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Last active December 13, 2023 23:20
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Save hdo/6027504 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import struct
import sys
import time
import json
from struct import *
from twisted.web import server, resource
from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.application.internet import MulticastServer
user_pw = '0000' # default is '0000'
code_login = 0xfffd040d
code_total_today = 0x54000201
code_spot_ac_power = 0x51000201
src_serial = 987193143 # = 37 5F D7 3A (intel format, little endian)
dst_serial = 304913813 # = 95 9D 2C 12 (intel format, little endian)
comm_port = 9522
comm_dst = ''
def get_encoded_pw(password):
# user=0x88, install=0xBB
for index in range(min(len(encpw), len(password))):
encpw[index] = encpw[index] + ord(password[index])
ret = ""
for ch in encpw:
ret = ret + hex(ch).replace('0x','')
return ret
cmd_login = '534d4100000402a000000001003a001060650ea0ffffffffffff00017800%s00010000000004800c04fdff07000000840300004c20cb5100000000%s00000000' % (struct.pack('<I', src_serial).encode('hex'), get_encoded_pw(user_pw))
cmd_logout = '534d4100000402a00000000100220010606508a0ffffffffffff00037800%s000300000000d7840e01fdffffffffff00000000' % (struct.pack('<I', src_serial).encode('hex'))
cmd_query_total_today = '534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0b500%s00007800%s000000000000f1b10002005400002600ffff260000000000' % (struct.pack('<I', dst_serial).encode('hex'), struct.pack('<I', src_serial).encode('hex'))
cmd_query_spot_ac_power = '534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0b500%s00007800%s00000000000081f00002005100002600ffff260000000000' % (struct.pack('<I', dst_serial).encode('hex'), struct.pack('<I', src_serial).encode('hex'))
sma_data = {}
query_list = []
rea = 0
class MulticastClientUDP(DatagramProtocol):
def datagramReceived(self, datagram, address):
global sma_data, data_available
data = datagram.encode('hex')
print "received %d bytes " % len(datagram)
print "data: " + data
code = get_code(datagram)
print "code: %d" % code
if code == code_login:
print "received package code: login"
if code == code_total_today:
print "received package code: total, today power data"
total = get_long_value_at(datagram, 62)
today = get_long_value_at(datagram, 78)
print "total: %d" % total
print "today: %d" % today
sma_data['total'] = total
sma_data['today'] = today
if code == code_spot_ac_power:
print "received package code: spot ac power"
value = get_long_value_at(datagram, 62)
if value == 0x80000000:
value = 0
print value
sma_data['spotacpower'] = value
output_data = json.dumps(sma_data)
print output_data
out = open('sma_data.json','w')
def send_command(cmd):
print "sending command: %s" % cmd
data = cmd.decode('hex')
rea.write(data, (comm_dst, comm_port))
def get_code(data):
print data[42:46].encode('hex')
c = unpack('I', data[42:46])
return c[0]
def get_long_value_at(data, index):
v = unpack('I', data[index:index+4])
return v[0]
def callfunc(x):
print "stopping reactor"
rea = reactor.listenUDP(0, MulticastClientUDP())
_DelayedCallObj = reactor.callLater(5, callfunc, "callfunc called after 4 sec")
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jhagberg commented Oct 7, 2015


I have problems get this to work with my STP 10000TL-10

I changed
src_serial = 2110483816 # = 37 5F D7 3A (intel format, little endian)
This is the serial of my inverter
dst_serial = 4294967295 # = 95 9D 2C 12 (intel format, little endian)
This is as above comment. is my inverter IP.

This is the output

sending command: 534d4100000402a000000001003a001060650ea0ffffffffffff00017800686dcb7d00010000000004800c04fdff07000000840300004c20cb5100000000b8b8b8b8888888888888888800000000
received 78 bytes
data: 534d4100000402a000000001003a001060650ed07800686dcb7d00018000686dcb7d00010000000004800d04fdff07000000840300004c20cb5100000000b8b8b8b8888888888888888800000000
code: 4294771725
received package code: login
sending command: 534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0b500ffffffff00007800686dcb7d000000000000f1b10002005400002600ffff260000000000

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I tried your script but it wasn't working. After login the script has stopped. If I replace the dst_serial by fffffffff in both commands it works fine. So the destination serial is not needed at all. I think the destination serial is only needed to parse the response and identify different inverters. See the dirty fix below to get it running. Because the source address is hardcoded anyway you don't need the string concatenation at all and you can use hardcoded request commands.

`cmd_login = '534d4100000402a000000001003a001060650ea0ffffffffffff00017800%s00010000000004800c04fdff07000000840300004c20cb5100000000%s00000000' % (struct.pack('<I', src_serial).encode('hex'), get_encoded_pw(user_pw))
cmd_logout = '534d4100000402a00000000100220010606508a0ffffffffffff00037800%s000300000000d7840e01fdffffffffff00000000' % (struct.pack('<I', src_serial).encode('hex'))

cmd_query_total_today = '534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0b500%s00007800%s000000000000f1b10002005400002600ffff260000000000' % (struct.pack('<I', dst_serial).encode('hex'), struct.pack('<I', src_serial).encode('hex'))

cmd_query_total_today = '534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0FFFFFFFFFFFF00007800375fd73a000000000000f1b10002005400002600ffff260000000000'

cmd_query_spot_ac_power = '534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0b500%s00007800%s00000000000081f00002005100002600ffff260000000000' % (struct.pack('<I', dst_serial).encode('hex'), struct.pack('<I', src_serial).encode('hex'))

cmd_query_spot_ac_power = '534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0FFFFFFFFFFFF00007800375fd73a00000000000081f00002005100002600ffff260000000000'`

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Below some code to add the PDC for both panel strings on Inverter.

{"spotacpower": 3131, "total": 17575451, "string2": 782, "today": 7190, "string1": 2478}

extend the script with the following:

code_spot_dc_power = 0x53800201

cmd_query_spot_dc_power = '534d4100000402a00000000100260010606509e0FFFFFFFFFFFF00007800375fd73a00000000000081f00002805300002500ffff260000000000'

class MulticastClientUDP(DatagramProtocol):

   def datagramReceived(self, datagram, address):
      global sma_data, data_available
      data = datagram.encode('hex')
      print "received %d bytes " % len(datagram)          
      print "data: " + data
      code = get_code(datagram)      
      print "code: %d" % code
      if code == code_login:
         print "received package code: login"
      if code == code_total_today:
         print "received package code: total, today power data"
         total = get_long_value_at(datagram, 62)
         today = get_long_value_at(datagram, 78)
         print "total: %d" % total
         print "today: %d" % today
         sma_data['total'] = total
         sma_data['today'] = today
      if code == code_spot_ac_power:
         print "received package code: spot ac power"
         value = get_long_value_at(datagram, 62)
         if value == 0x80000000:
            value = 0
         print value
         sma_data['spotacpower'] = value
         output_data = json.dumps(sma_data)
         print output_data
      if code == code_spot_dc_power:
         print "received package code: spot dc power"
         string1 = get_long_value_at(datagram, 62)
         string2 = get_long_value_at(datagram, 90)
         print "string1: %d" % string1
         print "string2: %d" % string2
         sma_data['string1'] = string1
         sma_data['string2'] = string2
         output_data = json.dumps(sma_data)
         print output_data
         out = open('sma_data.json','w')

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