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Created June 4, 2013 14:05
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refactoring rbinstall.rb
commit f59cc080876a339add92b31171040fe91da22eac
Author: Charles Oliver Nutter <>
Date: Tue Jun 4 09:04:38 2013 -0500
Refactor rbinstall into component libraries. #8488
diff --git a/tool/rbinstall.rb b/tool/rbinstall.rb
index 1063fac..b43f596 100755
--- a/tool/rbinstall.rb
+++ b/tool/rbinstall.rb
@@ -1,768 +1,7 @@
- load "./rbconfig.rb"
-rescue LoadError
- CONFIG = {""}
- include RbConfig
- $".unshift File.expand_path("./rbconfig.rb")
+require_relative 'rbinstall/rbinstall'
-srcdir = File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__)
- $:.replace([srcdir+"/lib", Dir.pwd])
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'shellwords'
-require 'optparse'
-require 'optparse/shellwords'
-require 'ostruct'
-STDOUT.sync = true
-def parse_args(argv = ARGV)
- $mantype = 'doc'
- $destdir = nil
- $extout = nil
- $make = 'make'
- $mflags = []
- $install = []
- $installed_list = nil
- $dryrun = false
- $rdocdir = nil
- $data_mode = 0644
- $prog_mode = 0755
- $dir_mode = nil
- $script_mode = nil
- $strip = false
- $cmdtype = (if File::ALT_SEPARATOR == '\\'
- File.exist?("rubystub.exe") ? 'exe' : 'bat'
- end)
- mflags = []
- opt =
- opt.on('-n', '--dry-run') {$dryrun = true}
- opt.on('--dest-dir=DIR') {|dir| $destdir = dir}
- opt.on('--extout=DIR') {|dir| $extout = (dir unless dir.empty?)}
- opt.on('--make=COMMAND') {|make| $make = make}
- opt.on('--mantype=MAN') {|man| $mantype = man}
- opt.on('--make-flags=FLAGS', '--mflags', Shellwords) do |v|
- if arg = v.first
- arg.insert(0, '-') if /\A[^-][^=]*\Z/ =~ arg
- end
- $mflags.concat(v)
- end
- opt.on('-i', '--install=TYPE', $install_procs.keys) do |ins|
- $install << ins
- end
- opt.on('--data-mode=OCTAL-MODE', OptionParser::OctalInteger) do |mode|
- $data_mode = mode
- end
- opt.on('--prog-mode=OCTAL-MODE', OptionParser::OctalInteger) do |mode|
- $prog_mode = mode
- end
- opt.on('--dir-mode=OCTAL-MODE', OptionParser::OctalInteger) do |mode|
- $dir_mode = mode
- end
- opt.on('--script-mode=OCTAL-MODE', OptionParser::OctalInteger) do |mode|
- $script_mode = mode
- end
- opt.on('--installed-list [FILENAME]') {|name| $installed_list = name}
- opt.on('--rdoc-output [DIR]') {|dir| $rdocdir = dir}
- opt.on('--cmd-type=TYPE', %w[bat cmd plain]) {|cmd| $cmdtype = (cmd unless cmd == 'plain')}
- opt.on('--[no-]strip') {|strip| $strip = strip}
- opt.order!(argv) do |v|
- case v
- when /\AINSTALL[-_]([-\w]+)=(.*)/
- argv.unshift("--#{$'_', '-')}=#{$2}")
- when /\A\w[-\w+]*=\z/
- mflags << v
- when /\A\w[-\w+]*\z/
- $install << v.intern
- else
- raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, v
- end
- end rescue abort "#{$!.message}\n#{}"
- unless defined?(RbConfig)
- puts
- exit
- end
- $make, *rest = Shellwords.shellwords($make)
- $mflags.unshift(*rest) unless rest.empty?
- $mflags.unshift(*mflags)
- def $mflags.set?(flag)
- grep(/\A-(?!-).*#{flag.chr}/i) { return true }
- false
- end
- def $mflags.defined?(var)
- grep(/\A#{var}=(.*)/) {return block_given? ? yield($1) : $1}
- false
- end
- if $mflags.set?(?n)
- $dryrun = true
- else
- $mflags << '-n' if $dryrun
- end
- $destdir ||= $mflags.defined?("DESTDIR")
- if $extout ||= $mflags.defined?("EXTOUT")
- RbConfig.expand($extout)
- end
- $continue = $mflags.set?(?k)
- if $installed_list ||= $mflags.defined?('INSTALLED_LIST')
- RbConfig.expand($installed_list, RbConfig::CONFIG)
- $installed_list = open($installed_list, "ab")
- $installed_list.sync = true
- end
- $rdocdir ||= $mflags.defined?('RDOCOUT')
- $dir_mode ||= $prog_mode | 0700
- $script_mode ||= $prog_mode
-$install_procs = {[]}
-def install?(*types, &block)
- $install_procs[:all] <<= block
- types.each do |type|
- $install_procs[type] <<= block
- end
-def strip_file(files)
- if !defined?($strip_command) and (cmd = CONFIG["STRIP"])
- case cmd
- when "", "true", ":" then return
- else $strip_command = Shellwords.shellwords(cmd)
- end
- elsif !$strip_command
- return
- end
- system(*($strip_command + [files].flatten))
-def install(src, dest, options = {})
- options = options.clone
- strip = options.delete(:strip)
- options[:preserve] = true
- d = with_destdir(dest)
- super(src, d, options)
- srcs = Array(src)
- if strip
- d = {|src| File.join(d, File.basename(src))} if $made_dirs[dest]
- strip_file(d)
- end
- if $installed_list
- dest = {|src| File.join(dest, File.basename(src))} if $made_dirs[dest]
- $installed_list.puts dest
- end
-def ln_sf(src, dest)
- super(src, with_destdir(dest))
- $installed_list.puts dest if $installed_list
-$made_dirs = {}
-def makedirs(dirs)
- dirs = fu_list(dirs)
- dirs.collect! do |dir|
- realdir = with_destdir(dir)
- realdir unless $made_dirs.fetch(dir) do
- $made_dirs[dir] = true
- $installed_list.puts(File.join(dir, "")) if $installed_list
- end
- end.compact!
- super(dirs, :mode => $dir_mode) unless dirs.empty?
-FalseProc = proc {false}
-def path_matcher(pat)
- if pat and !pat.empty?
