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Created March 21, 2019 00:48
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Lecture Notes on CSCE 212: Intro to System Architecture

CSCE 212H: Introduction to Computer Architecture


  • Number representation
    • Unsigned: represented in traditional binary
      • On n-bit architecture, (2^n) total
      • (Umax=2^n-1) (minus one because of zero)
      • All operations are technically modulo (2^n)
      • Ints are not integers!
    • Signed magnitude: represents signed numbers by using first bit as sign
      • Represents (-(2^{n-1}-1) \textrm{ to } 2^{n-1}-1) with a duplicate 0
      • Does not work well with arithmetic
    • Two's Complement: alternate to signed magnitude good for arithmetic
      • Operation and representation
      • Represents negatives by flipping all bits and adding 1
      • First bit is sign bit - 1 represents negative
      • Can be passed through arithmetic with no further modification
      • Ex. 24 = 0..011000 -> 1..100111 (1's Comp) -> 1..101000 (2's Comp) = -24
      • Ex. -24 = 1..101000 -> 0..010111 (1's Comp) -> 0..011000 (2's Comp) = 24
      • Ex. 6 + (-5) = 0..0110 + 1..1011 = 0..0001 = 1
      • Ex. (-7) + 3 = 1..1001 + 0..0011 = 1..1100 = -4
      • Alternative method: flip all bits to the left of the rightmost 1
      • On n-bit architecture, (Tmax=2^(n-1)-1, Tmin=-2^(n-1))
      • Special case (Tmin = -2^{63} = 10..0b: 2sComp(Tmin) = 2sComp(10..0) = 10..0 = Tmin)
      • So 2sComp(Tmin) = Tmin or -Tmin = Tmin (because the magnitude of Tmin is greater than Tmax)
    • Floats (32 bits)
      • IEEE 754 Standard
        • (Sign (1b)) ( Exponent (8b) ) ( Fraction (23b) )
        • Exponent sign is part of 8-bits by adding a bias to the field value mod 2^31
        • Exponent base is 2 not 10
    • Floats are not reals!
    • Doubles are just double-precision floats so 64-bits
  • Funky arithmetic
    • Example 1: Is (x^2 >= 0) always?
      • For unsigned ints, yes because they are unsigned
      • For signed ints, no because arithmetic is mod n which can be negative
      • For floats, yes
    • Example 2: Is ((x+y)+z = x+(y+z)) always?
      • For ints (signed and unsigned), yes because modular arithmetic is associative
      • For floats, no because float addition varies with order of magnitude
        • ((1e20 + -1e20) + 3.14 \rightarrow 3.14)
        • (1e20 + (-1e20 + 3.14) \rightarrow 0)
  • Computer arithmetic
    • Cannot generate random values - always follows strict mathematical rules
    • Not all usual mathematical properties hold for computer data types
    • Int operations follow "ring" properties
    • Floating point operations follow "ordering" properties (not field though)
  • GR#1 Ints are not Integers, Floats are not Reals
  • GR#2 You have to Assembly language
    • Probably won't be used after this course because compilers are better than you
    • Textbook uses variant of x86 called y86-64


  • GR#3 Memory matters
    • Not infinite
    • Must be allocated and managed
    • Pointer errors are very hard to debug
  • GR#4 There's more to performance than asymptotic complexity
    • Ex. row major order iteration of 2D array is much faster than column major
      • Fortran is column major, but most other languages are row major
  • More integer representation details
    • Unsigned:
      (\begin{align} & X[n] & * & X[n-1] & * & ... & * & X[2] & * & X[1] & * & X[0] \ & 2^n & * & 2^{n-1} & * & ... & * & 2^2 & * & 2^1 & * & 2^0 \end{align})
    • Signed:
    • In 2's complement, positive values are the same as their unsigned counterparts
    • The magnitude of 2's complement can be found by doing 2's complement operation
    • 2's complement value: (VT(x) = -X[w-1] * 2^{w-1} + \sum_{i=0}^{w-2}{X[i] * 2^{i}})
  • GR#5 Computers do more than execute programs
  • Bits vs. Byte
  • No intrinsic reason that a byte must be 8 bits but it was decided by Fred Brook
  • Used to be 6 bits per byte (because it was enough to store a char)
  • All modern computers have Byte Addressable Memory (each byte accessed individually)
  • Word is usually 4 bytes (grouped by address last two digits), short usually 2 bytes
  • By grouping into words and shorts, some memory can address an entire chunk of 4 bytes
  • Half byte is a nibble (each nibble is a hex digit)


