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Created October 26, 2016 05:44
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import i3pystatus.backlight as backlight
import os
import pytest
from contextlib import contextmanager
from operator import itemgetter
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
def setattr_temporarily(obj, attr, value):
old_value = getattr(obj, attr)
setattr(obj, attr, value)
setattr(obj, attr, old_value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("backlights_data", [
[("acpi_video0", 0, 255)],
[("acpi_video0", 86, 171)],
[("acpi_video0", 255, 255)],
[("intel_backlight", 0, 7)],
[("intel_backlight", 15, 33)],
[("intel_backlight", 79, 255)],
[("acpi_video0", 0, 50), ("intel_backlight", 44, 60)],
[("acpi_video0", 100, 100), ("intel_backlight", 187, 255)],
[("intel_backlight", 87, 88), ("acpi_video0", 150, 150)],
[("intel_backlight", 237, 237), ("acpi_video0", 1, 2)],
@pytest.mark.parametrize("format", [
None, "{brightness}/{max_brightness} ({percentage}%)"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("format_no_backlight", [
None, "({percentage}% -- {brightness}) [{max_brightness}]"
def test_backlight(backlights_data, format, format_no_backlight):
with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dirname:
for (backlight_name, brightness, max_brightness) in backlights_data:
backlight_dirname = tmp_dirname + "/" + backlight_name
with open(backlight_dirname + "/brightness", "w") as f:
print(brightness, file=f)
with open(backlight_dirname + "/max_brightness", "w") as f:
print(max_brightness, file=f)
if not format:
format = backlight.Backlight.format
if not format_no_backlight:
format_no_backlight = backlight.Backlight.format_no_backlight
if not format_no_backlight:
format_no_backlight = format
with setattr_temporarily(backlight.Backlight, 'base_path', tmp_dirname + "/{backlight}/"):
i3backlight = backlight.Backlight(
if len(backlights_data) == 0:
used_format = format_no_backlight
cdict = {
"brightness": -1,
"max_brightness": -1,
"percentage": -1
backlights_data = sorted(backlights_data, key=itemgetter(0))
(_, brightness, max_brightness) = backlights_data[0]
used_format = format
cdict = {
"brightness": brightness,
"max_brightness": max_brightness,
"percentage": round((brightness / max_brightness) * 100)
assert i3backlight.output["full_text"] == used_format.format(**cdict)
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