- proc {|f| pat.any? {|n| File.fnmatch?(n, f)}}
- else
- FalseProc
- end
-def install_recursive(srcdir, dest, options = {})
- opts = options.clone
- noinst = opts.delete(:no_install)
- glob = opts.delete(:glob) || "*"
- maxdepth = opts.delete(:maxdepth)
- subpath = (srcdir.size+1)..-1
- prune = []
- skip = []
- if noinst
- if Array === noinst
- prune = noinst.grep(/#{File::SEPARATOR}/o).map!{|f| f.chomp(File::SEPARATOR)}
- skip = noinst.grep(/\A[^#{File::SEPARATOR}]*\z/o)
- else
- if noinst.index(File::SEPARATOR)
- prune = [noinst]
- else
- skip = [noinst]
- end
- end
- end
- skip |= %w"#*# *~ *.old *.bak *.orig *.rej *.diff *.patch *.core"
- prune = path_matcher(prune)
- skip = path_matcher(skip)
- or return rescue return
- paths = [[srcdir, dest, 0]]
- found = []
- while file = paths.shift
- found << file
- file, d, dir = *file
- if dir
- depth = dir + 1
- next if maxdepth and maxdepth < depth
- files = []
- Dir.foreach(file) do |f|
- src = File.join(file, f)
- d = File.join(dest, dir = src[subpath])
- stat = File.lstat(src) rescue next
- if
- files << [src, d, depth] if maxdepth != depth and /\A\./ !~ f and !prune[dir]
- elsif stat.symlink?
- # skip
- else
- files << [src, d, false] if File.fnmatch?(glob, f) and !skip[f]
- end
- end
- paths.insert(0, *files)
- end
- end
- for src, d, dir in found
- if dir
- makedirs(d)
- else
- makedirs(d[/.*(?=\/)/m])
- if block_given?
- yield src, d, opts
- else
- install src, d, opts
- end
- end
- end
-def open_for_install(path, mode)
- data = open(realpath = with_destdir(path), "rb") {|f|} rescue nil
- newdata = yield
- unless $dryrun
- unless newdata == data
- open(realpath, "wb", mode) {|f| f.write newdata}
- end
- File.chmod(mode, realpath)
- end
- $installed_list.puts path if $installed_list
-def with_destdir(dir)
- return dir if !$destdir or $destdir.empty?
- dir = dir.sub(/\A\w:/, '') if File::PATH_SEPARATOR == ';'
- $destdir + dir
-def prepare(mesg, basedir, subdirs=nil)
- return unless basedir
- case
- when !subdirs
- dirs = basedir
- when subdirs.size == 0
- subdirs = nil
- when subdirs.size == 1
- dirs = [basedir = File.join(basedir, subdirs)]
- subdirs = nil
- else
- dirs = [basedir, *subdirs.collect {|dir| File.join(basedir, dir)}]
- end
- printf("installing %-18s %s%s\n", "#{mesg}:", basedir,
- (subdirs ? " (#{subdirs.join(', ')})" : ""))
- makedirs(dirs)
-def CONFIG.[](name, mandatory = false)
- value = super(name)
- if mandatory
- raise "CONFIG['#{name}'] must be set" if !value or value.empty?
- end
- value
-exeext = CONFIG["EXEEXT"]
-ruby_install_name = CONFIG["ruby_install_name", true]
-rubyw_install_name = CONFIG["rubyw_install_name"]
-goruby_install_name = "go" + ruby_install_name
-bindir = CONFIG["bindir", true]
-libdir = CONFIG[CONFIG.fetch("libdirname", "libdir"), true]
-rubyhdrdir = CONFIG["rubyhdrdir", true]
-archhdrdir = CONFIG["rubyarchhdrdir"] || (rubyhdrdir + "/" + CONFIG['arch'])
-rubylibdir = CONFIG["rubylibdir", true]
-archlibdir = CONFIG["rubyarchdir", true]
-sitelibdir = CONFIG["sitelibdir"]
-sitearchlibdir = CONFIG["sitearchdir"]
-vendorlibdir = CONFIG["vendorlibdir"]
-vendorarchlibdir = CONFIG["vendorarchdir"]
-mandir = CONFIG["mandir", true]
-docdir = CONFIG["docdir", true]
-configure_args = Shellwords.shellwords(CONFIG["configure_args"])
-enable_shared = CONFIG["ENABLE_SHARED"] == 'yes'
-dll = CONFIG["LIBRUBY_SO", enable_shared]
-lib = CONFIG["LIBRUBY", true]
-arc = CONFIG["LIBRUBY_A", true]
-major = CONFIG["MAJOR", true]
-minor = CONFIG["MINOR", true]
-load_relative = configure_args.include?("--enable-load-relative")
-install?(:local, :arch, :bin, :'bin-arch') do
- prepare "binary commands", bindir
- install ruby_install_name+exeext, bindir, :mode => $prog_mode, :strip => $strip
- if rubyw_install_name and !rubyw_install_name.empty?
- install rubyw_install_name+exeext, bindir, :mode => $prog_mode, :strip => $strip
- end
- if File.exist? goruby_install_name+exeext
- install goruby_install_name+exeext, bindir, :mode => $prog_mode, :strip => $strip
- end
- if enable_shared and dll != lib
- install dll, bindir, :mode => $prog_mode, :strip => $strip
- end
-install?(:local, :arch, :lib) do
- prepare "base libraries", libdir
- install lib, libdir, :mode => $prog_mode, :strip => $strip unless lib == arc
- install arc, libdir, :mode => $data_mode
- if dll == lib and dll != arc
- for link in CONFIG["LIBRUBY_ALIASES"].split
- ln_sf(dll, File.join(libdir, link))
- end
- end
- prepare "arch files", archlibdir
- install "rbconfig.rb", archlibdir, :mode => $data_mode
- for file in CONFIG["ARCHFILE"].split