  • Little Endian vs Big Endian
    • For some value 0xFF4292A1,
      • FF is MSB=Most Significant Byte, A1 is LSB=Least Significant Byte
      • Little Endian starts with LSB in memory
      • Big Endian starts with MSB in memory
  • Fractional binary numbers
    • Ex: (1011.101b = 12^3 + 02^2 + 12^1 + 12^0 + 12^{-1} + 02^{-2} + 1*2^{-3} \ = 8 + 2 + 1 + \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{8} = 11 + 0.5 + 0.125 = 11.625)
    • Numbers of form (0.111111...) are just below 1 (like $0.999...$ is just below 1 in decimal)
      • Represented (1.0 - \varepsilon)
  • Floating point representation
    • ((-1)^s M 2^E) where $s$ is sign bit, $E$ is exponent of 2, $M$ is fraction field
    • Single Precision: 32 bits = (1 s) + (8 E) + (23 M)
    • Double Precision: 64 bits = (1 s) + (11 E) + (52 M)
    • Extended Precision: 80 bits (Intel only) = (1 s) + (15 E) + (63 or 64 M)
    • "Normalized" Values
      • If E=00..0 or E=11..1, value is "special"
      • Exponent coded as biased value (E=Exp-Bias)


  • Examples
    • 357 = 0000000101100101 (16-bit 2's complement)
    • -357 = 1111111010011011 (16-bit 2's complement)
    • 357.0 = 0 10000111 011001000..0 (IEEE 754 standard float)
      • Sign = 0 because positive
      • Exp = 8 + Bias = 8 + 127 = 135
      • Frac = After decimal of 1.00100101 (with trailing 0s)
  • Floating point special values
    • Denormalized values
      • When Exp = 000..0
      • Exponent value: E = 1 - Bias (instead of E = 0 - Bias as would be normal for Exp=0)
      • 0 before decimal point, not 1 like usual
      • Cases:
        • Exp=000..0, Frac=000..0
          • Represents zero (positive and negative are distinct)
        • Exp=000..0, Frac $\neq$ 000..0
          • Numbers closest to zero, equispaced
      • Smallest normalized value (Exp = 000..01)
        • E = Exp - Bias = 1 - 127 = -126
        • Value = (1-2^{126})
        • Cannot be normalized
    • Infinity
      • When Exp=111..1, frac = 000..0
        • represents $\pm\infty$
        • 1.0/0.0 = -1.0/-0.0 = $+\infty$, 1.0/-0.0 = $-\infty$
    • Not a Number (NaN)
      • When Exp=111..1, frac $\neq$ 000..0
  • More Examples
    • Gap size in large floats:
      • [\begin{align} & 0 \ 11111110 \ 111..11 \
        • & 0 \ 11111110 \ 111..10 \ \hline & 0 \ 11111110 \ 000..01 \ = & 0.000..01 * 2^{127} \textrm{ (Must be normalized)} \ = & 1.000..00 * 2^{127-23} = 1.0 * 104 \ \approx & 2*10^{31} \textrm{ (HUGE!)} \end{align}]
  • Float Rounding
    • Basic idea:
      • First computer exact result
      • Make fit into desired precision
        • Possibly overflow if exponent is too large
        • Possibly round to fit in Frac
  • Float Multiplication
    • Exact result:
      • Sign bit (s_1 \oplus s_2)
      • Significand (M_1 \times M_2)
      • Exponent (E_1 + E_2)
    • Then fix result to fit correctly in float
  • Float Addition
    • Must first get binary points aligned:
      • ((-1)^{s_1}\cdot M_1\cdot 2^{E_1} + (-1)^{s_2}\cdot M_2\cdot 2^{E_2})
      • Then fix correclty to float
  • Mathematical properties of FP addition
    • Closed under addition?
      • Yes but may produce infinity or NaN
    • Commutative?
      • Yes
    • Associative? No: (in case of numbers of different magnitudes as seen earlier)
    • 0 is Additive Identity?
      • Yes
    • Every element has additive inverse?
      • Almost: everything except infinities and NaNs
    • Monotonicity ((a \geq b \Rightarrow a+c \geq b+c))
      • Almost: except for infinities and NaNs


