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Last active February 23, 2023 16:22
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Add class name for top-level parent category or page to body tag in WordPress posts, pages, and archives.
* Insert class into body tag for highest level Category or Page.
* Pages and Categories with identical slugs get the same class.
* Works on Pages, Posts, and Category achives.
* @return string $top_slug Class name for body tag.
function top_cat_or_page_body_class( $class ) {
$prefix = 'topic-'; // Editable class name prefix.
global $wp_query;
$object_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
$top_slug = ( is_home() ) ? 'home' : 'default';
if ( is_single() ) {
$cats = get_the_category( $object_id ); // Get post categories.
$parents = get_ancestors( $cats[0]->term_id, 'category', 'taxonomy' );
$top_id = ( $parents ) ? end( $parents ) : $object_id;
// If term has parents, get ID of top page.
$top_cat = get_category( $top_id ); // Get top cat object.
$top_slug = $top_cat->slug; // Get top cat slug.
if ( is_category() ) {
$parents = get_ancestors( $object_id, 'category', 'taxonomy' );
$top_id = ( $parents ) ? end( $parents ) : $object_id;
// If cat has parents, get ID of top cat.
$top_cat = get_category( $top_id ); // Get top cat object.
$top_slug = $top_cat->slug; // Get top cat slug.
if ( is_page() ) {
$parents = get_ancestors( $object_id, 'page', 'post_type' );
$top_id = ( $parents ) ? end( $parents ) : $object_id;
// If page has parents, get ID of top page.
$top_page = get_post( $top_id ); // Get top page object.
$top_slug = $top_page->post_name; // Get top page slug.
$class[] = $prefix . $top_slug;
return $class;
add_filter( 'body_class', 'top_cat_or_page_body_class' );
// Rewrote the above in 2021. Below is the legacy function:
// Add body-class for top-level parent Page or Category
function topcatpg_body_class( $class ) {
$prefix = 'topic-'; // Editable class name prefix.
$top_cat_pg = 'home'; // Default.
global $top_cat_pg;
// Get class name from top-level Category or Page.
global $wp_query;
if ( is_single() ) {
$wp_query->post = $wp_query->posts[0];
setup_postdata( $wp_query->post );
// Climb Posts category hierarchy, successively replacing
// class name top_cat_pg with slug of higher level cat.
foreach( (array) get_the_category() as $cat ) {
if ( !empty( $cat->slug ) )
$top_cat_pg = sanitize_html_class( $cat->slug, $cat->cat_ID );
while ( $cat->parent ) {
$cat = get_category( (int) $cat->parent);
if ( !empty( $cat->slug ) )
$top_cat_pg = sanitize_html_class( $cat->slug, $cat->cat_ID );
} elseif ( is_archive() ) {
if ( is_category() ) {
$cat = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
$top_cat_pg = $cat->slug;
// Climb Category hierarchy, successively replacing
// class name with slug of higher level cat.
while ( $cat->parent ) {
$cat = get_category( (int) $cat->parent );
if ( !empty( $cat->slug ) )
$top_cat_pg = sanitize_html_class( $cat->slug, $cat->cat_ID );
} elseif ( is_page() ) {
global $post;
if ( $post->post_parent ) {
$ancestors = get_post_ancestors( $post->ID );
$root = count( $ancestors ) - 1;
$top_id = $ancestors[$root];
$top_pg = get_page( $top_id );
$top_cat_pg = $top_pg->post_name;
} else {
$top_cat_pg = $post->post_name;
$class[] = $prefix . $top_cat_pg;
return $class;
// Uncomment to use this function instead ot the above newer one:
// add_filter( 'body_class', 'topcatpg_body_class' );
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buzi commented May 15, 2018

Thanks !!

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Awesome! Thank you!

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Perfect! Just works... ;)

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gmilic commented Sep 16, 2019

Thank you very much!!!
Works perfectly!

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Thanks for sharing this! Just what I needed :)

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Thank you - works great and just what I need.

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I was getting the message

Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in xxxxx /functions.php on line 112

Which was $cat = &get_category( (int) $cat->parent);

Removing the & seems to have fixed it.

Any advice? Is that really the proper fix?

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hearvox commented Sep 2, 2021

@thesunshade , You're correct, the "&" was a mistake, now removed. But just added a new, improved, much leaner function, top_cat_or_page_body_class(). (It's not yet as rigorously tested on a production site as the old was, but it's working well on a dev site.)

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But just added a new, improved, much leaner function

I'm happy to test it out. Where can I find it?

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hearvox commented Sep 2, 2021

It's in this same gist above: two functions in there now. The new one comes first, top_cat_or_page_body_class(). (Kept the old one in there, for now, in case anyone needs to find it. I'll comment it out to make that clearer.)

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Oh. It still has the &get_category. That's why I was confused.

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hearvox commented Sep 2, 2021

Ooops, I didn't notice there were two. Now both fixed (in the older, commented-out function). Thanks much, @thesunshade .

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Thank you! I really appreciate you responding so quickly. And I appreciate you sharing the script.

Now I just have to remember exactly what this script was doing on my site in the first place. :-)

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This code works SO well, and I really want to keep using it, but I seem to be getting daily errors in my php_errorlog:

[20-Feb-2023 20:17:03 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "slug" on null in /home/customer/www/[website folder]/public_html/wp-content/themes/generatepress_child/functions.php on line 91

It's referring to the first instance of $top_slug = $top_cat->slug; // Get top cat slug.

Is there something I can do prevent the errors? The code is working perfectly otherwise!

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hearvox commented Feb 21, 2023

None of the sites I work with are using this script now. So I'm just guessing, not testing, but maybe I need to wrap that error-producing line in an if, to trap for get_category( $top_id ) not returning a category (because, if it did, the cat would have a slug), like:
$top_slug = ($top_cat) ? $top_cat->slug : $top_slug;

If you have a chance to test that, please do. Tell me if it gets rid of the errors.

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Thanks so much for your response, @hearvox :)

I tried changing $top_slug = $top_cat->slug to if ( $top_slug = $top_cat->slug ); yesterday (Feb. 21st), and it seems like 3 more of the same errors came through today. Interestingly, there are way fewer errors this time, but I'm not sure if that's relevant.

[22-Feb-2023 16:42:41 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "slug" on null in /home/customer/www/[website folder]/public_html/wp-content/themes/generatepress_child/functions.php on line 91
[22-Feb-2023 16:45:23 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "slug" on null in /home/customer/www/[website folder]/public_html/wp-content/themes/generatepress_child/functions.php on line 91
[22-Feb-2023 18:40:26 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property "slug" on null in /home/customer/www/[website folder]/public_html/wp-content/themes/generatepress_child/functions.php on line 91

Could it be because I implemented the "if" statement incorrectly (screenshot attached for more context)? Do I need to have some kind of dependent condition afterwards? Really sorry for my lack of knowledge with PHP!

Screenshot 2023-02-22 at 16 07 17

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@hearvox Just a quick update that we're back to the same number of "Attempt to read property 'slug' on null" errors today (16 instances so far today), so ignore what I said about there being fewer errors. It must be based on how many users cause the code to run.

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