- install file, archlibdir, :mode => $data_mode
- end
- end
-install?(:local, :arch, :data) do
- pc = CONFIG["ruby_pc"]
- if pc and File.file?(pc) and File.size?(pc)
- prepare "pkgconfig data", pkgconfigdir = File.join(libdir, "pkgconfig")
- install pc, pkgconfigdir, :mode => $data_mode
- end
-install?(:ext, :arch, :'ext-arch') do
- prepare "extension objects", archlibdir
- noinst = %w[-* -*/] | (CONFIG["no_install_files"] || "").split
- install_recursive("#{$extout}/#{CONFIG['arch']}", archlibdir, :no_install => noinst, :mode => $prog_mode, :strip => $strip)
- prepare "extension objects", sitearchlibdir
- prepare "extension objects", vendorarchlibdir
-install?(:ext, :arch, :'ext-arch') do
- prepare "extension headers", archhdrdir
- install_recursive("#{$extout}/include/#{CONFIG['arch']}", archhdrdir, :glob => "*.h", :mode => $data_mode)
-install?(:ext, :comm, :'ext-comm') do
- prepare "extension scripts", rubylibdir
- install_recursive("#{$extout}/common", rubylibdir, :mode => $data_mode)
- prepare "extension scripts", sitelibdir
- prepare "extension scripts", vendorlibdir
-install?(:ext, :comm, :'ext-comm') do
- hdrdir = rubyhdrdir + "/ruby"
- prepare "extension headers", hdrdir
- install_recursive("#{$extout}/include/ruby", hdrdir, :glob => "*.h", :mode => $data_mode)
-install?(:doc, :rdoc) do
- if $rdocdir
- ridatadir = File.join(CONFIG['ridir'], CONFIG['ruby_version'], "system")
- prepare "rdoc", ridatadir
- install_recursive($rdocdir, ridatadir, :mode => $data_mode)
- end
-install?(:doc, :capi) do
- prepare "capi-docs", docdir
- install_recursive "doc/capi", docdir+"/capi", :mode => $data_mode
-if load_relative
-#!/bin/sh\n# -*- ruby -*-
-bindir=`#{CONFIG["CHDIR"]} "${0%/*}" 2>/dev/null; pwd`
- if CONFIG["LIBRUBY_RELATIVE"] != 'yes' and libpathenv = CONFIG["LIBPATHENV"]
- pathsep = File::PATH_SEPARATOR
-export #{libpathenv}="$prefix/lib${#{libpathenv}#{pathsep}+#{pathsep}$#{libpathenv}}"
- end
- PROLOG_SCRIPT << %Q[exec "$bindir/#{ruby_install_name}" -x "$0" "$@"\n]
-install?(:local, :comm, :bin, :'bin-comm') do
- prepare "command scripts", bindir
- ruby_shebang = File.join(bindir, ruby_install_name)
- ruby_bin =, File::ALT_SEPARATOR)
- if $cmdtype == 'exe'
- stub ="rubystub.exe", "rb") {|f|} << "\n" rescue nil
- end
- end
- if trans = CONFIG["program_transform_name"]
- exp = []
- trans.gsub!(/\$\$/, '$')
- trans.scan(%r[\G[\s;]*(/(?:\\.|[^/])*/)?([sy])(\\?\W)((?:(?!\3)(?:\\.|.))*)\3((?:(?!\3)(?:\\.|.))*)\3([gi]*)]) do
- |addr, cmd, sep, pat, rep, opt|
- addr &&=[/\A\/(.*)\/\z/, 1])
- case cmd
- when 's'
- next if pat == '^' and rep.empty?
- exp << [addr, (opt.include?('g') ? :gsub! : :sub!),
-, opt.include?('i')), rep.gsub(/&/){'\&'}]
- when 'y'
- exp << [addr, :tr!, Regexp.quote(pat), rep]
- end
- end
- trans = proc do |base|
- exp.each {|addr, opt, pat, rep| base.__send__(opt, pat, rep) if !addr or addr =~ base}
- base
- end
- elsif /ruby/ =~ ruby_install_name
- trans = proc {|base| ruby_install_name.sub(/ruby/, base)}
- else
- trans = proc {|base| base}
- end
- install_recursive(File.join(srcdir, "bin"), bindir, :maxdepth => 1) do |src, cmd|
- cmd = cmd.sub(/[^\/]*\z/m) {|n| RbConfig.expand(trans[n])}
- shebang = ''
- body = ''
- open(src, "rb") do |f|
- shebang = f.gets
- body =
- end
- shebang or raise "empty file - #{src}"
- shebang.sub!(/\A(\#!.*?ruby\b)?/) {PROLOG_SCRIPT + ($1 || "#!ruby\n")}
- else
- shebang.sub!(/\A\#!.*?ruby\b/) {"#!" + ruby_shebang}
- end
- shebang.sub!(/\r$/, '')
- body.gsub!(/\r$/, '')
- cmd << ".#{$cmdtype}" if $cmdtype
- open_for_install(cmd, $script_mode) do
- case $cmdtype
- when "exe"
- stub + shebang + body
- when "bat"
- [<<-"EOH".gsub(/^\s+/, ''), shebang, body, "__END__\n:endofruby\n"].join.gsub(/$/, "\r")
- @echo off
- @if not "%~d0" == "~d0" goto WinNT
- #{ruby_bin} -x "#{cmd}" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- @goto endofruby
- :WinNT
- "%~dp0#{ruby_install_name}" -x "%~f0" %*
- @goto endofruby
- when "cmd"
- <<"/EOH" << shebang << body
-@"%~dp0#{ruby_install_name}" -x "%~f0" %*
-@exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
- else
- shebang + body
- end
- end
- end
-install?(:local, :comm, :lib) do
- prepare "library scripts", rubylibdir
- noinst = %w[README* *.txt *.rdoc *.gemspec]
- install_recursive(File.join(srcdir, "lib"), rubylibdir, :no_install => noinst, :mode => $data_mode)
-install?(:local, :arch, :lib) do
- prepare "common headers", rubyhdrdir
- noinst = []
- unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw|bccwin/
- noinst << "win32.h"
- end
- noinst = nil if noinst.empty?
