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Last active January 11, 2022 10:05
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// outputs
// deflate_old: 3.982s
// deflate_new: 2.08s
// deflate_old: 3.852s
// deflate_new: 2.075s
// deflate_old: 3.895s
// deflate_new: 2.044s
// deflate_old: 3.94s
// deflate_new: 2.127s
const std = @import("std");
const fmt = std.fmt;
const fs = std.fs;
const io =;
const math = std.math;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const GeneralPurposeAllocator = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator;
const Timer = std.time.Timer;
const deflate = std.compress.deflate;
const compressor = deflate.compressor;
const decompressor = deflate.decompressor;
const old_deflate = @import("old_deflate.zig");
const filename = "220mb.deflate";
pub fn create(allocator: Allocator) !void {
const file = try std.fs.cwd().createFile(filename, .{ .read = true });
defer file.close();
var comp = try compressor(allocator, file.writer(), deflate.default_compression, null);
defer comp.deinit();
const writer = comp.writer();
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 220 * 1024 * 1024) : (i += 1) {
try writer.writeByte(@truncate(u8, @truncate(u16, i) *| i));
try comp.close();
pub fn deflate_old(allocator: Allocator) !void {
const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(filename, .{ .read = true });
defer file.close();
var data = try file.reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, math.maxInt(usize));
var fb = io.fixedBufferStream(data);
var window: [0x8000]u8 = undefined;
var inflate = old_deflate.inflateStream(fb.reader(), &window);
const output = try std.fs.cwd().createFile("out.bin", .{ .read = true });
defer output.close();
var buf = [1]u8{0} ** (1 << 15);
var r: usize = 1;
while (r > 0) {
r = try inflate.reader().read(&buf);
try output.writer().writeAll(buf[0..r]);
pub fn deflate_new(allocator: Allocator) !void {
const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(filename, .{ .read = true });
defer file.close();
var data = try file.reader().readAllAlloc(allocator, math.maxInt(usize));
var fb = io.fixedBufferStream(data);
var decomp = try decompressor(allocator, fb.reader(), null);
defer decomp.deinit();
const output = try std.fs.cwd().createFile("out.bin", .{ .read = true });
defer output.close();
var buf = [1]u8{0} ** (1 << 15);
var r: usize = 1;
while (r > 0) {
r = try decomp.reader().read(&buf);
try output.writer().writeAll(buf[0..r]);
pub fn main() !void {
var gpa = GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
defer _ = gpa.deinit();
var allocator = gpa.allocator();
fs.cwd().access(filename, .{}) catch |e| {
if (e != error.FileNotFound) {
return e;
try create(allocator);
var timer = try Timer.start();
var start: usize = 0;
var stop: usize = 0;
start = timer.lap();
try deflate_old(allocator);
stop = timer.lap();
std.debug.print("deflate_old: {}\n", .{fmt.fmtDuration(stop - start)});
start = timer.lap();
try deflate_new(allocator);
stop = timer.lap();
std.debug.print("deflate_new: {}\n", .{fmt.fmtDuration(stop - start)});
// Decompressor for DEFLATE data streams (RFC1951)
// Heavily inspired by the simple decompressor puff.c by Mark Adler
const std = @import("std");
const io =;
const math = std.math;
const mem = std.mem;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const MAXBITS = 15;
const MAXLCODES = 286;
const MAXDCODES = 30;
const FIXLCODES = 288;
// The maximum length of a Huffman code's prefix we can decode using the fast
// path. The factor 9 is inherited from Zlib, tweaking the value showed little
// or no changes in the profiler output.
const PREFIX_LUT_BITS = 9;
const Huffman = struct {
const LUTEntry = packed struct { symbol: u16 align(4), len: u16 };
// Number of codes for each possible length
count: [MAXBITS + 1]u16,
// Mapping between codes and symbols
symbol: [MAXCODES]u16,
// The decoding process uses a trick explained by Mark Adler in [1].
// We basically precompute for a fixed number of codes (0 <= x <= 2^N-1)
// the symbol and the effective code length we'd get if the decoder was run
// on the given N-bit sequence.
// A code with length 0 means the sequence is not a valid prefix for this
// canonical Huffman code and we have to decode it using a slower method.
