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Last active August 28, 2020 17:08
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## Static content served by Sanity
## Static content served by Sanity
is logged in -> Logged area
click log-in -> Auth
## Authentication methods provided by firebase
success -> Logged area
dont have account -> signup
reset password -> reset password
## Let the user know this name will be private and their sponsors won't have access to it
Tell us your name
input name -> Do you have an invite code?
## Explain why we need it
Do you have an invite code?
yes -> Lets create your account
no -> Cant join Moodivation without invite
edit your name -> Tell us your name
## Simple form with email & password
Lets create your account
input email and password -> Creating account
## Waiting on the server
Creating account
it worked -> Account created
it didnt work try again -> Lets create your account
## Confetti?
Account created
Hooray -> Start
## We want to be helpful for users to make sure they don't lose their faith in the product. Explain why we need invite codes right now (we're testing it with a small group of users)
Cant join Moodivation without invite
get in contact -> Homepage
back -> Do you have an invite code?
reset password
email form*
fill -> password reset email sent
password reset email sent
opens email
click on URL provided -> New password screen
New password screen
save new password -> login
## Non-reachable by robots
Logged area
start menu link -> Start
profile menu link -> Profile
explore menu link -> Explore
help menu link -> Homepage
## Splash screen of logged users
choose I am feeling -> I am feeling
choose I want to feel -> I want to feel
explore content -> Explore
pick favorite content from list -> What type of content is it?
## Negative mood list
I am feeling
choose mood -> Mood page
go back -> Start
explore -> Explore
## Positive mood list
I want to feel
choose mood -> Mood page
go back -> Start
explore -> Explore
## List with all content with tag-based nav
choose content -> Can consume content?
go back -> Start
Mood page
choose content -> Can consume content?
## List of content
Browsing content*
## Automatic calculation, no action required
Can consume content?
yes -> What type of content is it?
no -> Moodivator level insufficient
## Modal showing the user they need extra points to unlock that piece of content
Moodivator level insufficient
back -> Explore
What type of content is it?
isAudio -> Audio
isVideo -> Video
isArticle -> Article
loaded -> audio playing
pause -> audio paused
play -> audio playing
back -> Explore
## Only available after audio is finished
finished -> Rate content
audio loading*
audio playing
audio paused
loaded -> video playing
pause -> video paused
play -> video playing
back -> Explore
## Only available after video is finished
finished -> Rate content
video loading*
video playing
video paused
loaded -> reading article
back -> Explore
## Only available after article is fully scrolled down
finished -> Rate content
article loading*
reading article
Rate content
positive experience -> Completed great content
negative experience -> Need more content
Need more content
explore more -> Explore
suggested content -> Can consume content?
Completed great content
explore more -> Explore
suggested content -> Can consume content?
Profile home*
edit data -> Editing profile
log out -> Auth
share feedback -> Feedback
invite people -> Invite people
Editing profile
done -> Profile
Feeedback form*
send feedback -> Feedback thank you
Feedback thank you
close modal -> Profile
Invite people
No one selected
input email list -> Would you like to add a message?
Would you like to add a message?
yes -> Has people to send invite
no -> Has people to send invite
Has people to send invite
send invite -> Successfully invited people
Successfully invited people
go back to profile -> Profile
function render(model){
let current_state_name = model.active_states[0].name;
return $("h1",
{style: {color: "darkBlue"}},
`The current state is: ${current_state_name}`);
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