- install_recursive(File.join(srcdir, "include"), rubyhdrdir, :no_install => noinst, :glob => "*.h", :mode => $data_mode)
-install?(:local, :comm, :man) do
- mdocs = Dir["#{srcdir}/man/*.[1-9]"]
- prepare "manpages", mandir, ([] | mdocs.collect {|mdoc| mdoc[/\d+$/]}).sort.collect {|sec| "man#{sec}"}
- mandir = File.join(mandir, "man")
- has_goruby = File.exist?(goruby_install_name+exeext)
- require File.join(srcdir, "tool/mdoc2man.rb") if $mantype != "doc"
- mdocs.each do |mdoc|
- next unless File.file?(mdoc) and open(mdoc){|fh| == '.'}
- base = File.basename(mdoc)
- if base == "goruby.1"
- next unless has_goruby
- end
- destdir = mandir + (section = mdoc[/\d+$/])
- destname = ruby_install_name.sub(/ruby/, base.chomp(".#{section}"))
- destfile = File.join(destdir, "#{destname}.#{section}")
- if $mantype == "doc"
- install mdoc, destfile, :mode => $data_mode
- else
- class << (w = [])
- alias print push
- end
- open(mdoc) {|r| Mdoc2Man.mdoc2man(r, w)}
- open_for_install(destfile, $data_mode) {w.join("")}
- end
- end
-# :stopdoc:
-module Gem
- if defined?(Specification)
- remove_const(:Specification)
- end
- class Specification < OpenStruct
- def initialize(*)
- super
- yield(self) if defined?(yield)
- self.executables ||= []
- end
- def self.load(path)
- src =, "rb") {|f|}
- src.sub!(/\A#.*/, '')
- eval(src, nil, path)
- end
- def to_ruby
- <<-GEMSPEC do |s|
- = #{name.dump}
- s.version = #{version.dump}
- s.summary = #{summary.dump}
- s.description = #{description.dump}
- s.homepage = #{homepage.dump}
- s.authors = #{authors.inspect}
- = #{email.inspect}
- s.files = #{files.inspect}
- end
- end
-module RbInstall
- module Specs
- class FileCollector
- def initialize(base_dir)
- @base_dir = base_dir
- end
- def collect
- ruby_libraries + built_libraries
- end
- private
- def type
- /\/(ext|lib)?\/.*?\z/ =~ @base_dir
- $1
- end
- def ruby_libraries
- case type
- when "ext"
- prefix = "#{$extout}/common/"
- base = "#{prefix}#{relative_base}"
- when "lib"
- base = @base_dir
- prefix = base.sub(/lib\/.*?\z/, "") + "lib/"
- end
- Dir.glob("#{base}{.rb,/**/*.rb}").collect do |ruby_source|
- remove_prefix(prefix, ruby_source)
- end
- end
- def built_libraries
- case type
- when "ext"
- prefix = "#{$extout}/#{CONFIG['arch']}/"
- base = "#{prefix}#{relative_base}"
- Dir.glob("#{base}{.so,/**/*.so}").collect do |built_library|
- remove_prefix(prefix, built_library)
- end
- when "lib"
- []
- end
- end
- def relative_base
- /\/#{Regexp.escape(type)}\/(.*?)\z/ =~ @base_dir
- $1
- end
- def remove_prefix(prefix, string)
- string.sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(prefix)}/, "")
- end
- end
- class Reader <
- def gemspec
- @gemspec ||= begin
- spec = Gem::Specification.load(src) || raise("invalid spec in #{src}")
- file_collector =
- spec.files = file_collector.collect
- spec
- end
- end
- def spec_source
- @gemspec.to_ruby
- end
- end
- class Generator <, :base_dir, :src, :execs)
- def gemspec
- @gemspec ||= eval spec_source
- end
- def spec_source
- <<-GEMSPEC do |s|
- = #{name.dump}
- s.version = #{version.dump}
- s.summary = "This #{name} is bundled with Ruby"
- s.executables = #{execs.inspect}
- s.files = #{files.inspect}
- end
- private
- def version
- version = open(src) { |f|
- f.find { |s| /^\s*\w*VERSION\s*=(?!=)/ =~ s }
- } or return
- version.split(%r"=\s*", 2)[1].strip[/\A([\'\"])(.*?)\1/, 2]
- end
- def files
- file_collector =
- file_collector.collect
- end
- end
- end
-# :startdoc:
-install?(:ext, :comm, :gem) do
- $:.unshift(File.join(srcdir, "lib"))
- require("rubygems.rb")
- gem_dir = Gem.default_dir
- directories = Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories(gem_dir, :mode => $dir_mode)
- prepare "default gems", gem_dir, directories
- spec_dir = File.join(gem_dir, directories.grep(/^spec/)[0])
- default_spec_dir = "#{spec_dir}/default"
- makedirs(default_spec_dir)
- gems = {}
- File.foreach(File.join(srcdir, "defs/default_gems")) do |line|
- line.chomp!
- line.sub!(/\s*#.*/, '')
- next if line.empty?
- words = []
- line.scan(/\G\s*([^\[\]\s]+|\[([^\[\]]*)\])/) do
- words << ($2 ? $2.split : $1)
- end
- name, base_dir, src, execs = *words
- next unless name and base_dir and src
- src = File.join(srcdir, src)
- base_dir = File.join(srcdir, base_dir)
- specgen =, base_dir, src, execs || [])
- gems[name] ||= specgen
- end
- Dir.glob(srcdir+"/{lib,ext}/**/*.gemspec").each do |src|
- specgen =
- gems[] ||= specgen
- end
- gems.sort.each do |name, specgen|
- gemspec = specgen.gemspec
- base_dir = specgen.src.sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(srcdir)}\//, "")
- full_name = "#{}-#{gemspec.version}"
- puts "#{" "*30}#{} #{gemspec.version}"
- gemspec_path = File.join(default_spec_dir, "#{full_name}.gemspec")
- open_for_install(gemspec_path, $data_mode) do
- specgen.spec_source
- end
- unless gemspec.executables.empty? then
- bin_dir = File.join(gem_dir, 'gems', full_name, 'bin')
- makedirs(bin_dir)
- execs = {|exec| File.join(srcdir, 'bin', exec)}
- install(execs, bin_dir, :mode => $prog_mode)
- end
- end
-include FileUtils
-include FileUtils::NoWrite if $dryrun
-@fileutils_output = STDOUT
-@fileutils_label = ''
-$install << :local << :ext if $install.empty?
-$install.each do |inst|
- if !(procs = $install_procs[inst]) || procs.empty?
- next warn("unknown install target - #{inst}")
- end
- procs.each do |block|
- dir = Dir.pwd
- begin
- ensure
- Dir.chdir(dir)
- end
- end
# vi:set sw=2:
diff --git a/tool/rbinstall/gem/specification.rb b/tool/rbinstall/gem/specification.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..855fc83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/rbinstall/gem/specification.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module Gem
+ if defined?(Specification)
+ remove_const(:Specification)
+ end
+ class Specification < OpenStruct
+ def initialize(*)
+ super
+ yield(self) if defined?(yield)
+ self.executables ||= []
+ end
+ def self.load(path)
+ src =, "rb") {|f|}
+ src.sub!(/\A#.*/, '')
+ eval(src, nil, path)
+ end
+ def to_ruby
+ <<-GEMSPEC do |s|
+ = #{name.dump}
+ s.version = #{version.dump}
+ s.summary = #{summary.dump}
+ s.description = #{description.dump}
+ s.homepage = #{homepage.dump}
+ s.authors = #{authors.inspect}
+ = #{email.inspect}
+ s.files = #{files.inspect}
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/rbinstall/installers.rb b/tool/rbinstall/installers.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd6f7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/rbinstall/installers.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+class RbInstall
+ def install_binary_commands
+ prepare "binary commands", @bindir
+ install @ruby_install_name+@exeext, @bindir, :mode => @prog_mode, :strip => @strip
+ if @rubyw_install_name and !@rubyw_install_name.empty?