// [1]
prefix_lut: [1 << PREFIX_LUT_BITS]LUTEntry,
// The following info refer to the codes of length PREFIX_LUT_BITS+1 and are
// used to bootstrap the bit-by-bit reading method if the fast-path fails.
last_code: u16,
last_index: u16,
min_code_len: u16,
const ConstructError = error{ Oversubscribed, IncompleteSet };
fn construct(self: *Huffman, code_length: []const u16) ConstructError!void {
for (self.count) |*val| {
val.* = 0;
self.min_code_len = math.maxInt(u16);
for (code_length) |len| {
if (len != 0 and len < self.min_code_len)
self.min_code_len = len;
self.count[len] += 1;
// All zero.
if (self.count[0] == code_length.len) {
self.min_code_len = 0;
var left: isize = 1;
for (self.count[1..]) |val| {
// Each added bit doubles the amount of codes.
left *= 2;
// Make sure the number of codes with this length isn't too high.
left -= @as(isize, @bitCast(i16, val));
if (left < 0)
return error.Oversubscribed;
// Compute the offset of the first symbol represented by a code of a
// given length in the symbol table, together with the first canonical
// Huffman code for that length.
var offset: [MAXBITS + 1]u16 = undefined;
var codes: [MAXBITS + 1]u16 = undefined;
offset[1] = 0;
codes[1] = 0;
var len: usize = 1;
while (len < MAXBITS) : (len += 1) {
offset[len + 1] = offset[len] + self.count[len];
codes[len + 1] = (codes[len] + self.count[len]) << 1;
self.prefix_lut = mem.zeroes(@TypeOf(self.prefix_lut));
for (code_length) |len, symbol| {
if (len != 0) {
// Fill the symbol table.
// The symbols are assigned sequentially for each length.
self.symbol[offset[len]] = @truncate(u16, symbol);
// Track the last assigned offset.
offset[len] += 1;
if (len == 0 or len > PREFIX_LUT_BITS)
// Given a Huffman code of length N we transform it into an index
// into the lookup table by reversing its bits and filling the
// remaining bits (PREFIX_LUT_BITS - N) with every possible
// combination of bits to act as a wildcard.
const bits_to_fill = @intCast(u5, PREFIX_LUT_BITS - len);
const rev_code = bitReverse(u16, codes[len], len);
// Track the last used code, but only for lengths < PREFIX_LUT_BITS.
codes[len] += 1;
var j: usize = 0;
while (j < @as(usize, 1) << bits_to_fill) : (j += 1) {
const index = rev_code | (j << @intCast(u5, len));
assert(self.prefix_lut[index].len == 0);
self.prefix_lut[index] = .{
.symbol = @truncate(u16, symbol),
.len = @truncate(u16, len),
self.last_code = codes[PREFIX_LUT_BITS + 1];
self.last_index = offset[PREFIX_LUT_BITS + 1] - self.count[PREFIX_LUT_BITS + 1];
if (left > 0)
return error.IncompleteSet;
// Reverse bit-by-bit a N-bit code.
fn bitReverse(comptime T: type, value: T, N: usize) T {
const r = @bitReverse(T, value);
return r >> @intCast(math.Log2Int(T), @typeInfo(T).Int.bits - N);
pub fn InflateStream(comptime ReaderType: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
pub const Error = ReaderType.Error || error{
pub const Reader = io.Reader(*Self, Error, read);
inner_reader: ReaderType,
// True if the decoder met the end of the compressed stream, no further
// data can be decompressed
seen_eos: bool,
state: union(enum) {
// Parse a compressed block header and set up the internal state for
// decompressing its contents.
DecodeBlockHeader: void,
// Decode all the symbols in a compressed block.
DecodeBlockData: void,
// Copy N bytes of uncompressed data from the underlying stream into
// the window.
Copy: usize,
// Copy 1 byte into the window.
CopyLit: u8,
// Copy L bytes from the window itself, starting from D bytes
// behind.
CopyFrom: struct { distance: u16, length: u16 },
// Sliding window for the LZ77 algorithm
window: struct {
const WSelf = @This();
// invariant: buffer length is always a power of 2
buf: []u8,
// invariant: ri <= wi
wi: usize = 0, // Write index
ri: usize = 0, // Read index
el: usize = 0, // Number of readable elements
total_written: usize = 0,
fn readable(self: *WSelf) usize {
return self.el;
fn writable(self: *WSelf) usize {
return self.buf.len - self.el;
// Insert a single byte into the window.
