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Last active December 14, 2015 07:39
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ipfilter.dat generating script
import sys, urllib2, zlib, os.path
urls = ['',
output = 'ipfilter.dat'
ipfilter = []
def ip2int(ip):
exp = 3
intip = 0
for quad in ip.split('.'):
intip += (int(quad) * (256 ** exp))
exp = exp - 1
return intip
def import_old(file):
if not os.path.isfile(file): return
print "Importing " + file + "..."
f = open(file, 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
ip1 = ip2int(lines[i][:15])
ip2 = ip2int(lines[i][18:33])
ipfilter.append([lines[i][:15], lines[i][18:33], lines[i][42:-1].ljust(10), ip1, ip2, ip2-ip1])
i += 1
def get_gzipped(url):
out = ''
request = urllib2.Request(url)
request.add_header('Accept-encoding', 'gzip,deflate')
response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
d = zlib.decompressobj(16+zlib.MAX_WBITS)
while True:
data =
if not data: break
out += d.decompress(data)
return out
def ip_format(ip):
return "{0:03d}.{1:03d}.{2:03d}.{3:03d}".format(*map(int, ip.split('.')))
import_old('n' + output)
for url in urls:
print "Downloading " + url + "..."
i = 0
lines = get_gzipped(url).split('\n')
print "Processing " + str(len(lines)) + " entries..."
for row in lines:
if len(row) < 20: break
i += 1
sys.stdout.write(str(i) + "/" + str(len(lines)) + " (" + str(int(100/(1.0*len(lines)/i))) + "%)\r")
desc, ips = row.split(':')
ips = map(ip_format, ips.split('-'))
ip1 = ip2int(ips[0])
ip2 = ip2int(ips[1])
ipfilter.append([ips[0], ips[1], desc[0:10].ljust(10), ip1, ip2, ip2-ip1])
print "Sorting...".ljust(40)
ipfilter.sort(key=lambda k: k[5], reverse=True)
ipfilter.sort(key=lambda k: k[3])
print "Filtering..."
for e in enumerate(ipfilter):
sys.stdout.write(str(e[0]+1) + "/" + str(len(ipfilter)) + " (" + str(int(100/(1.0*len(ipfilter)/(e[0]+1)))) + "%)\r")
while e[0] < len(ipfilter)-1 and (e[1][3] == ipfilter[e[0]+1][3] or ipfilter[e[0]+1][4] <= e[1][4]):
print "Writing output...".ljust(40)
f = open(output + '_new.txt', 'w')
for row in ipfilter:
f.write(row[0] + ' - ' + row[1] + ' , 000 , ' + row[2] + "\n")
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