+ install @rubyw_install_name+@exeext, @bindir, :mode => @prog_mode, :strip => @strip
+ end
+ if File.exist? @goruby_install_name+@exeext
+ install @goruby_install_name+@exeext, @bindir, :mode => @prog_mode, :strip => @strip
+ end
+ if @enable_shared and @dll != @lib
+ install @dll, @bindir, :mode => @prog_mode, :strip => @strip
+ end
+ end
+ def install_base_libraries
+ prepare "base libraries", @libdir
+ install @lib, @libdir, :mode => @prog_mode, :strip => @strip unless @lib == @arc
+ install @arc, @libdir, :mode => @data_mode
+ if @dll == @lib and @dll != @arc
+ for link in CONFIG["LIBRUBY_ALIASES"].split
+ ln_sf(@dll, File.join(@libdir, link))
+ end
+ end
+ prepare "arch files", @archlibdir
+ install "rbconfig.rb", @archlibdir, :mode => @data_mode
+ for file in CONFIG["ARCHFILE"].split
+ install file, @archlibdir, :mode => @data_mode
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def install_data
+ pc = CONFIG["ruby_pc"]
+ if pc and File.file?(pc) and File.size?(pc)
+ prepare "pkgconfig data", pkgconfigdir = File.join(@libdir, "pkgconfig")
+ install pc, pkgconfigdir, :mode => @data_mode
+ end
+ end
+ def install_arch_extension_objects
+ prepare "extension objects", @archlibdir
+ noinst = %w[-* -*/] | (CONFIG["no_install_files"] || "").split
+ install_recursive("#{@extout}/#{CONFIG['arch']}", @archlibdir, :no_install => noinst, :mode => @prog_mode, :strip => @strip)
+ prepare "extension objects", @sitearchlibdir
+ prepare "extension objects", @vendorarchlibdir
+ end
+ def install_arch_extension_headers
+ prepare "extension headers", @archhdrdir
+ install_recursive("#{@extout}/include/#{CONFIG['arch']}", @archhdrdir, :glob => "*.h", :mode => @data_mode)
+ end
+ def install_comm_extension_scripts
+ prepare "extension scripts", @rubylibdir
+ install_recursive("#{@extout}/common", @rubylibdir, :mode => @data_mode)
+ prepare "extension scripts", @sitelibdir
+ prepare "extension scripts", @vendorlibdir
+ end
+ def install_comm_extension_headers
+ hdrdir = @rubyhdrdir + "/ruby"
+ prepare "extension headers", hdrdir
+ install_recursive("#{@extout}/include/ruby", hdrdir, :glob => "*.h", :mode => @data_mode)
+ end
+ def install_rdoc
+ if @rdocdir
+ ridatadir = File.join(CONFIG['ridir'], CONFIG['ruby_version'], "system")
+ prepare "rdoc", ridatadir
+ install_recursive(@rdocdir, ridatadir, :mode => @data_mode)
+ end
+ end
+ def install_capi_docs
+ prepare "capi-docs", @docdir
+ install_recursive "doc/capi", @docdir+"/capi", :mode => @data_mode
+ end
+ def install_command_scripts
+ prepare "command scripts", @bindir
+ ruby_shebang = File.join(@bindir, @ruby_install_name)
+ ruby_bin =, File::ALT_SEPARATOR)
+ if @cmdtype == 'exe'
+ stub ="rubystub.exe", "rb") {|f|} << "\n" rescue nil
+ end
+ end
+ if trans = CONFIG["program_transform_name"]
+ exp = []
+ trans.gsub!(/\$\$/, '$')
+ trans.scan(%r[\G[\s;]*(/(?:\\.|[^/])*/)?([sy])(\\?\W)((?:(?!\3)(?:\\.|.))*)\3((?:(?!\3)(?:\\.|.))*)\3([gi]*)]) do
+ |addr, cmd, sep, pat, rep, opt|
+ addr &&=[/\A\/(.*)\/\z/, 1])
+ case cmd
+ when 's'
+ next if pat == '^' and rep.empty?
+ exp << [addr, (opt.include?('g') ? :gsub! : :sub!),
+, opt.include?('i')), rep.gsub(/&/){'\&'}]
+ when 'y'
+ exp << [addr, :tr!, Regexp.quote(pat), rep]
+ end
+ end
+ trans = proc do |base|
+ exp.each {|addr, opt, pat, rep| base.__send__(opt, pat, rep) if !addr or addr =~ base}
+ base
+ end
+ elsif /ruby/ =~ @ruby_install_name
+ trans = proc {|base| @ruby_install_name.sub(/ruby/, base)}
+ else
+ trans = proc {|base| base}
+ end
+ install_recursive(File.join($srcdir, "bin"), @bindir, :maxdepth => 1) do |src, cmd|
+ cmd = cmd.sub(/[^\/]*\z/m) {|n| RbConfig.expand(trans[n])}
+ shebang = ''
+ body = ''
+ open(src, "rb") do |f|
+ shebang = f.gets
+ body =
+ end
+ shebang or raise "empty file - #{src}"
+ if @prolog_script
+ shebang.sub!(/\A(\#!.*?ruby\b)?/) {@prolog_script + ($1 || "#!ruby\n")}
+ else
+ shebang.sub!(/\A\#!.*?ruby\b/) {"#!" + ruby_shebang}
+ end
+ shebang.sub!(/\r$/, '')
+ body.gsub!(/\r$/, '')
+ cmd << ".#{@cmdtype}" if @cmdtype
+ open_for_install(cmd, @script_mode) do
+ case @cmdtype
+ when "exe"
+ stub + shebang + body
+ when "bat"
+ [<<-"EOH".gsub(/^\s+/, ''), shebang, body, "__END__\n:endofruby\n"].join.gsub(/$/, "\r")
+ @echo off
+ @if not "%~d0" == "~d0" goto WinNT
+ #{ruby_bin} -x "#{cmd}" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+ @goto endofruby
+ :WinNT
+ "%~dp0#{@ruby_install_name}" -x "%~f0" %*
+ @goto endofruby
+ when "cmd"
+ <<"/EOH" << shebang << body
+@"%~dp0#{@ruby_install_name}" -x "%~f0" %*
+@exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
+ else
+ shebang + body
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def install_library_scripts
+ prepare "library scripts", @rubylibdir
+ noinst = %w[README* *.txt *.rdoc *.gemspec]
+ install_recursive(File.join($srcdir, "lib"), @rubylibdir, :no_install => noinst, :mode => @data_mode)
+ end
+ def install_common_headers
+ prepare "common headers", @rubyhdrdir
+ noinst = []
+ unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw|bccwin/
+ noinst << "win32.h"
+ end
+ noinst = nil if noinst.empty?
