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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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A PHP class to turn a timestamp into more user-friendly relative date.
* A class for turning timestamps into more user-friendly relative dates.
$date = new Relative_Date();
echo $date->relative_formatted_date; //"Today"
class Relative_Date {
const DAY = 86400;
public $timestamp; //keep timestamp used to instantiate object
public $daystamp; //timestamp for that day, 12:00:00
public $info; //getdate() info (Array)
public $day_of_week; //string day of week, ex. "Monday"
public $relative_formatted_date; //string of date compared to today - "Today", "Yesterday", "x days ago", etc.
public $formatted_date; //string of date compared to today - "Today", "Yesterday", "Wednesday", "Tuesday", etc.
public function __construct($timestamp = null){
$timestamp = time();
$timestamp = strtotime($timestamp);
$this->timestamp = $timestamp;
$this->info = getdate($timestamp);
$this->daystamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->info['mon'], $this->info['mday'], $this->info['year']);
$this->day_of_week = $this->info['weekday']; //"Friday"
$this->relative_formatted_date = $this->get_formatted_date(true); //"Today"|"Yesterday"|"x days ago"
$this->formatted_date = $this->get_formatted_date(); //"Today"|"Yesterday"|"Wednesday"
* @param int $timestamp [optional]
* @return the number of days between this App_Date object and a given timestamp (0: today, 1+: future, -1: past)
public function get_day_difference($timestamp = null){
$timestamp = time();
//get # of days in first timestamp
$first = $this->timestamp/self::DAY;
//get # of days in second timestamp
$second = $timestamp/self::DAY;
//get difference in days
$difference = floor($second) - floor($first);
return $difference;
* gets the previous working day (Friday before a Monday, or M-Th otherwise)
* @return previous working day as an instance of App_Date
public function get_previous_working_day(){
$date = $this->info;
$day_of_month = $date['mday'];
$day_of_week = $date['wday'];
if($day_of_week == 0){
//is Sunday, get Friday
$previous_work_day = $day_of_month - 2;
elseif($day_of_week == 1){
//is Monday, get Friday
$previous_work_day = $day_of_month - 3;
} else {
//is any other day of the week, get previous
$previous_work_day = $day_of_month - 1;
$timestamp = mktime($date['hours'], $date['minutes'], $date['seconds'], $date['mon'], $previous_work_day, $date['year']);
$new_date = new App_Date($timestamp);
return $new_date;
* gets the next working day (Monday after a Friday, or other Tues-F otherwise)
* @return next working day as an instance of App_Date
public function get_next_working_day(){
$date = $this->info;
$day_of_month = $date['mday'];
$day_of_week = $date['wday'];
if($day_of_week == 5){
//is Friday, get Monday
$next_work_day = $day_of_month + 3;
elseif($day_of_week == 6){
//is Saturday, get Monday
$next_work_day = $day_of_month + 2;
} else {
//is any other day of the week, get previous
$next_work_day = $day_of_month + 1;
$timestamp = mktime($date['hours'], $date['minutes'], $date['seconds'], $date['mon'], $next_work_day, $date['year']);
$new_date = new App_Date($timestamp);
return $new_date;
* A helper function for getting many previous work days (including current day) - NOTE that this returns an array of App_Date objects
* @param object $number_of_days [optional]
* @return Array of App_Date instances
public function get_previous_working_days($number_of_days = 1){
$working_days = array();
//beginning date is this
$current_date = $this;
for($i = 0; $i < $number_of_days; $i++){
$working_days[] = $current_date;
$new_date = new App_Date($current_date->timestamp);
$current_date = $new_date->get_previous_working_day();
return $working_days;
* Get the formatted string based on relationship of current object's week to the current (actual) week
* @return formatted string
public function get_formatted_week(){
$difference = $this->get_week_difference();
if($difference == 0){
return "This Week";
elseif($difference == -1){
return "Last Week";
elseif($difference == 1){
return "Next Week";
else {
$date = $this->info;
//get day of month
$mday = $date['mday'];
//get day of week
$wday = $date['wday'];
//get the day of the month that is the Sunday of the current week
$sunday = $mday - $wday;
$timestamp = mktime($date['hours'], $date['minutes'], $date['seconds'], $date['mon'], $sunday, $date['year']);
return 'Week of ' . date('F j, Y', $timestamp);
* get the difference in weeks between two timestamps, within the context of a business week
* e.g. A Monday of the current week is in a different week than the previous Friday, despite the difference being < 7 days
* @param object $timestamp [optional]
* @return
public function get_week_difference($timestamp = null){
$timestamp = time();
//date('W') assumes week starts on Monday
$week_of_year = date('W', $this->timestamp);
$other_week_of_year = date('W', $timestamp);
$difference = $week_of_year - $other_week_of_year;
return $difference;
* Return formatted string determining if $this date is "Tomorrow", "Today", "Yesterday" or "X days ago"
* @return a string representing how "now" compares to calling object
public function get_formatted_date($relative = false, $unix_date = null){
$unix_date = $this->timestamp;
$periods = array("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year", "decade");
$lengths = array("60","60","24","7","4.35","12","10");
$now = time();
// is it future date or past date
if($now > $unix_date) {
//past date
$difference = $now - $unix_date;
$tense = "ago";
} else {
//future date
$difference = $unix_date - $now;
$tense = "from now";
$formatted_date = "Incorrect format.";
$day_difference = $this->get_day_difference();
//if difference is less than a day, check for yesterday, tomorrow, or today;
if($day_difference <= 1 && $day_difference >= -1){
if($day_difference == 1){
$formatted_date = "Yesterday";
elseif($day_difference == 0){
$formatted_date = "Today";
else {
$formatted_date = "Tomorrow";
elseif($relative) {
//difference is more than a day and the format should be "relative"
for($j = 0; $difference >= $lengths[$j] && $j < count($lengths)-1; $j++) {
$difference /= $lengths[$j];
$difference = round($difference);
if($difference != 1) {
$periods[$j].= "s";
$formatted_date = "$difference $periods[$j] {$tense}";
else {
//difference is more than a day and the format should NOT be "relative"
$formatted_date = $this->day_of_week;
return $formatted_date;
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