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Forked from praetoriansentry/main.go
Last active November 2, 2022 11:33
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Save hdf/f049dc21f3ea53c270823aed9536f822 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Program to find crc32 collision, generates output like: `Hello, my hash is: 1A745BD7! :)`
// To compile:
// nvcc -O3 -Xcompiler -openmp crc32_quine.cpp -o crc32_quine
// Inspired by:
// (Can be timed with:
// (Was not able to make it faster than the insiration, golang is impressive.)
#include <stdio.h> // printf, sprintf
#include "Crc32.cpp" // From:
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#include <windows.h>
#include <ctime>
// timing
static double seconds() {
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
LARGE_INTEGER frequency, now;
QueryPerformanceCounter (&now);
return now.QuadPart / double(frequency.QuadPart);
timespec now;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
return now.tv_sec + now.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0;
// Based on:
char *replaceAll(char *source_str, const char *pattern, const char *replacement) {
const size_t n3 = 8;
char *match = strstr(source_str, pattern);
char *result;
bool found = false;
while (match != NULL) {
size_t len = strlen(source_str);
size_t n1 = match - source_str; // # bytes before the match
size_t n2 = strlen(pattern); // # bytes in the pattern string
//size_t n3 = strlen(replacement); // # bytes in the replacement string
size_t n4 = len - n1 - n2; // # bytes after the pattern in the source string
result = (char*)malloc(n1 + n3 + n4 + 1);
if (result != NULL) {
memcpy(result, source_str, n1); // copy the initial portion
memcpy(result + n1, replacement, n3); // copy the replacement string
memcpy(result + n1 + n3, match + n2, n4 + 1); // copy the trailing bytes, including the null terminator
if (found) { // don't free the original input string
source_str = result;
match = strstr(source_str + n1 + n3, pattern); // skip looking at parts of the string we already checked (no meta-templating)
found = true;
if (!found) {
return strdup(source_str); // always return an allocated string
return result;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
char *str = "Hello, my hash is: {{crc32}}! :)";
char *out = NULL;
unsigned int out_crc = 0;
bool done = false;
double startTime = seconds();
if (argc > 1)
str = argv[1];
#pragma omp parallel default(none) firstprivate(str, startTime) shared(done, out, out_crc)
uint32_t crc;
char *str_crc = new char[8];
char *str_crc2 = new char[8];
// Using all cores actually slows it down!
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, 8)
for (long long i = 0; i <= 4294967295; i++) {
if (done) {
sprintf(str_crc, "%08X", (unsigned int)i);
char *ret = replaceAll(str, "{{crc32}}", str_crc);
crc = crc32_16bytes(ret, strlen(ret));
sprintf(str_crc2, "%08X", crc);
if (i == crc) {
done = true;
out = ret;
out_crc = crc;
if (i % (long long)1e7 == 0) {
double dur = seconds() - startTime;
printf("str=%s, CRC=%s, %u, %.2fs, %.2f Mhashes/s\n", ret, str_crc2, (unsigned int)i, dur, (unsigned int)i / dur / 1e6);
double duration = seconds() - startTime;
if (out != NULL) {
printf("str=%s, CRC=%08X, iter=%u, %.2fs, %.2f Mhashes/s\n", out, out_crc, out_crc, duration, out_crc / duration / 1e6);
} else
printf("Finished without finding a collision in %.2fs. %.2f Mhashes/s\n", duration, out_crc / duration / 1e6);
return 0;
// CRC32 hashing and hex conversion based on:
function hex(what)
// adjust negative numbers
if (what < 0)
what = 0xFFFFFFFF + what + 1;
// convert to hexadecimal string
var result = what.toString(16).toUpperCase();
// add leading zeros
return ('0000000' + result).slice(-8);
function crc32_bitwise(text)
// CRC32b polynomial
var Polynomial = 0xEDB88320;
// start value
var crc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++)
// XOR next byte into state
crc ^= text.charCodeAt(i);
// process 8 bits
for (var bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++)
// look at lowest bit
if ((crc & 1) != 0)
crc = (crc >>> 1) ^ Polynomial;
crc = crc >>> 1;
// return hex string
return hex(~crc);
// Based on:
function getIntervals(interval, n)
const size = Math.floor(interval / n) || 1;
const res = [];
for (let i = 0; i <= interval; i += size) {
const a = (i == 0) ? i : (i += 1);
const b = ((i + size) > interval) ? interval : (i + size);
if (a < interval)
res.push([a, b]);
return res;
// Based on:
// and:
function hash_quine(str, placeholder = "{{crc32}}", hasher = crc32_bitwise, hash_bits = 32)
const keyspace = Math.pow(2, hash_bits) - 1;
var msg = "";
//const cores = ((typeof(os) != 'undefined')?os.cpus().length:navigator.hardwareConcurrency || 2);