// Returns 1 if there's enough space for the new byte and 0
// otherwise.
fn append(self: *WSelf, value: u8) usize {
if (self.writable() < 1) return 0;
return 1;
// Insert a single byte into the window.
// Assumes there's enough space.
inline fn appendUnsafe(self: *WSelf, value: u8) void {
self.buf[self.wi] = value;
self.wi = (self.wi + 1) & (self.buf.len - 1);
self.el += 1;
self.total_written += 1;
// Fill dest[] with data from the window, starting from the read
// position. This updates the read pointer.
// Returns the number of read bytes or 0 if there's nothing to read
// yet.
fn read(self: *WSelf, dest: []u8) usize {
const N = math.min(dest.len, self.readable());
if (N == 0) return 0;
if (self.ri + N < self.buf.len) {
// The data doesn't wrap around
mem.copy(u8, dest, self.buf[self.ri .. self.ri + N]);
} else {
// The data wraps around the buffer, split the copy
std.mem.copy(u8, dest, self.buf[self.ri..]);
// How much data we've copied from `ri` to the end
const r = self.buf.len - self.ri;
std.mem.copy(u8, dest[r..], self.buf[0 .. N - r]);
self.ri = (self.ri + N) & (self.buf.len - 1);
self.el -= N;
return N;
// Copy `length` bytes starting from `distance` bytes behind the
// write pointer.
// Be careful as the length may be greater than the distance, that's
// how the compressor encodes run-length encoded sequences.
fn copyFrom(self: *WSelf, distance: usize, length: usize) usize {
const N = math.min(length, self.writable());
if (N == 0) return 0;
// TODO: Profile and, if needed, replace with smarter juggling
// of the window memory for the non-overlapping case.
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < N) : (i += 1) {
const index = (self.wi -% distance) & (self.buf.len - 1);
return N;
// Compressor-local Huffman tables used to decompress blocks with
// dynamic codes.
huffman_tables: [2]Huffman = undefined,
// Huffman tables used for decoding length/distance pairs.
hdist: *Huffman,
hlen: *Huffman,
// Temporary buffer for the bitstream.
// Bits 0..`bits_left` are filled with data, the remaining ones are zeros.
bits: u32,
bits_left: usize,
fn peekBits(self: *Self, bits: usize) !u32 {
while (self.bits_left < bits) {
const byte = try self.inner_reader.readByte();
self.bits |= @as(u32, byte) << @intCast(u5, self.bits_left);
self.bits_left += 8;
const mask = (@as(u32, 1) << @intCast(u5, bits)) - 1;
return self.bits & mask;
fn readBits(self: *Self, bits: usize) !u32 {
const val = try self.peekBits(bits);
return val;
fn discardBits(self: *Self, bits: usize) void {
self.bits >>= @intCast(u5, bits);
self.bits_left -= bits;
fn stored(self: *Self) !void {
// Discard the remaining bits, the length field is always
// byte-aligned (and so is the data).
const length = try self.inner_reader.readIntLittle(u16);
const length_cpl = try self.inner_reader.readIntLittle(u16);
if (length != ~length_cpl)
return error.InvalidStoredSize;
self.state = .{ .Copy = length };
fn fixed(self: *Self) !void {
comptime var lencode: Huffman = undefined;
comptime var distcode: Huffman = undefined;
// The Huffman codes are specified in the RFC1951, section 3.2.6
comptime {
const len_lengths =
[_]u16{8} ** 144 ++
[_]u16{9} ** 112 ++
[_]u16{7} ** 24 ++
[_]u16{8} ** 8;
assert(len_lengths.len == FIXLCODES);
try lencode.construct(len_lengths[0..]);
const dist_lengths = [_]u16{5} ** MAXDCODES;
distcode.construct(dist_lengths[0..]) catch |err| switch (err) {
// This error is expected because we only compute distance codes
// 0-29, which is fine since "distance codes 30-31 will never actually
// occur in the compressed data" (from section 3.2.6 of RFC1951).
