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Last active September 28, 2018 21:16
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Demo of Infinidat ORM Python Client for Clickhouse

Demo of Infinidat ORM Python Client for Clickhouse

Modified and extended by Athanassios I. Hatzis

(c) 28th of September 2018

import psutil, time, datetime

from infi.clickhouse_orm.database import Database
from infi.clickhouse_orm.models import Model
from infi.clickhouse_orm.fields import *
from infi.clickhouse_orm.engines import Memory

Create Data Structures

# Create Model
class CPUStats(Model):

    timestamp = DateTimeField()
    cpu_id = UInt16Field()
    cpu_percent = Float32Field()

    engine = Memory()
              <infi.clickhouse_orm.fields.DateTimeField at 0x7f1cede05b38>),
              <infi.clickhouse_orm.fields.UInt16Field at 0x7f1cede05be0>),
              <infi.clickhouse_orm.fields.Float32Field at 0x7f1cede05c18>)])
(CPUStats.table_name(), CPUStats.engine)
('cpustats', <infi.clickhouse_orm.engines.Memory at 0x7f1cede05c50>)
# Create Database or open an existing one
db = Database('DemoDB')
# Create table in database

Single Measurement Test

# Get the first measurement
psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True) # first sample should be discarded
# CPU Utilization for each CPU core
ts =
cpu_sample = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True)

# There are 4 cpu core measurements in each cpu_sample taken from psutil.cpu_percent
# Each core measurement has three values timestamp, core id and cpu utilization
measurements = [(ts, coreid, util) for coreid, util in enumerate(cpu_sample)]

# For each core in CPU cores
for core in measurements:
    # Print timestamp, core id and cpu utilization
    (ts, coreid, util) = (core[0], core[1], core[2])
    print(f"Time:{ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}, Core:{coreid}, Utilization: {util}%")

Read/Write Measurements

# Take 10 cpu measurements
samples = 10

# Take a cpu sample from psutil.cpu_percent every 500msec
for n in range(samples):    
    ts =
    # read the CPU sample
    cpu_sample = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True)    
    # read the measurements for each core
    measurements = [CPUStats(timestamp=ts, cpu_id=coreid, cpu_percent=util) for coreid, util in enumerate(cpu_sample)]
    # print measurements for each core
    [print(core.timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), core.cpu_id, core.cpu_percent) for core in measurements]
    # write measurements to ClickHouse Database
    # Pause for 500msec and repeat


# We wrote 10 samples in the database and each sample has 4 rows of data, one for each CPU core
# There are 4x10 = 40 rows in our dataset, each row is an instance of CPUStats
# Each CPU core has 10 measurements, i.e. CPUStats objects
# Count instances of the 1st core (cpu_id=1) 
core1_total_samples = CPUStats.objects_in(db).filter(cpu_id=1).count()
# Filtering Query in ORM form
# Sort all the measurements of CPU Core 1 in ascending order
core1samples = CPUStats.objects_in(db).filter(cpu_id=1).order_by('cpu_percent')
# Same query in SQL form
SELECT `timestamp`, `cpu_id`, `cpu_percent`
FROM `cpustats`
WHERE cpu_id = 1
ORDER BY cpu_percent
# Print CPU Core 1 Utilization
for val in core1samples: print(f'CPU Core No1 Utilization: {val.cpu_percent}%')
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 3.8%
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 3.9%
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 3.9%
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 4.0%
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 4.0%
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 4.9%
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 6.0%
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 7.8%
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 25.5%
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 31.4%
# Filtering Query with range in ORM form
# Get all the measurements where CPU Core 1 was over 5% busy in descending order
core1over20 = CPUStats.objects_in(db).filter(cpu_id=1, cpu_percent__gt=5).order_by('cpu_percent DESC')
# Same query in SQL form
SELECT `timestamp`, `cpu_id`, `cpu_percent`
FROM `cpustats`
WHERE cpu_id = 1 AND cpu_percent > 5.0
ORDER BY cpu_percent DESC
# Print core1over20 result set
for val in core1over20: print(f'CPU Core No1 Utilization: {val.cpu_percent}%')
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 31.4%
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 25.5%
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 7.8%
CPU Core No1 Utilization: 6.0%
# Find what percentage of time CPU Core 1 was over 5% busy
result = core1over20.count() * 100.0 / core1_total_samples
print(f'CPU Core 1 was busy {result}% of the time')
CPU Core 1 was busy 40.0% of the time
# Aggregation Query in ORM form 
# CPU Core 1 Average Utilization
core1avg = CPUStats.objects_in(db).filter(cpu_id=1).aggregate('cpu_id', average='avg(cpu_percent)')
# Same query in SQL form
SELECT cpu_id, avg(cpu_percent) AS average
FROM `cpustats`
WHERE cpu_id = 1
GROUP BY `cpu_id`
# Print Average
for val in core1avg: print(f'CPU Core No1 Average Utilization: {round(val.average,2)}%')
CPU Core No1 Average Utilization: 9.52%
# Aggregation Query in ORM form
# Average CPU utilization per core in descending order
avgpercore = CPUStats.objects_in(db).aggregate('cpu_id', average='avg(cpu_percent)').order_by('average DESC')
# Same query in SQL form 
# 'where 1' indicates the absence of any filtering conditions)
SELECT cpu_id, avg(cpu_percent) AS average
FROM `cpustats`
GROUP BY `cpu_id`
# Print Average for each CPU core
for avg in avgpercore:
    print(f'CPU Core No{avg.cpu_id}: {avg.average:.2f}%')
CPU Core No0: 10.88%
CPU Core No2: 10.48%
CPU Core No1: 9.52%
CPU Core No3: 7.61%
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