const cores = 4; // On a 6 core, 12 thread Ryzen, using only 4 workers gives twice the performance as using 12 for some reason...
const intervals = getIntervals(keyspace, cores);
var start =;
var workers = [];
var checked = [];
function func() {
var id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999); // Random worker id if not specified
if (typeof(asmjs) == 'function') asmjs();
onmessage = function(e) {
if (typeof( == 'number') // Assign worker id
id =;
if (typeof( == 'number' && typeof( == 'number') {
for (let i =; i >=; i--) {
let hash = hex(i);
let ret =, hash);
if (hashers[](ret) == hash) {
postMessage({id: id, found: true, checked: ( - i), done: true, res: ret});
if ((i % 1e6) == 0)
postMessage({id: id, found: false, checked: ( - i), done: false});
postMessage({id: id, found: false, checked: ( -, done: true});
function stopWorkers() {
for (let i = 0, n = workers.length; i < n; i++)
workers = [];
checked = [];
// Create worker content as blob
var blob = new Blob(
hex.toString() + '\n\n' +
'var hashers = {\n crc32_bitwise: ' + crc32_bitwise.toString() + '\n};\n\n' +
func.toString() + '\nfunc();'
], {type: 'text/javascript'});
var code = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
for (let i = 0; i < cores; i++) {
checked[i] = 0;
workers[i] = new Worker(code);
workers[i].onmessage = function(e) {
checked[] =;
const total_checked = checked.reduce((partialSum, a) => partialSum + a, 0);
if ( && {
console.log("Found a solution after " + total_checked + ' tries.');
if ( && (! && total_checked == keyspace) {
console.log("Finished without finding a collision.");
if (! {
let new_msg = "Processing at " + (total_checked / keyspace * 100).toFixed(2) + "%...";
if (new_msg != msg){
msg = new_msg;
let elapsed = - start;
console.log("(Already tried " + total_checked.toString() + " hashes (" + (total_checked / (elapsed / 1000)).toFixed(0) + " hashes/sec).)");
id: i,
from: intervals[i][0],
to: intervals[i][1],
str: str,
placeholder: placeholder,
}); // Assign worker an id
return "Started search on " + cores + " cores...";
// Single thread version (unreachable code):
for (let i = keyspace; i >= 0; i--) {
let hash = hex(i);
let ret = str.replaceAll(placeholder, hash);
if (hasher(ret) == hash)
return ret;
let new_msg = "Processing at " + ((keyspace - i) / keyspace * 100).toFixed(2) + "%...";
if ((i % 1000000) == 0 && new_msg != msg){
msg = new_msg;
let elapsed = - start;
console.log("(Already tried " + (keyspace - i).toString() + " hashes (" + ((keyspace - i) / (elapsed / 1000)).toFixed(0) + " hashes/sec).)");
return "Finished without finding a collision.";
console.log(hash_quine("Hello, my hash is: {{crc32}}! :)"));
package main
import (
var routines uint32 = 8
func isPrint(s []byte) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] < 32 || s[i] > 126 {
return false
return true
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var i uint32
old_status := 0.0
for i = 0; i < routines; i = i + 1 {
go func(buc uint32) {
baseTemplateString := "Hello, my hash is: {{crc32}}! :)"
desiredCRC := ""
var desiredDEC uint64
var cmp uint32
if len(os.Args) > 1 {
baseTemplateString = os.Args[1]
if len(os.Args) > 2 {
desiredCRC = os.Args[2]
desiredDEC, _ = strconv.ParseUint(desiredCRC, 16, 32)
parts := strings.Split(baseTemplateString, "{{crc32}}")
var pad uint32 = 0
pad_bytes := make([]byte, 4)
for {
pad += 1
if pad == 0 {
if pad%routines != buc {
cmp = pad
var curQuine string
if desiredCRC != "" { // We are looking for a forced hash!
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(pad_bytes, pad)
/*if !isPrint(pad_bytes) {
cmp = uint32(desiredDEC)
if len(os.Args) > 3 {
curQuine = strings.Join(parts, fmt.Sprintf("%08X", pad))
} else {
curQuine = strings.Join(parts, string(pad_bytes))
} else {
curQuine = strings.Join(parts, fmt.Sprintf("%08X", pad))
cksum := crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(curQuine))
if cksum == cmp {
fmt.Printf("Found dec: %d hex: %08X quine: %s\n", cmp, cmp, curQuine)
if len(os.Args) != 3 { // Repeat for lower case if we are not looking for a 4 byte solution.
if desiredCRC != "" {
if len(os.Args) > 3 {
curQuine = strings.Join(parts, fmt.Sprintf("%08x", pad))
} else {
curQuine = strings.Join(parts, fmt.Sprintf("%08x", pad))
cksum = crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(curQuine))
if cksum == cmp {
fmt.Printf("Found dec: %d hex: %08X quine: %s\n", cmp, cmp, curQuine)
new_status := float64(pad) / 4294967294 * 100
if new_status >= old_status+0.1 || pad >= 4294967294 {
old_status = new_status
fmt.Printf("\r%.1f%% ", new_status)
/*if pad%1e7 == 0 {
fmt.Printf("%d: %s", pad, curQuine)
fmt.Println("Finished searching for collisions.")
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hdf commented Oct 31, 2022


