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Created March 22, 2017 09:50
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FROM node:6.10.0-alpine
RUN apk update && apk upgrade
# Install packages needed for production
RUN apk add --update bash python make g++
# Install packages needed for testing
RUN apk add --update ruby openssl
# Install glibc (, needed to run pact-mock_service
# ( which ships with a binary dependency (@pact-foundation/pact-mock-service-linux-x64)
# linked against glibc.
ADD docker/ /etc/apk/keys/
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates
RUN wget
RUN apk add glibc-2.25-r0.apk
ENV NEW_RELIC_HOME /app/newrelic
# add package.json before source for node_module cache
ADD package.json /tmp/package.json
RUN cd /tmp && npm install
ADD . /app
# copy cached node_modules to /app/node_modules
RUN mkdir -p /app && cp -a /tmp/node_modules /app/
RUN npm install && npm run compile && npm test && npm prune --production
# Uninstall packages that were only needed for test
RUN apk del ruby openssl
# Swap glibc for libc6-compat which is a safer package to use for production as it is officially supported by
# alpine base image distribution.
# Note: glibc is only required to run pact-mock_service.
RUN apk del glibc && apk add libc6-compat
CMD bash ./
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