error.IncompleteSet => {},
else => return err,
self.hlen = &lencode;
self.hdist = &distcode;
self.state = .DecodeBlockData;
fn dynamic(self: *Self) !void {
// Number of length codes
const nlen = (try self.readBits(5)) + 257;
// Number of distance codes
const ndist = (try self.readBits(5)) + 1;
// Number of code length codes
const ncode = (try self.readBits(4)) + 4;
if (nlen > MAXLCODES or ndist > MAXDCODES)
return error.BadCounts;
// Permutation of code length codes
const ORDER = [19]u16{
16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4,
12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15,
// Build the Huffman table to decode the code length codes
var lencode: Huffman = undefined;
var lengths = std.mem.zeroes([19]u16);
// Read the code lengths, missing ones are left as zero
for (ORDER[0..ncode]) |val| {
lengths[val] = @intCast(u16, try self.readBits(3));
lencode.construct(lengths[0..]) catch return error.InvalidTree;
// Read the length/literal and distance code length tables.
// Zero the table by default so we can avoid explicitly writing out
// zeros for codes 17 and 18
var lengths = std.mem.zeroes([MAXCODES]u16);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < nlen + ndist) {
const symbol = try self.decode(&lencode);
switch (symbol) {
0...15 => {
lengths[i] = symbol;
i += 1;
16 => {
// repeat last length 3..6 times
if (i == 0) return error.NoLastLength;
const last_length = lengths[i - 1];
const repeat = 3 + (try self.readBits(2));
const last_index = i + repeat;
if (last_index > lengths.len)
return error.InvalidLength;
while (i < last_index) : (i += 1) {
lengths[i] = last_length;
17 => {
// repeat zero 3..10 times
i += 3 + (try self.readBits(3));
18 => {
// repeat zero 11..138 times
i += 11 + (try self.readBits(7));
else => return error.InvalidSymbol,
if (i > nlen + ndist)
return error.InvalidLength;
// Check if the end of block code is present
if (lengths[256] == 0)
return error.MissingEOBCode;
self.huffman_tables[0].construct(lengths[0..nlen]) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.Oversubscribed => return error.InvalidTree,
error.IncompleteSet => {
// incomplete code ok only for single length 1 code
if (nlen != self.huffman_tables[0].count[0] + self.huffman_tables[0].count[1]) {
return error.InvalidTree;
self.huffman_tables[1].construct(lengths[nlen .. nlen + ndist]) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.Oversubscribed => return error.InvalidTree,
error.IncompleteSet => {
// incomplete code ok only for single length 1 code
if (ndist != self.huffman_tables[1].count[0] + self.huffman_tables[1].count[1]) {
return error.InvalidTree;
self.hlen = &self.huffman_tables[0];
self.hdist = &self.huffman_tables[1];
self.state = .DecodeBlockData;
fn codes(self: *Self, lencode: *Huffman, distcode: *Huffman) !bool {
// Size base for length codes 257..285
const LENS = [29]u16{
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31,
35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258,
// Extra bits for length codes 257..285
const LEXT = [29]u16{
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0,
// Offset base for distance codes 0..29
const DISTS = [30]u16{
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193,
257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577,
// Extra bits for distance codes 0..29
const DEXT = [30]u16{
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6,
7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13,
while (true) {
const symbol = try self.decode(lencode);
switch (symbol) {
0...255 => {
// Literal value
const c = @truncate(u8, symbol);
if (self.window.append(c) == 0) {
self.state = .{ .CopyLit = c };
return false;
256 => {
// End of block symbol
return true;
257...285 => {
// Length/distance pair
const length_symbol = symbol - 257;
const length = LENS[length_symbol] +
@intCast(u16, try self.readBits(LEXT[length_symbol]));
const distance_symbol = try self.decode(distcode);
const distance = DISTS[distance_symbol] +
@intCast(u16, try self.readBits(DEXT[distance_symbol]));
if (distance > self.window.buf.len or distance > self.window.total_written)
return error.InvalidDistance;
const written = self.window.copyFrom(distance, length);
if (written != length) {
self.state = .{
.CopyFrom = .{
.distance = distance,
.length = length - @truncate(u16, written),
return false;
else => return error.InvalidFixedCode,
fn decode(self: *Self, h: *Huffman) !u16 {
// Using u32 instead of u16 to reduce the number of casts needed.
var prefix: u32 = 0;
// Fast path, read some bits and hope they're the prefix of some code.
