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Created February 13, 2020 15:00
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Demonstrates wrong type-F model likelihood in PCMBase
set.seed(1234, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
pcmbase_oulik = function (tree, tipvals, H, theta, sig_x, rootval) {
## modOU = PCM(PCMDefaultModelTypes()[["F"]], k = length(rootval))
modOU = PCM("OU", k = length(rootval))
modOU$H[,,1] = H
modOU$Theta[] = theta
modOU$Sigma_x[,,1] = sig_x
modOU$X0[] = rootval
L = PCMLik(t(tipvals[tree$tip.label,,drop=F]), tree, modOU)
attr(L, "X0") = NULL
pcmbase_typeF_lik = function (tree, tipvals, H, theta, sig_x, rootval) {
modOU = PCM(PCMDefaultModelTypes()[["F"]], k = length(rootval))
modOU$H[,,1] = H
modOU$Theta[] = theta
modOU$Sigma_x[,,1] = sig_x
modOU$X0[] = rootval
L = PCMLik(t(tipvals[tree$tip.label,,drop=F]), tree, modOU)
attr(L, "X0") = NULL
animalnames = c("dog", "cat", "cow", "rabbit", "duck", "hen", "horse", "squirrel")
traitnames = c("height", "weight", "brain_size")
ntips = 3
p = 2
tree.ou = ape::rtree(ntips)
H = matrix(c(3,0.8,0.8,2), ncol=2, nrow=2)
theta = matrix(c(1,1.3), ncol=1, nrow=2)
sig_x = matrix(c(1.4,0,
-0.6,1.4), ncol=2) ## Upper triangular
x0.ou = matrix(c(-1.2, 2))
tree.ou$tip.label = sample(animalnames, size = ntips, replace = F)
traits.ou = rmvnorm(n = ntips, mean = rep(0, 2.5), sigma = matrix(c(1.4,-1,-1,1.4), ncol=2) * 1.5)
rownames(traits.ou) = tree.ou$tip.label
colnames(traits.ou) = sample(traitnames, size = p, replace = F)
cat("Eigen of H: ", eigen(H)$value, "\n\n");
print(c(pcmbase_ou = pcmbase_oulik(tree.ou, traits.ou, H, theta, sig_x, x0.ou),
pcmbase_typeF = pcmbase_typeF_lik(tree.ou, traits.ou, H, theta, sig_x, x0.ou)))
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