crc32_quine_go "{{crc32}}"
19.9% Found dec: 854832951 hex: 32F3B737 quine: 32F3B737
100.0% Finished searching for collisions.

crc32_quine_go "{{crc32}}" "deadbeef"
2.4% Found dec: 3735928559 hex: DEADBEEF quine: ��$♠
100.0% Finished searching for collisions.

crc32_quine_go "{{crc32}}" "deadbeef" 1
10.4% Found dec: 3735928559 hex: DEADBEEF quine: 1ABCAB53
56.0% Found dec: 3735928559 hex: DEADBEEF quine: 8f88fd8a
78.7% Found dec: 3735928559 hex: DEADBEEF quine: C99606ED
82.7% Found dec: 3735928559 hex: DEADBEEF quine: d3e6969b
90.9% Found dec: 3735928559 hex: DEADBEEF quine: E8B1E6C2
100.0% Finished searching for collisions.

10.3% Found dec: 443833303 hex: 1A745BD7 quine: Hello, my hash is: 1A745BD7! :)
21.6% Found dec: 925562677 hex: 372AF735 quine: Hello, my hash is: 372af735! :)
55.6% Found dec: 2389256129 hex: 8E6927C1 quine: Hello, my hash is: 8e6927c1! :)
61.3% Found dec: 2624772843 hex: 9C72DAEB quine: Hello, my hash is: 9C72DAEB! :)
85.9% Found dec: 3687246397 hex: DBC6EA3D quine: Hello, my hash is: DBC6EA3D! :)
100.0% Finished searching for collisions.

crc32_quine_go "Hello, my hash is: {{crc32}}! :)" "deadbeef" 1
0.1% Found dec: 3735928559 hex: DEADBEEF quine: Hello, my hash is: 0052670a! :)
84.0% Found dec: 3735928559 hex: DEADBEEF quine: Hello, my hash is: D70D463D! :)
100.0% Finished searching for collisions.


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