+ install_recursive(File.join($srcdir, "include"), @rubyhdrdir, :no_install => noinst, :glob => "*.h", :mode => @data_mode)
+ end
+ def install_manpages
+ mdocs = Dir["#{$srcdir}/man/*.[1-9]"]
+ prepare "manpages", @mandir, ([] | mdocs.collect {|mdoc| mdoc[/\d+$/]}).sort.collect {|sec| "man#{sec}"}
+ @mandir = File.join(@mandir, "man")
+ has_goruby = File.exist?(@goruby_install_name+@exeext)
+ require File.join($srcdir, "tool/mdoc2man.rb") if @mantype != "doc"
+ mdocs.each do |mdoc|
+ next unless File.file?(mdoc) and open(mdoc){|fh| == '.'}
+ base = File.basename(mdoc)
+ if base == "goruby.1"
+ next unless has_goruby
+ end
+ destdir = @mandir + (section = mdoc[/\d+$/])
+ destname = @ruby_install_name.sub(/ruby/, base.chomp(".#{section}"))
+ destfile = File.join(destdir, "#{destname}.#{section}")
+ if @mantype == "doc"
+ install mdoc, destfile, :mode => @data_mode
+ else
+ class << (w = [])
+ alias print push
+ end
+ open(mdoc) {|r| Mdoc2Man.mdoc2man(r, w)}
+ open_for_install(destfile, @data_mode) {w.join("")}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def install_default_gems
+ $:.unshift(File.join($srcdir, "lib"))
+ require("rubygems.rb")
+ gem_dir = Gem.default_dir
+ directories = Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories(gem_dir, :mode => @dir_mode)
+ prepare "default gems", gem_dir, directories
+ spec_dir = File.join(gem_dir, directories.grep(/^spec/)[0])
+ default_spec_dir = "#{spec_dir}/default"
+ makedirs(default_spec_dir)
+ gems = {}
+ File.foreach(File.join($srcdir, "defs/default_gems")) do |line|
+ line.chomp!
+ line.sub!(/\s*#.*/, '')
+ next if line.empty?
+ words = []
+ line.scan(/\G\s*([^\[\]\s]+|\[([^\[\]]*)\])/) do
+ words << ($2 ? $2.split : $1)
+ end
+ name, base_dir, src, execs = *words
+ next unless name and base_dir and src
+ src = File.join($srcdir, src)
+ base_dir = File.join($srcdir, base_dir)
+ specgen =, base_dir, src, execs || [])
+ gems[name] ||= specgen
+ end
+ Dir.glob($srcdir+"/{lib,ext}/**/*.gemspec").each do |src|
+ specgen =
+ gems[] ||= specgen
+ end
+ gems.sort.each do |name, specgen|
+ gemspec = specgen.gemspec
+ base_dir = specgen.src.sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape($srcdir)}\//, "")
+ full_name = "#{}-#{gemspec.version}"
+ puts "#{" "*30}#{} #{gemspec.version}"
+ gemspec_path = File.join(default_spec_dir, "#{full_name}.gemspec")
+ open_for_install(gemspec_path, @data_mode) do
+ specgen.spec_source
+ end
+ unless gemspec.executables.empty? then
+ bin_dir = File.join(gem_dir, 'gems', full_name, 'bin')
+ makedirs(bin_dir)
+ execs = {|exec| File.join($srcdir, 'bin', exec)}
+ install(execs, bin_dir, :mode => @prog_mode)
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tool/rbinstall/rbinstall.rb b/tool/rbinstall/rbinstall.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57e0235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/rbinstall/rbinstall.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'shellwords'
+require 'optparse'
+require 'optparse/shellwords'
+require 'ostruct'
+require_relative 'gem/specification'
+require_relative 'specs/file_collector'
+require_relative 'specs/reader'
+require_relative 'specs/generator'
+require_relative 'installers'
+class RbInstall
+ def
+ boot
+ rb_install =
+ end
+ def self.boot
+ begin
+ load "./rbconfig.rb"
+ rescue LoadError
+ Object.const_set :CONFIG, {""}
+ else
+ Object.class_eval { include RbConfig }
+ $".unshift File.expand_path("./rbconfig.rb")
+ end
+ def CONFIG.[](name, mandatory = false)
+ value = super(name)
+ if mandatory
+ raise "CONFIG['#{name}'] must be set" if !value or value.empty?
+ end
+ value
+ end
+ $srcdir = File.expand_path('../../..', __FILE__)
+ $:.replace([$srcdir+"/lib", Dir.pwd])
+ end
+ STDOUT.sync = true
+ File.umask(0)
+ end
+ def initialize
+ @install_procs = {[]}
+ @made_dirs = {}
+ @exeext = CONFIG["EXEEXT"]
+ @ruby_install_name = CONFIG["ruby_install_name", true]
+ @rubyw_install_name = CONFIG["rubyw_install_name"]
+ @goruby_install_name = "go" + @ruby_install_name
+ @bindir = CONFIG["bindir", true]
+ @libdir = CONFIG[CONFIG.fetch("libdirname", "libdir"), true]
+ @rubyhdrdir = CONFIG["rubyhdrdir", true]
+ @archhdrdir = CONFIG["rubyarchhdrdir"] || (@rubyhdrdir + "/" + CONFIG['arch'])
+ @rubylibdir = CONFIG["rubylibdir", true]
+ @archlibdir = CONFIG["rubyarchdir", true]
+ @sitelibdir = CONFIG["sitelibdir"]
+ @sitearchlibdir = CONFIG["sitearchdir"]
+ @vendorlibdir = CONFIG["vendorlibdir"]
+ @vendorarchlibdir = CONFIG["vendorarchdir"]
+ @mandir = CONFIG["mandir", true]
+ @docdir = CONFIG["docdir", true]
+ @configure_args = Shellwords.shellwords(CONFIG["configure_args"])
+ @enable_shared = CONFIG["ENABLE_SHARED"] == 'yes'
+ @dll = CONFIG["LIBRUBY_SO", @enable_shared]
+ @lib = CONFIG["LIBRUBY", true]
+ @arc = CONFIG["LIBRUBY_A", true]
+ @major = CONFIG["MAJOR", true]
+ @minor = CONFIG["MINOR", true]
+ @load_relative = @configure_args.include?("--enable-load-relative")
+ setup_installers
+ end
+ def run
+ parse_args
+ RbInstall.class_eval {include FileUtils}
+ RbInstall.class_eval {include FileUtils::NoWrite} if @dryrun
+ @fileutils_output = STDOUT
+ @fileutils_label = ''
+ @install << :local << :ext if @install.empty?
+ @install.each do |inst|
+ if !(procs = @install_procs[inst]) || procs.empty?