  • Mathematical properties of FP multiplication
    • Compare to Commutative ring
      • Closed under multiplication?
        • Yes (but may generate infinities and NaNs)
      • Commutative?
        • Yes
      • Associative?
        • No: possibility of overflow and inexactness of rounding (as in addition)
      • 1 is Multiplicative Identity?
        • Yes
      • Multiplication distributive over addition?
        • No: possibility of overflow and inexactness of rounding (as in associativity)
    • Monotonicity?
      • Almost: all but infinities and NaNs
  • Floating point specifications in C
    • C guarantees two levels of precision
      • float: 32 bits (1 + 8 + 25)
      • double: 64 bits (1 + 11 + 52)
      • Some machines offer a long double
    • Conversions/Casting
      • double/float $\rightarrow$ int
        • truncates fractional part (like rounding toward zero): (\lfloor frac \rfloor)
        • Not defined when out of range or NaN (usually sets to TMin)
      • int $\rightarrow$ double
        • Exact conversion as long as int has $\leq$ 53 bit word size
  • FP Puzzles
    • Assume int x = _; float f = _; double d = _; and neither d nor f is NaN.
    • x == (int) (float) x?
      • Not true for large numbers because large x cannot be represented in float without loss of precision.
    • x == (int) (double) x?
      • True because 32-bit int largest number can be represented in $\leq$ 53 bits without loss of precision.
    • f == (float) (double) f?
      • True because conversion from float to double can be done without loss of precision and conversion back should always work because number is within range of float.
    • d == (double) (float) d?
      • Not true because large doubles would lose precision when converted to float.
    • f == -(-f)?
      • True because negation only affects the sign bit which can be easily reverted with another negation.
    • 2/3 == 2/3.0?
      • Not true because 2/3 does integer division where 2/3.0 does floating point division.
    • d < 0.0 $\rightarrow$ d*2 < 0.0?
      • True because multiplying by 2 does not affect sign bit.
    • d > f $\rightarrow$ -f < -d?
      • In comparing float to double, the float is promoted to double so this should always apply.
    • d * d >= 0.0?
      • True because sign bit is XORed so the resulting sign will always be positive.
    • (d+f)-d == f?
      • Not true because FP multiplication is not associative.
  • C Primer - Highlights
    • Preprocessor
      • #include <X.h> or #include "X.h" includes header X.h
      • #define X Y replaces all instances of Y with X
    • Command line arguments
    • Arrays and structures
    • Pointers and dynamic memory
      • malloc
      • free
  • Intel x86 Processors
    • Dominate laptop/desktop/server industry
    • Backwards compatible back to 8086 (1978)
    • Complex instruction set computer (CISC)
      • Many different instructions with many different formats
        • Only a few are regularly used
      • Hard to match performance of Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC)
        • But Intel has done just that.
  • Intel's Competitor: Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
    • Historically follows behind Intel: a little bit slower, a lot cheaper
    • Built Opteron: tough competitor to Pentium 4
    • Developed x86_64 successfully after Intel failed with its Itanium
    • Most processors support 64-bit mode these days, but many programs operate in only 32 bits.
  • Definitions
    • Architecture (also Instruction Set Architecture - ISA):
      • Only details of processor design that an assembly code writer must understand
  • Assembly/Machine Code View
    • CPU:
      • Program Counter (PC)
      • Registers
      • Condition Codes (what each instruction does)
      • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
    • Memory:
      • Code
      • Data
      • Stack
    • Bus connection:
      • Addresses
      • Data
      • Instructions


