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Created December 1, 2016 18:16
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First you'll need a docker install:


After installing Docker, we'll run a PureScript psci session by running the image. The -it flags allocate a pseudo tty and make it interactive. We're pulling the image from the default docker hub, so the images are here and the code that builds them is on GitHub

docker run -it biscarch/purescript:

We should see something like this as a result (if you have not previously downloaded the image):

Unable to find image 'biscarch/purescript:' locally
Pulling repository biscarch/purescript
85cf1246cf87: Download complete
511136ea3c5a: Download complete
848d84b4b2ab: Download complete
71d9d77ae89e: Download complete
9c7db00d9eab: Download complete
e512573c88ba: Download complete
2196d28d9b54: Download complete
05d488a9d6e4: Download complete
4ef15268a341: Download complete
c1b3e4601eb0: Download complete
78fc43069ca8: Download complete
780cac993ca9: Download complete
195e5a88f40e: Download complete
841f3b11dcbe: Download complete
b3543e32d6e3: Download complete
fcdd94c29651: Download complete
153ca9b43caf: Download complete
Status: Downloaded newer image for biscarch/purescript:
 ____                 ____            _       _
|  _ \ _   _ _ __ ___/ ___|  ___ _ __(_)_ __ | |_
| |_) | | | | '__/ _ \___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __|
|  __/| |_| | | |  __/___) | (__| |  | | |_) | |_
|_|    \__,_|_|  \___|____/ \___|_|  |_| .__/ \__|

:? shows help

Expressions are terminated using Ctrl+D

Cool, a psci. Let's test it out:

> :t 5
Compiling Prelude
Compiling Prelude.Unsafe
Compiling Data.Function
Compiling Data.Eq
Compiling Control.Monad.Eff
Compiling Control.Monad.Eff.Unsafe
Compiling Control.Monad.ST
Compiling Debug.Trace

5 is a Number, which is what we expected.

We can kill the repl (and container) as we normally would exit a psci (with :q)

What's inside

Currently all the purescript binaries are in /opt/purescript. They are also on the PATH.

> ls /opt/purescript

In addition to the purescript binaries, node and npm are installed and on the path.

> node -v
> npm -v

Starting a Project

Let's start a new project with grunt-init-purescript. We can take two approaches to this (or a combination thereof). For now, we'll use the base image without writing a Dockerfile.

Make a new directory on the host:

mkdir my-new-project
cd my-new-project

Run a new biscarch/purescript container. We'll mount our current directory inside the container so that any changes we make persist when the container dies.

docker run -itv `pwd`:/files biscarch/purescript bash

Now that we're in the container (with bash), let's start a new purescript project as normal according to grunt-init-purescript. Note that we don't have git installed in the container, so we'll have to install it first.

apt-get install git -y
npm install -g grunt grunt-init grunt-cli bower
mkdir ~/.grunt-init
git clone ~/.grunt-init/purescript
cd /files
grunt-init purescript

grunt-init purescript will give output that looks like below, feel free to modify any of the fields.

grunt-init purescript
Running "init:purescript" (init) task
This task will create one or more files in the current directory, based on the
environment and the answers to a few questions. Note that answering "?" to any
question will show question-specific help and answering "none" to most questions
will leave its value blank.

Please answer the following:
[?] Project name (starter-kit)
[?] Description (An empty PureScript project.)
[?] Version (0.1.0)
[?] Licenses (MIT)
[?] Author name (none)
[?] Do you need to make any changes to the above before continuing? (y/N) N

Writing .bowerrc...OK
Writing .gitignore...OK
Writing Gruntfile.js...OK
Writing bower.json...OK
Writing js/index.js...OK
Writing package.json...OK
Writing src/Starter/Kit/Example.purs...OK
Writing tests/Tests.purs...OK

Initialized from template "purescript".
You can now build the project as follows:

  npm install
  bower update

Done, without errors.

Now that we've initialized a project, lets install dependencies and compile the project using grunt:

npm install
bower update

That's it. We can now check that the files were actually persisted to the host by exiting the container:

$ exit
> ls
Gruntfile.js     LICENSE-MIT        bower.json       bower_components js
node_modules     output           package.json     src              tests            tmp


There's a slight problem with this though. We won't have bower, etc installed when we try to run the container again! This is an easy fix, we'll create a Dockerfile in the root of our project.

# my-new-project/Dockerfile
FROM biscarch/purescript:

RUN npm install grunt grunt-cli bower
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