+ next warn("unknown install target - #{inst}")
+ end
+ procs.each do |block|
+ dir = Dir.pwd
+ begin
+ ensure
+ Dir.chdir(dir)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def setup_installers
+ install?(:local, :arch, :bin, :'bin-arch', &method(:install_binary_commands))
+ install?(:local, :arch, :lib, &method(:install_base_libraries))
+ install?(:local, :arch, :data, &method(:install_data))
+ install?(:ext, :arch, :'ext-arch', &method(:install_arch_extension_objects))
+ install?(:ext, :arch, :'ext-arch', &method(:install_arch_extension_headers))
+ install?(:ext, :comm, :'ext-comm', &method(:install_comm_extension_scripts))
+ install?(:ext, :comm, :'ext-comm', &method(:install_comm_extension_headers))
+ install?(:doc, :rdoc, &method(:install_rdoc))
+ install?(:doc, :capi, &method(:install_capi_docs))
+ install?(:local, :comm, :bin, :'bin-comm', &method(:install_command_scripts))
+ install?(:local, :comm, :lib, &method(:install_library_scripts))
+ install?(:local, :arch, :lib, &method(:install_common_headers))
+ install?(:local, :comm, :man, &method(:install_manpages))
+ install?(:ext, :comm, :gem, &method(:install_default_gems))
+ end
+ def parse_args(argv = ARGV)
+ @mantype = 'doc'
+ @destdir = nil
+ @extout = nil
+ @make = 'make'
+ @mflags = []
+ @install = []
+ @installed_list = nil
+ @dryrun = false
+ @rdocdir = nil
+ @data_mode = 0644
+ @prog_mode = 0755
+ @dir_mode = nil
+ @script_mode = nil
+ @strip = false
+ @cmdtype = (if File::ALT_SEPARATOR == '\\'
+ File.exist?("rubystub.exe") ? 'exe' : 'bat'
+ end)
+ mflags = []
+ opt =
+ opt.on('-n', '--dry-run') {@dryrun = true}
+ opt.on('--dest-dir=DIR') {|dir| @destdir = dir}
+ opt.on('--extout=DIR') {|dir| @extout = (dir unless dir.empty?)}
+ opt.on('--make=COMMAND') {|make| @make = make}
+ opt.on('--mantype=MAN') {|man| @mantype = man}
+ opt.on('--make-flags=FLAGS', '--mflags', Shellwords) do |v|
+ if arg = v.first
+ arg.insert(0, '-') if /\A[^-][^=]*\Z/ =~ arg
+ end
+ @mflags.concat(v)
+ end
+ opt.on('-i', '--install=TYPE', @install_procs.keys) do |ins|
+ @install << ins
+ end
+ opt.on('--data-mode=OCTAL-MODE', OptionParser::OctalInteger) do |mode|
+ @data_mode = mode
+ end
+ opt.on('--prog-mode=OCTAL-MODE', OptionParser::OctalInteger) do |mode|
+ @prog_mode = mode
+ end
+ opt.on('--dir-mode=OCTAL-MODE', OptionParser::OctalInteger) do |mode|
+ @dir_mode = mode
+ end
+ opt.on('--script-mode=OCTAL-MODE', OptionParser::OctalInteger) do |mode|
+ @script_mode = mode
+ end
+ opt.on('--installed-list [FILENAME]') {|name| @installed_list = name}
+ opt.on('--rdoc-output [DIR]') {|dir| @rdocdir = dir}
+ opt.on('--cmd-type=TYPE', %w[bat cmd plain]) {|cmd| @cmdtype = (cmd unless cmd == 'plain')}
+ opt.on('--[no-]strip') {|strip| @strip = strip}
+ opt.order!(argv) do |v|
+ case v
+ when /\AINSTALL[-_]([-\w]+)=(.*)/
+ argv.unshift("--#{$'_', '-')}=#{$2}")
+ when /\A\w[-\w+]*=\z/
+ mflags << v
+ when /\A\w[-\w+]*\z/
+ @install << v.intern
+ else
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, v
+ end
+ end rescue abort "#{$!.message}\n#{}"
+ unless defined?(RbConfig)
+ puts
+ exit
+ end
+ @make, *rest = Shellwords.shellwords(@make)
+ @mflags.unshift(*rest) unless rest.empty?
+ @mflags.unshift(*mflags)
+ def @mflags.set?(flag)
+ grep(/\A-(?!-).*#{flag.chr}/i) { return true }
+ false
+ end
+ def @mflags.defined?(var)
+ grep(/\A#{var}=(.*)/) {return block_given? ? yield($1) : $1}
+ false
+ end
+ if @mflags.set?(?n)
+ @dryrun = true
+ else
+ @mflags << '-n' if @dryrun
+ end
+ @destdir ||= @mflags.defined?("DESTDIR")
+ if @extout ||= @mflags.defined?("EXTOUT")
+ RbConfig.expand(@extout)
+ end
+ @continue = @mflags.set?(?k)
+ if @installed_list ||= @mflags.defined?('INSTALLED_LIST')
+ RbConfig.expand(@installed_list, RbConfig::CONFIG)
+ @installed_list = open(@installed_list, "ab")
+ @installed_list.sync = true
+ end
+ @rdocdir ||= @mflags.defined?('RDOCOUT')
+ @dir_mode ||= @prog_mode | 0700
+ @script_mode ||= @prog_mode
+ end
+ def install?(*types, &block)
+ @install_procs[:all] <<= block
+ types.each do |type|
+ @install_procs[type] <<= block
+ end
+ if @load_relative
+ @prolog_script = <<EOS
+#!/bin/sh\n# -*- ruby -*-
+bindir=`#{CONFIG["CHDIR"]} "${0%/*}" 2>/dev/null; pwd`
+ if CONFIG["LIBRUBY_RELATIVE"] != 'yes' and libpathenv = CONFIG["LIBPATHENV"]
+ pathsep = File::PATH_SEPARATOR
+ @prolog_script << <<EOS
+export #{libpathenv}="$prefix/lib${#{libpathenv}#{pathsep}+#{pathsep}$#{libpathenv}}"
+ end
+ @prolog_script << %Q[exec "$bindir/#{@ruby_install_name}" -x "$0" "$@"\n]
+ else
+ @prolog_script = nil
+ end
+ end
+ def strip_file(files)
+ if !defined?(@strip_command) and (cmd = CONFIG["STRIP"])
+ case cmd
+ when "", "true", ":" then return
+ else @strip_command = Shellwords.shellwords(cmd)
+ end
+ elsif !@strip_command
+ return
+ end
+ system(*(@strip_command + [files].flatten))
+ end
+ def install(src, dest, options = {})
+ options = options.clone
+ strip = options.delete(:strip)
+ options[:preserve] = true
+ d = with_destdir(dest)
+ super(src, d, options)
+ srcs = Array(src)
+ if strip
+ d = {|src| File.join(d, File.basename(src))} if @made_dirs[dest]
+ strip_file(d)
+ end
+ if @installed_list
+ dest = {|src| File.join(dest, File.basename(src))} if @made_dirs[dest]
+ @installed_list.puts dest
+ end
+ end
+ def ln_sf(src, dest)
+ super(src, with_destdir(dest))
+ @installed_list.puts dest if @installed_list
+ end
+ def makedirs(dirs)
+ dirs = fu_list(dirs)
+ dirs.collect! do |dir|
+ realdir = with_destdir(dir)
+ realdir unless @made_dirs.fetch(dir) do
+ @made_dirs[dir] = true
+ @installed_list.puts(File.join(dir, "")) if @installed_list
+ end
+ end.compact!