  • Turning C code into object code
    • C program (x.c) -> (Compiler gcc -S)
    • Asm program (GAS syntax) (x.s) -> (Assembler gcc or as)
    • Object program (x.o) -> (Linker gcc or ld) <~ Static Libraries (*.a)
    • Executable program (x) <~ Dynamic Libraries (*.so)
  • Example of C -> Asm
    • C:
      long plus(long x, long y);
      void sumstore(long x, long y, long *dest) {
        long t = plus(x, y);
        *dest = t; //*
    • Assembly:
        pushq   %rbx
        movq    %rdx, %rbx
        call    plus
        movq    %rax, (%rbx)
        popq    %rbx
    • Machine Code:
      • Missing everything except links between functions and things (provided by linker file)
  • Assembly Characteristics:
    • Data Types
      • "Integer" data of 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes
        • Data values
        • Addresses (untyped pointers)
      • Floating point data of 4, 8, or 10 bytes
      • Code: byte sequences encoding series of instructions
      • No aggregate types such as arrays or structures
        • Just continuously allocated bytes in memory
    • Operations
      • Perform arithmetic operations (ALU)
      • Move data between memory locations and registers
      • Conditional and unconditional branching
  • Disassembler:
    • objdump -d <executable> converts machine code to more readable form - assembly
    • Also possible using gdb
    • Note: Reverse engineering is forbidden by Microsoft End User License Agreement
  • x86-64 Integer Registers
    • 8-byte examples
      • %rax
      • %rbx
      • %rcx
      • %rdx
      • %rsi
      • %rdi
      • %rsp -> stack pointer
      • %rbp -> "frame" pointer
      • %r8
      • ...
      • %r15
    • %rax (8-byte) -> %eax (4-byte) -> %ax (2-byte) -> %ah/%al (1-byte)
  • Moving Data
    • movq moves quad word (4 words = 8 bytes)
    • Operand Types
      • Constant integer data
        • Prefixed with $ (i.e. $0x400, $-533)
        • Encoded with 1, 2, or 4 bytes
      • Register
        • %rax and others seen previously
        • %rsp and sometimes %rbp reserved
        • Others sometimes have special purposes
      • Memory Address
        • Simplest example: (%rax) gives address stored in %rax
    • Details of movq (source -> dest): [ movq \begin{cases} Immediate \quad \begin{cases} Register \ \ Memory \ \end{cases} \ Register \quad\quad \begin{cases} Register \ Memory \quad\quad \ \end{cases} \ Memory \end{cases} ]


  • leaq
    • load effective address quad
    • equivalent to p = &x[i];
  • Cool optimization:
    • C code:
      long m12(long x) {
        return x*12;
    • Assembly:
      leaq (%rdi,%rdi,2), %rax  # t <- x + x*2 (equivalent to t = 3*x)
      salq $2, %rax             # return t << 2 (equivalent to return 4*t)
  • Control flow
    • Temporary data %rax
    • Location of runtime stack %rsp
    • Location of current code control point %rip
    • Status of recent tests:
      • CF: carry flag - carry out from addition is set
      • ZF: zero flag - if t == 0
      • SF: sign flag (signed) - if t < 0
      • OF: overflow flag (signed) - sign bit is not what it should be (i.e. adding two positive numbers gives negative)
    • Control flags set by ALU ops but not by leaq
    • Jumps
      jX Condition Description
      jmp 1 Unconditional
      je ZF Equal / Zero
      jne ~ZF Not Equal / Not Zero
      js SF Negative
      jns ~SF Nonnegative
      jg ~(SF^OF)&~ZF > (signed)
      jge ~(SF^OF) >= (signed)
      jl (SF^OF) < (signed)
      jle (SF^OF) ZF
      ja ~CF&~ZF Above (unsigned)
      jb CF Below (unsigned)
    • Bad cases for conditional move
      • Expensive computations - val = Test(x) ? Hard1(x) : Hard2(x);
      • Risky computations - val = p ? *p : 0;
      • Computations with side effects - val = x > 0 ? x*=7 : x+=3;


  • Jump Tables (switch statement)
.section    .rodata
    .quad   .L2
    .quad   .L1
    .quad   .L3
    .quad   .L5
  • Stack
    • %rsp points to top of stack
    • Stack is 'upside down' because stack bottom is at highest address and stack grows down with %rsp at lowest address element
    • Heap is usually below stack
  • Parameters to procedures
    • First 6 parameters are stored in %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, %r9
    • Remaining parameters are pushed onto the stack if necessary with arg 7 on top of stack
    • Return of function is stored in %rax
    • Other registers should be pushed and popped unless it is known that the register can be clobbered without issue
  • Recursive procedures
    • Any language supporting recursion must implement a stack


  • Parameters pneumonic
    • rdi - Dolly's
    • rsi - Special
    • rdx - Dress
    • rcx - Costs
    • r8 - $89
    • r9 - ^
  • For stack parameters you do not pop them off, just address (%rbp) for param 7 and 8(%rbp) for param 8 if param 7 is 8 bytes long
  • Array allocation
    • T A[l] is array length l of elements type T named A
    • In memeory, this is just a strip of memory with l*sizeof(T) bytes which can be accessed using A[2] or just *(A + 2*sizeof(T)).


