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Last active October 24, 2020 14:42
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My solution(s) to John Conway's 10 Digit number puzzle: (
import string
from sys import argv, stderr
from time import time
def spinner_f():
while True:
for c in '|/-\\':
yield c
spinner = spinner_f()
def assemblies(m, base):
n = len(m)
indices = [0 for i in range(n)]
s = time()
while True:
c = ''
f = False
u = set()
for i in range(n):
t = m[i][indices[i]]
ct = c + t
if t in u or int(ct, base) % (i + 1) != 0 or (ct == '0'):
f = True
c = ct
e = time()
if e >= s + 0.1: # throttle spinner display
print(next(spinner), end='\b', flush=True, file=stderr)
s = e
if not f:
yield (c, u) # return valid numbers and their used digits, that will be used to ensure that all digits are used only once
# find the rightmost array that has more elements left after the current element in that array
nxt = n - 1
while (nxt >= 0 and (indices[nxt] + 1 >= len(m[nxt]))):
nxt -= 1
if (nxt < 0): # no more combinations left
indices[nxt] += 1
# for all arrays to the right of this array current index again points to first element
for i in range(nxt + 1, n):
indices[i] = 0
def conway(size=10, base=10): # Calculate John Conway's number puzzle, up to base 36
ds = list(string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase)[0:base]
m = []
b = {}
for i in range(size):
t = []
a = list(assemblies(m[:-1], base))
# populate m, that holds the matrix of valid numbers per digit
for i2 in range(base):
for n, u in a:
if ds[i2] not in u and int(n + ds[i2], base) % (i + 1) == 0 and n + ds[i2] not in t and not (i == 0 and i2 == 0):
if ds[i2] not in m[i]:
t.append(n + ds[i2]) # this is a list of valid numbers until this digit
# clear out the invalid from m, to greatly reduce the search space
tl = len(t)
for i2 in range(i):
b[i2] = set(m[i2])
for i3 in range(tl):
for e in b[i2]:
return sorted(t)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(argv) < 2:
print('usage: [digits [base]]\n' +
' digits: \trange: \t2-base, default: 10 \tHow long should the number be?\n' +
' base: \trange: \t2-36, \tdefault: 10 \tWhat number base to use?\n')
print('Solution(s):', list(conway(*[int(p) for p in argv[1:]])))
import sys, itertools
def conway(size=2):
for n in itertools.permutations([str(i) for i in range(10)], r = size):
f = False
for i in range(1, size+1):
#print(''.join(n[0:i]), '%', i, '=', n[0] != '0' and int(''.join(n[0:i])) % i == 0)
if n[0] == '0' or int(''.join(n[0:i])) % i != 0:
f = True
if not f:
yield ''.join(n)
print(list(conway(int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 10)))
import string
from sys import argv
from itertools import permutations
from math import factorial
from time import time
def conway(size=10, base=10): # Calculate John Conway's number puzzle, up to base 36
p = int(factorial(base) / factorial(base-size))
c = 0
b = time()
s = b
for n in permutations(list(string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase)[0:base], r = size):
f = False
c += 1
for i in range(1, size+1):
t = time()
if t >= s + 0.1: # throttle status display
print(str(round(c/p*100, 2)) + '% (' + str(c) + '/' + str(p) +
') ETC: ' + str(round(p * (t - b) / c - (t - b), 1)) + 's \t' +
''.join(n[0:i]) + ' % ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(n[0] != '0' and int(''.join(n[0:i]), base) % i == 0),
end = '\t\t\t\t\r', flush = True)
s = t
if n[0] == '0' or int(''.join(n[0:i]), base) % i != 0: # skip if starts with 0 or is not divisible
f = True
if not f:
yield ''.join(n)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(argv) < 2:
print('usage: [digits [base]]\n' +
' digits: \trange: \t2-base, default: 10 \tHow long should the number be?\n' +
' base: \trange: \t2-36, \tdefault: 10 \tWhat number base to use?\n')
print('Solution(s):', list(conway(*[int(p) for p in argv[1:]])), '\t\t\t\t\t\t')
import string
from sys import argv
from itertools import permutations, chain
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial
def part(ds, size, base, h, hs, t):
ret = []
header = h[t]
for n in permutations([e for e in ds if e not in header], r = size - hs):
n = header + n
f = False
for i in range(1, size+1):
if int(''.join(n[0:i]), base) % i != 0: # skip if not divisible
f = True
if not f:
#print('Thread:', t, 'Header:', ''.join(header), 'Returned:', ret)
return ret
def conway(size=10, base=10, hs=2): # Calculate John Conway's number puzzle, up to base 36
ds = list(string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase)[0:base]
if size - hs < 0:
hs = size
h = [n for n in permutations(ds, r=hs) if n[0] != '0'] # hs is the size of the header (h is header)
with Pool() as pool:
f = partial(part, ds, size, base, h, hs)
return sorted(chain(*, range(len(h)))))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(argv) < 2:
print('usage: [digits [base [granularity]]]\n' +
' digits: \trange: \t1-base, default: 10 \tHow long should the number be?\n' +
' base: \trange: \t2-36, \tdefault: 10 \tWhat number base to use?\n' +
' granularity: \trange: \t1-base, default: 2 \tHow many digits to use as header for threads?\n')
print('Solution(s):', conway(*[int(p) for p in argv[1:]]))
import string
from sys import argv
from itertools import permutations
def check(n, base):
s = len(n)
while s > 0:
if int(n[0:s], base) % s != 0:
return False
s -= 1
return True
def conway(size=10, base=10): # Calculate John Conway's number puzzle, up to base 36
ds = list(string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase)[0:base]
return sorted([int(''.join(n), base) for n in permutations(ds, r=size) if n[0] != '0' and check(''.join(n), base)])
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(argv) < 2:
print('usage: [digits [base]]\n' +
' digits: \trange: \t2-base, default: 10 \tHow long should the number be?\n' +
' base: \trange: \t2-36, \tdefault: 10 \tWhat number base to use?\n')
print('Solution(s):', conway(*[int(p) for p in argv[1:]]))
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