(defn- briefly-describe-symbol-for-emacs [var]
+ (let [lines (fn [s] (seq (.split s (System/getProperty "line.separator"))))
+ [_ symbol-name arglists d1 d2 & __] (lines (describe-to-string var))
+ macro? (= d1 "Macro")]
+ (list :designator symbol-name
+ (cond
+ macro? :macro
+ (:arglists ^var) :function
+ :else :variable)
+ (apply str (concat arglists (if macro? d2 d1))))))
+(defn- make-apropos-matcher [pattern case-sensitive?]
+ (let [pattern (java.util.regex.Pattern/quote pattern)
+ pat (re-pattern (if case-sensitive?
+ pattern
+ (format "(?i:%s)" pattern)))]
+ (fn [var] (re-find pat (pr-str var)))))
+(defn- apropos-symbols [string external-only? case-sensitive? package]
+ (let [packages (or (when package [package]) (all-ns))
+ matcher (make-apropos-matcher string case-sensitive?)
+ lister (if external-only? ns-publics ns-interns)]
+ (filter matcher
+ (apply concat (map (comp (partial map second) lister)
+ packages)))))
+(defn- present-symbol-before
+ "Comparator such that x belongs before y in a printed summary of symbols.
+Sorted alphabetically by namespace name and then symbol name, except
+that symbols accessible in the current namespace go first."
+ [x y]
+ (let [accessible?
+ (fn [var] (= (ns-resolve (maybe-ns *current-package*) (:name ^var))
+ var))
+ ax (accessible? x) ay (accessible? y)]
+ (cond
+ (and ax ay) (compare (:name ^x) (:name ^y))
+ ax -1
+ ay 1
+ :else (let [nx (str (:ns ^x)) ny (str (:ns ^y))]
+ (if (= nx ny)
+ (compare (:name ^x) (:name ^y))
+ (compare nx ny))))))
+(defslimefn apropos-list-for-emacs
+ ([name]
+ (apropos-list-for-emacs name nil))
+ ([name external-only?]
+ (apropos-list-for-emacs name external-only? nil))
+ ([name external-only? case-sensitive?]
+ (apropos-list-for-emacs name external-only? case-sensitive? nil))
+ ([name external-only? case-sensitive? package]
+ (let [package (when package
+ (or (find-ns (symbol package))
+ 'user))]
+ (map briefly-describe-symbol-for-emacs
+ (sort present-symbol-before
+ (apropos-symbols name external-only? case-sensitive?
+ package))))))
;;;; Operator messages
(defslimefn operator-arglist [name package]
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