+ super(dirs, :mode => @dir_mode) unless dirs.empty?
+ end
+ FalseProc = proc {false}
+ def path_matcher(pat)
+ if pat and !pat.empty?
+ proc {|f| pat.any? {|n| File.fnmatch?(n, f)}}
+ else
+ FalseProc
+ end
+ end
+ def install_recursive(srcdir, dest, options = {})
+ opts = options.clone
+ noinst = opts.delete(:no_install)
+ glob = opts.delete(:glob) || "*"
+ maxdepth = opts.delete(:maxdepth)
+ subpath = (srcdir.size+1)..-1
+ prune = []
+ skip = []
+ if noinst
+ if Array === noinst
+ prune = noinst.grep(/#{File::SEPARATOR}/o).map!{|f| f.chomp(File::SEPARATOR)}
+ skip = noinst.grep(/\A[^#{File::SEPARATOR}]*\z/o)
+ else
+ if noinst.index(File::SEPARATOR)
+ prune = [noinst]
+ else
+ skip = [noinst]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ skip |= %w"#*# *~ *.old *.bak *.orig *.rej *.diff *.patch *.core"
+ prune = path_matcher(prune)
+ skip = path_matcher(skip)
+ or return rescue return
+ paths = [[srcdir, dest, 0]]
+ found = []
+ while file = paths.shift
+ found << file
+ file, d, dir = *file
+ if dir
+ depth = dir + 1
+ next if maxdepth and maxdepth < depth
+ files = []
+ Dir.foreach(file) do |f|
+ src = File.join(file, f)
+ d = File.join(dest, dir = src[subpath])
+ stat = File.lstat(src) rescue next
+ if
+ files << [src, d, depth] if maxdepth != depth and /\A\./ !~ f and !prune[dir]
+ elsif stat.symlink?
+ # skip
+ else
+ files << [src, d, false] if File.fnmatch?(glob, f) and !skip[f]
+ end
+ end
+ paths.insert(0, *files)
+ end
+ end
+ for src, d, dir in found
+ if dir
+ makedirs(d)
+ else
+ makedirs(d[/.*(?=\/)/m])
+ if block_given?
+ yield src, d, opts
+ else
+ install src, d, opts
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def open_for_install(path, mode)
+ data = open(realpath = with_destdir(path), "rb") {|f|} rescue nil
+ newdata = yield
+ unless @dryrun
+ unless newdata == data
+ open(realpath, "wb", mode) {|f| f.write newdata}
+ end
+ File.chmod(mode, realpath)
+ end
+ @installed_list.puts path if @installed_list
+ end
+ def with_destdir(dir)
+ return dir if !@destdir or @destdir.empty?
+ dir = dir.sub(/\A\w:/, '') if File::PATH_SEPARATOR == ';'
+ @destdir + dir
+ end
+ def prepare(mesg, basedir, subdirs=nil)
+ return unless basedir
+ case
+ when !subdirs
+ dirs = basedir
+ when subdirs.size == 0
+ subdirs = nil
+ when subdirs.size == 1
+ dirs = [basedir = File.join(basedir, subdirs)]
+ subdirs = nil
+ else
+ dirs = [basedir, *subdirs.collect {|dir| File.join(basedir, dir)}]
+ end
+ printf("installing %-18s %s%s\n", "#{mesg}:", basedir,
+ (subdirs ? " (#{subdirs.join(', ')})" : ""))
+ makedirs(dirs)
+ end
diff --git a/tool/rbinstall/specs/file_collector.rb b/tool/rbinstall/specs/file_collector.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1d63fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/rbinstall/specs/file_collector.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+class RbInstall
+ module Specs
+ class FileCollector
+ def initialize(base_dir)
+ @base_dir = base_dir
+ end
+ def collect
+ ruby_libraries + built_libraries
+ end
+ private
+ def type
+ /\/(ext|lib)?\/.*?\z/ =~ @base_dir
+ $1
+ end
+ def ruby_libraries
+ case type
+ when "ext"
+ prefix = "#{$extout}/common/"
+ base = "#{prefix}#{relative_base}"
+ when "lib"
+ base = @base_dir
+ prefix = base.sub(/lib\/.*?\z/, "") + "lib/"
+ end
+ Dir.glob("#{base}{.rb,/**/*.rb}").collect do |ruby_source|
+ remove_prefix(prefix, ruby_source)
+ end
+ end
+ def built_libraries
+ case type
+ when "ext"
+ prefix = "#{$extout}/#{CONFIG['arch']}/"
+ base = "#{prefix}#{relative_base}"
+ Dir.glob("#{base}{.so,/**/*.so}").collect do |built_library|
+ remove_prefix(prefix, built_library)
+ end
+ when "lib"
+ []
+ end
+ end
+ def relative_base
+ /\/#{Regexp.escape(type)}\/(.*?)\z/ =~ @base_dir
+ $1
+ end
+ def remove_prefix(prefix, string)
+ string.sub(/\A#{Regexp.escape(prefix)}/, "")
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tool/rbinstall/specs/generator.rb b/tool/rbinstall/specs/generator.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7020954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/rbinstall/specs/generator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+class RbInstall
+ module Specs
+ class Generator <, :base_dir, :src, :execs)
+ def gemspec
+ @gemspec ||= eval spec_source
+ end
+ def spec_source
+ <<-GEMSPEC do |s|
+ = #{name.dump}
+ s.version = #{version.dump}
+ s.summary = "This #{name} is bundled with Ruby"
+ s.executables = #{execs.inspect}
+ s.files = #{files.inspect}
+ end
+ private
+ def version
+ version = open(src) { |f|
+ f.find { |s| /^\s*\w*VERSION\s*=(?!=)/ =~ s }
+ } or return
+ version.split(%r"=\s*", 2)[1].strip[/\A([\'\"])(.*?)\1/, 2]
+ end
+ def files
+ file_collector =
+ file_collector.collect
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/rbinstall/specs/reader.rb b/tool/rbinstall/specs/reader.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1652a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/rbinstall/specs/reader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+class RbInstall
+ module Specs
+ class Reader <
+ def gemspec
+ @gemspec ||= begin
+ spec = Gem::Specification.load(src) || raise("invalid spec in #{src}")
+ file_collector =
+ spec.files = file_collector.collect
+ spec
+ end
+ end
+ def spec_source
+ @gemspec.to_ruby
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
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