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Created May 12, 2021 13:36
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Scala lock-free rate limiter example
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicLong, AtomicReference}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
trait Clock {
def now: Long
class SystemClock extends Clock {
def now: Long = System.nanoTime()
class LockFreeRateLimiter(bucketConfig: BucketConfig, clock: Clock) {
private val bucketStateRef: AtomicReference[TokenBucket] =
new AtomicReference(TokenBucket(bucketConfig,
def tryConsume(tokens: Int): Boolean = {
var consumed: Boolean = false
var underCapacity: Boolean = true
do {
val prevState = bucketStateRef.get()
val newState = prevState.copy()
if (newState.availableTokens < tokens) {
underCapacity = false
} else {
newState.availableTokens -= tokens
if (bucketStateRef.compareAndSet(prevState, newState)) {
consumed = true
} while (underCapacity && !consumed)
def getAvailableTokens: Long = bucketStateRef.get().availableTokens
case class BucketConfig(
capacity: Long,
refillRate: Long,
period: FiniteDuration
object BucketConfig {
def from(capacity: Long, period: FiniteDuration): BucketConfig =
BucketConfig(capacity, period.toNanos / capacity, period)
class TokenBucket private (
var availableTokens: Long,
var lastRefillNanoTime: Long
) {
def refill(bucketConfig: BucketConfig, nanoTime: Long): Unit = {
val sinceLastRefillNanos = nanoTime - lastRefillNanoTime
if (sinceLastRefillNanos >= bucketConfig.refillRate) {
val tokensSinceLastRefill = sinceLastRefillNanos / bucketConfig.refillRate
availableTokens =
Math.min(bucketConfig.capacity, availableTokens + tokensSinceLastRefill)
lastRefillNanoTime += tokensSinceLastRefill * bucketConfig.refillRate
def copy(): TokenBucket = new TokenBucket(availableTokens, lastRefillNanoTime)
object TokenBucket {
def apply(bucketConfig: BucketConfig, nowNanos: Long) =
new TokenBucket(bucketConfig.capacity, nowNanos)
object LockFreeRateLimiter {
def apply(capacity: Long, window: FiniteDuration): LockFreeRateLimiter =
apply(capacity, window, new SystemClock)
def apply(
capacity: Long,
window: FiniteDuration,
clock: Clock
): LockFreeRateLimiter =
new LockFreeRateLimiter(BucketConfig.from(capacity, window), clock)
object LockFreeRateLimiterApp {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val lf = LockFreeRateLimiter(10, 1.second)
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val consumed = new AtomicLong()
val rejected = new AtomicLong()
while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < 2000) {
if (lf.tryConsume(1)) {
} else {
println(s"consumed $consumed, rejected $rejected")
import org.scalatest.freespec.AnyFreeSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class TestClock extends Clock {
private var currentTime = 1_000_000_000L
override def now: Long = currentTime
def forward(by: Long): Unit = currentTime += by
class LockFreeRateLimiterSpec extends AnyFreeSpec with Matchers {
"LockFreeRateLimiter" - {
"should consume available tokens" - {
val cap = 1
val period = 100.milliseconds
val testClock = new TestClock
val lf = LockFreeRateLimiter(cap, period, testClock)
lf.tryConsume(cap) shouldBe true
lf.getAvailableTokens shouldBe 0
lf.tryConsume(cap) shouldBe true
lf.getAvailableTokens shouldBe 0
"after half period, half of tokens should be available" - {
val cap = 10
val period = 100.milliseconds
val testClock = new TestClock
val lf = LockFreeRateLimiter(cap, period, testClock)
lf.tryConsume(cap) shouldBe true
lf.getAvailableTokens shouldBe 0
testClock.forward(period.toNanos / 2)
lf.tryConsume(cap / 2) shouldBe true
lf.getAvailableTokens shouldBe 0
lf.tryConsume(10) shouldBe true
class TokenBucketSpec extends AnyFreeSpec with Matchers {
"TokenBucket" - {
"successfully refill" - {
"after consume" in {
val cap = 1
val period = 10.milliseconds
val conf = BucketConfig.from(cap, period)
val testClock = new TestClock
val tb = TokenBucket(conf,
tb.availableTokens shouldBe cap
tb.availableTokens = 0
tb.availableTokens shouldBe cap
"a portion of the capacity" in {
val cap = 20
val period = 100.milliseconds
val conf = BucketConfig.from(cap, period)
val testClock = new TestClock
val tb = TokenBucket(conf,
tb.availableTokens shouldBe cap
tb.availableTokens = 0
val partOfTime = 1 / 10.0
testClock.forward((period.toNanos * partOfTime).toLong)
tb.availableTokens shouldBe (cap * partOfTime).toLong
"check for big numbers and corner cases" in {}
"no refill" - {
"if no time has passed" in {
val cap = 10
val period = 100.milliseconds
val conf = BucketConfig.from(cap, period)
val testClock = new TestClock
val tb = TokenBucket(conf,
tb.availableTokens = 0
tb.availableTokens shouldBe 0
"if passed less time than refill rate" in {
val cap = 10
val period = 100.milliseconds
val conf = BucketConfig.from(cap, period)
val testClock = new TestClock
val tb = TokenBucket(conf,
tb.availableTokens = 0
testClock.forward(period.toNanos / 100)
tb.availableTokens shouldBe 0
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