// We can't read PREFIX_LUT_BITS as we don't want to read past the
// deflate stream end, use an incremental approach instead.
var code_len = h.min_code_len;
if (code_len == 0)
return error.OutOfCodes;
while (true) {
_ = try self.peekBits(code_len);
// Small optimization win, use as many bits as possible in the
// table lookup.
prefix = self.bits & ((1 << PREFIX_LUT_BITS) - 1);
const lut_entry = &h.prefix_lut[prefix];
// The code is longer than PREFIX_LUT_BITS!
if (lut_entry.len == 0)
// If the code lenght doesn't increase we found a match.
if (lut_entry.len <= code_len) {
return lut_entry.symbol;
code_len = lut_entry.len;
// The sequence we've read is not a prefix of any code of length <=
// PREFIX_LUT_BITS, keep decoding it using a slower method.
prefix = try self.readBits(PREFIX_LUT_BITS);
// Speed up the decoding by starting from the first code length
// that's not covered by the table.
var len: usize = PREFIX_LUT_BITS + 1;
var first: usize = h.last_code;
var index: usize = h.last_index;
// Reverse the prefix so that the LSB becomes the MSB and make space
// for the next bit.
var code = bitReverse(u32, prefix, PREFIX_LUT_BITS + 1);
while (len <= MAXBITS) : (len += 1) {
code |= try self.readBits(1);
const count = h.count[len];
if (code < first + count) {
return h.symbol[index + (code - first)];
index += count;
first += count;
first <<= 1;
code <<= 1;
return error.OutOfCodes;
fn step(self: *Self) !void {
while (true) {
switch (self.state) {
.DecodeBlockHeader => {
// The compressed stream is done.
if (self.seen_eos) return;
const last = @intCast(u1, try self.readBits(1));
const kind = @intCast(u2, try self.readBits(2));
self.seen_eos = last != 0;
// The next state depends on the block type.
switch (kind) {
0 => try self.stored(),
1 => try self.fixed(),
2 => try self.dynamic(),
3 => return error.InvalidBlockType,
.DecodeBlockData => {
if (!try, self.hdist)) {
self.state = .DecodeBlockHeader;
.Copy => |*length| {
const N = math.min(self.window.writable(), length.*);
// TODO: This loop can be more efficient. On the other
// hand uncompressed blocks are not that common so...
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < N) : (i += 1) {
var tmp: [1]u8 = undefined;
if ((try != 1) {
// Unexpected end of stream, keep this error
// consistent with the use of readBitsNoEof.
return error.EndOfStream;
if (N != length.*) {
length.* -= N;
self.state = .DecodeBlockHeader;
.CopyLit => |c| {
if (self.window.append(c) == 0) {
self.state = .DecodeBlockData;
.CopyFrom => |*info| {
const written = self.window.copyFrom(info.distance, info.length);
if (written != info.length) {
info.length -= @truncate(u16, written);
self.state = .DecodeBlockData;
fn init(source: ReaderType, window_slice: []u8) Self {
return Self{
.inner_reader = source,
.window = .{ .buf = window_slice },
.seen_eos = false,
.state = .DecodeBlockHeader,
.hdist = undefined,
.hlen = undefined,
.bits = 0,
.bits_left = 0,
// Implements the io.Reader interface
pub fn read(self: *Self, buffer: []u8) Error!usize {
if (buffer.len == 0)
return 0;
// Try reading as much as possible from the window
var read_amt: usize =;
while (read_amt < buffer.len) {
// Run the state machine, we can detect the "effective" end of
// stream condition by checking if any progress was made.
// Why "effective"? Because even though `seen_eos` is true we
// may still have to finish processing other decoding steps.
try self.step();
// No progress was made
if (self.window.readable() == 0)
read_amt +=[read_amt..]);
return read_amt;
pub fn reader(self: *Self) Reader {
return .{ .context = self };
pub fn inflateStream(reader: anytype, window_slice: []u8) InflateStream(@TypeOf(reader)) {
return InflateStream(@TypeOf(reader)).init(reader, window_slice);
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