  • Arrays
    • C:
    #define ZLEN 5
    typedef zip_dig char[];
    void zincr(zip_dig z) {
      size_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < ZLEN; i++) {
    • ASM:
      # %rdi = z
      movl  $0,  %eax           #   i = 0
      jmp   .L3                 #   goto middle
    .L4:                        # loop:
      addl  $1,  (%rdi,%rax,4)  #   z[i]++
      addq  $1,  %rax           #   i++
    .L3:                        # middle:
      cmpq  $4,  %rax           #   test i == 4
      jbe   .L4                 #   if <=, goto loop
      rep; ret


  • Nothing to see here.


  • Hardware Control Language (HCL)
    • Similar to Hardware Description Language (HDL)
      • Most prevalently Verilog and VHDL
    • Conventions
      • Single bits are low caps, word-level structures are caps
  • Decoders
    • (n \times 2^n) Decoder takes $n$ inputs and has $2^n$ outputs where output i is 1 and all others are 0 when the inputs represent i in binary
    • Used to do correct action based on opcode section of instruction
  • Multiplexers (MUX)
    • Has $n$ selector inputs and $2^n$ data inputs with 1 output where the output is equal to the $i^{th}$ data input when the selector inputs represent i
    • Used in selecting which register to use
    • HCL 1-bit multiplexer: bool out = (s && a) || (!s && b);
  • HCL Word-Level Examples
    • Minimum of 3
      int Min3 = [
        A < B && A < C : A;
        B < A && B < C : B;
        1              : C;
    • 4-Way Multiplexer
      int Out4 = [
        !s1 && !s0 : D0;
        !s1        : D1;
        !s2        : D2;
        1          : D3;
  • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
    • Uses a multiplexer to output the appropriate operator on inputs
    • Sets flags OF, ZF, CF, SF in the process
  • Flip Flops
    • RS Flip Flop
      • Two NOR gates with back flow to opposite gate
      • Usually has a clock input to prevent race conditions
      • input R,S: 01 -> set to 1, 10 -> reset to 0, 00 -> no action (for reading)
      • 2 outputs Q, Q' (or Q+, Q-) where Q is value of
  • Latching
    • Transparent 1-Bit Latch
  • Random Access Memory (RAM)
    • From CPU to Memory, there are three lines:
      • 1-way CPU to Memory: control bus (read or write, a few other things)
      • 1-way CPU to Memory: address bus (may be chunked)
      • 2-way: data bus carries values to and from memory
  • HCL Overview
    • Data Types
      • bool : Boolean
        • a, b, c, ...
      • int : words (usually thinking 64 bit words)
        • A, B, C, ...
    • Operations
      • Logic operations: &&, ||, !
      • Word Comparisons: ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=
      • Set Membership: A in { B, C, D }
    • Word Expressions:
      • Case Expressions: int Z = [ (case 1) : (value); (case 2) : (value); 1 : (default case); ];


