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Hector Perez hdavid16

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Deploying Julia on heroku

Let's assume that you can run your web server on your own computer, and that you can open it in your own browser (through localhost or This guide will go through the steps of putting that app online!

This guide will be based on a hello world sample project that uses Genie.jl, but the steps from this guide apply to any Julia web framework.

heroku has tons of features, but for a simple app, we only need the basics. In particular, we do not need the heroku command line, we can do everything through the online GUI.


heroku uses git for deployment: to package your app, you create a git repository, and to put a new version of your app online, you push to the git repository. If you already know git, then you now know how to manage a web server! It's like GitHub pages, but more powerful (and more complicated). Read heroku's introduction for a basi