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Last active December 21, 2022 17:01
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Visual Basic functions to use with Named References (under Formulas > Name Manager)
' Some custom Visual Basic functions that I like to use
' User MikeD on
' Check whether a given string is a valid name in Activeworkbook.names
Function isNamedRange(ByVal rangeName As String)
Dim n As Name
isNamedRange = False
For Each n In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If n.Name = rangeName Then
isNamedRange = True
Exit For
End If
End Function
' Get the location of a given named range (under Formula > Name Manager) or display an error
' Example: airSpeed = Range(GetRefersTo("airSpeed")).Value
Function GetRefersTo(ByVal namedRef As String) As String
If isNamedRange(namedRef) Then
GetRefersTo = ActiveWorkbook.Names(namedRef).RefersTo
MsgBox "This named reference does not exist in this worksheet: " & vbNewLine & namedRef
Debug.Print "This named reference does not exist in this worksheet:" & vbNewLine & namedRef
End If
End Function
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