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Last active December 26, 2019 12:08
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Generate statistics from Moodle logs


  1. Open the Moodle course of interest and go to Administration> Course Administration > Reports > Logs.
  2. Click on "Get these logs"
  3. Download table data as comma separated values (e.g. input1.csv). The script will use this as one of its input files.
  4. Create a file "videos.csv", with a column title (containing the titles that are present in the logs) and a column length, with the length (in minutes) of each video.
  5. Run the script passing the names of the csv files used as input and output:
$ python --logs input1.csv --videos videos.csv --stats output.csv --aggregated output_agg.csv
  1. Check out the resulting two files:
  2. output.csv: The full statistics for each student: date, title and length of the videos watched by each student. * Time: When the vide was watched * User: Name of the student * Context: Title of the video watched * length: Length of the video (in minutes)
  3. output_agg.csv: The aggregated statistics for each student: * User: Name of the student * Classes: Number of classes equivalent to the number of minutes of videos watched * Minutes: Total number of minutes of video watched * % Minutes: Proportion of the total number of minutes of video watched
import argparse
import pandas as pd
from math import ceil
def process(input_files, videos, output_file, aggregated):
prefixes = ["URL: Videoaula: ", "Arquivo: Videoaula: ", "File: Videoaula: " ]
lessons = pd.read_csv(videos, index_col=0)
total_length = lessons.sum(axis=0)['length']
minutes_per_class = 100
fieldnames = ["Time", "User", "Affected", "Context", "Component", "Event",
"Description", "Origin", "IP"]
logs = pd.concat( (pd.read_csv(file, names=fieldnames) for file in input_files),
re_prefixes = '.*(?:' + '|'.join(prefixes) + ')'
# Restrict to video lessons' logs
logs = logs[logs.Context.str.contains(re_prefixes)]
# Remove unnecessary prefixes
logs.Context = logs.Context.str.replace(re_prefixes, '')
# Keep only the most recent logs (they appear first in the files)
logs = pd.DataFrame.drop_duplicates(logs, subset=['User', 'Context'], keep='first')
logs = logs[['Time', 'User', 'Context']]
# Add length column
logs = logs.join(lessons, on='Context', how='inner')
logs = logs.reset_index(drop=True)
logs = logs.sort_values(by=['User', 'length'], ascending=[True, False])
agg_logs = logs.groupby(['User']).sum()
agg_logs['Classes'] = agg_logs['length'].divide(minutes_per_class).apply(ceil)
agg_logs['Minutes'] = agg_logs['length'].apply(ceil)
agg_logs['% Minutes'] = agg_logs['Minutes'].divide(total_length).multiply(100).apply(ceil)
# Export results to two CSV files (full and aggregated data)
logs.to_csv(output_file, index=False)
col_names = ["Classes", "Minutes", "% Minutes"]
agg_logs[col_names].to_csv(aggregated, index=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get statistics from Moodle logs.')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--logs', nargs='+',
help='names of the csv log files download from Moodle')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--videos',
help='name of the csv file title and length of videos')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--stats',
help='name of the file where the full output will be saved')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--aggregated',
help='name of the file for aggregated statistics')
args = parser.parse_args()
process(args.logs, args.videos, args.stats, args.aggregated)
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