  • Y86-64 Instruction Set
    • Instructions
      • halt: 00
      • nop: 10
      • cmovXX rA, rB : 2(fn) (rA) (rB)
      • irmovq V, rB : 30 (F) (rB) (--V--) // Value into register
      • rmmovq rA, D(rB) : 40 (rA) (rB) (--D--) // Reg to Mem
      • mrmovq D(rA) rB : 50 (rA) (rB) (--D--) // Mem to reg
      • OPq rA rB : 6(fn) rA rB
      • jXX Dest : 7(fn) (Dest)
      • call Dest : 80 (Dest)
      • ret : 90
      • pushq rA : A0 (rA) (F)
      • popq rA : B0 (rA) (F)
    • Functions for OPq
      • addq : 60
      • subq : 61
      • andq : 62
      • xorq : 63
    • Jumps for jXX
      • jmp : 70
      • jle : 71
      • jl : 72
      • je : 73
      • jne : 74
      • jqe : 75
      • jg : 76
  • Sequential Hardware Structure
    • Fetch: get value pointed by program counter (PC) (aka instruction pointer, IP) and move to instruction register (IR); increment PC
    • Decode: Figure out what the command is
    • Execute: Execute the command (in the case of ALU stuff)
    • Memory: Move store memory stuff
    • Write Back: write to registers
    • PC: Start back from top
  • Pipelining is when multiple stages are occuring simultaneously (why the process is split into 5 subprocedures)
  • Instruction example
    • For instruction OPq rA, rB : 6(fn) (rA) (rB)
      • Fetch: read two bytes
      • Decode: read operand registers
      • Execute: perform ALU operation, set condition codes
      • Memory: Do nothing
      • Write Back: Update register
      • PC Update: Increment PC by 2 (2 because the OPq has an extra byte of registers)
    • Exactly what happens in OPq rA, rB : 6(fn) (rA) (rB)
      • Fetch
        • (\textrm{icode:ifun} \leftarrow M_1[PC])   // Read instruction byte
        • (rA:rB \leftarrow M_1[PC+1])   // Read register byte
        • (valP \leftarrow PC+2)   // Computer next PC
      • Decode
        • (valA \leftarrow R[rA])   // Read operand A
        • (valB \leftarrow R[rB])   // Read operand B
      • Execute
        • (valE \leftarrow valB\textrm{ OP }valA)   // Perform ALU operation
        • (\textrm{set CC})   // Set condition code register
      • Memory   // NOP
      • Write Back
        • (R[rB] \leftarrow valE)   // Write back result
      • PC Update
        • (PC \leftarrow valP)   // Update PC
    • Notes on other opcodes
      • For ops like rmmovq which have large data parts (i.e. D is 8 bytes), use (M_8) instead of (M_1)
      • For stack operations, one register represents no register (represented F above and usually 0xF in 15-register system)
      • In popq Decode:
        • (valA \leftarrow R[%rsp])   // valA is used to put value at old %rsp into rA
        • (valb \leftarrow R[%rsp])   // valB is used to calculate %rsp + 8 for new %rsp
      • cmovXX moves rA into rB only when the condition is true
        • If condition is false, 0xF is used as destination


  • Y86-64 Instruction Mapping
    • 0x1000: call 0x12300
      • Fetch: (icode:ifun \leftarrow M_1[PC] \ valC \leftarrow M_8[PC+1] \ valP \leftarrow PC + 9)
      • Decode: (valA \leftarrow R[rsp] \ valB \leftarrow R[rsp])
      • Execute: (valE \leftarrow valB + (-8))
      • Memory: (M_8[valE] \leftarrow valP)
      • Write Back: (R[rsp] \leftarrow valE)
      • PC Update: (PC \leftarrow valC)
    • ret (0x90)
      • Fetch: (icode:ifun \leftarrow M_1[PC])
      • Decode: (valA \leftarrow R[rsp] \ valB \leftarrow R[rsp])
      • Execute: (valE \leftarrow valB + 8)
      • Memory: (valM \leftarrow M_8[valA])
      • Write Back: (R[rsp] \leftarrow valE)
      • PC Update: (PC \leftarrow valM)


  • (Insert stuff here)


  • iaddq V, rB
    • Fetch: (icode:ifun \leftarrow M_1[PC] \ rA:rB \leftarrow M_1[PC+1] \ valC \leftarrow M_8[PC+2] \ valP \leftarrow PC + 10)
    • Decode: (valB \leftarrow R[rB])
    • Execute: (valE \leftarrow valB + valC)
    • Memory:
    • Write Back: (R[rB] \leftarrow valE)
    • PC Update: (PC \leftarrow valP)


  • HW Convert to assembly:
    void swappair(long a[], n) {
      // Assumes n is length of a and n is even
      int i;
      long swap;
      for (i = 0; i < n; i = i + 2) {
        swap = a[i];
        a[i] = a[i+1];
        a[i+1] = swap;


  • N/A


  • #TODO
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