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Created September 19, 2012 15:59
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Save hcoyote/3750478 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
general puppet define to install a templated file somewhere.
# this define allows us to inject a file into the catalog so it
# transfers over to the client in one big blog, instead of the client having to
# hit up the puppet file server for each file (meaning, 1 additional HTTP request
# per file)
define ops::install_file(
$ensure = present,
$filetype = "bin",
$module = $module_name,
$filename = $name,
) {
$allowed_types = ["bin","lib","deploy"]
if !($filetype in $allowed_types) {
$allowed_types_inspected = inline_template('<%= allowed_types.inspect %>')
fail("/usr/local/ops name=${name} filetype=${filetype} is not an allowed type: $allowed_types_inspected")
$mode = $filetype ? {
"bin" => 555,
"deploy" => 444,
default => 444,
$file = "/usr/local/ops/${filetype}/${filename}"
if ($ensure == "present") or ($ensure == present) {
# no need to make a specific require, since puppet auto requires file resources
include ops::directories
File {
owner => "root",
group => "root",
file { $file :
mode => $mode,
content => template("${module}/ops/${filetype}/${name}"),
} else {
file { $file :
ensure => "absent",
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