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Last active November 16, 2016 20:40
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#---------------------------- New method. Runs in ~0.23 seconds ----------------------------
import time
start = time.time()
# Create a prime sieve that tracks of the number of prime factors for each composite number
limit = 500000
numFactors = [0] * limit # Stores the number of prime factors for composite numbers (0 for primes)
for i in range(2, 10000):
if numFactors[i-2] == 0: # if i is prime
numFactors[i-2] = 1
for multiple in range(i*2 - 2, limit, i):
numFactors[multiple] += 1 # Increment number of factors for the multiples of i
for n in range(1, limit-3):
if numFactors[n] == 4 and numFactors[n+1] == 4 and numFactors[n+2] == 4 and numFactors[n+3] == 4:
print("time: " + str(time.time() - start))
#---------------------------- Old method. Runs in ~2.2 seconds ----------------------------
start = time.time()
# Global dictionary that memoizes factorization
memoized = {}
# Returns the number of distinct prime factors
def num_prime_factors(num, primes):
global memoized
copy = num
factors = 0
for prime in primes:
if copy % prime == 0:
factors += 1
while copy % prime == 0:
copy /= prime
if copy in memoized:
factors += memoized[copy]
if prime > copy:
memoized[num] = factors
return factors
# Create a set of primes using a sieve method
primes = []
notPrimes = set()
maxPrime = 5000
for i in range(2, maxPrime):
if not i in notPrimes:
for notPrime in range(i*2, maxPrime, i): # Add all multiples of i to notPrimes
num = 1
while True:
consecutive = 1
num += 4 # Check every 4th number. If num has 4 prime factors, check num - 3 to num + 3
if num_prime_factors(num, primes) == 4:
for i in range(num + 1, num + 4):
if num_prime_factors(i, primes) == 4:
consecutive += 1
for i in reversed(range(num-3, num)):
if num_prime_factors(i, primes) == 4:
consecutive += 1
num = i
if consecutive >= 4:
print("time: " + str(time.time() - start))
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