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Created March 20, 2019 09:41
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# vtar - "visual tar with a progress bar"
# by Peter Ljunglöf, 2019
# inspired by:
show_usage() {
echo "Visual tar with a progress bar. Usage:"
echo "Archiving:"
echo " "`basename $0`" -zcf <FILE.tgz> <DIRECTORY>"
echo " "`basename $0`" -cf <FILE.tar> <DIRECTORY>"
echo "Dearchiving:"
echo " "`basename $0`" -zxf <FILE.tgz>"
echo " "`basename $0`" -xf <FILE.tar>"
# settings, change if you want
TAR=gtar # change this to "tar" or "gnutar" or whatever you like
WIDTH=60 # width of the progress bar (in characters)
# here's the main code
if [[ ! "$1" =~ ^-z?[xc]f$ ]]; then
echo "Error: Wrong option: $1" >&2
show_usage >&2
exit 1
# get the last argument, which should be a file/directory
for file; do true; done
if [ ! -f $file ] && [ ! -d $file ]; then
echo "Error: File/directory does not exist: $file" >&2
show_usage >&2
exit 1
echo "Visual tar with a progress bar, calculating size... "
sizeKB=`du -sk ${file} | cut -f 1`
sizeMB=`echo ${sizeKB}/1024 | bc`
checkpoint=`echo ${sizeKB}/${WIDTH} | bc`
echo -n "Estimated: ["
for ((i=0; i<$WIDTH; i++)); do echo -n "="; done
if [ $sizeMB -ge 5 ]
then echo "] ${sizeMB}M"
else echo "] ${sizeKB}K"
echo -n "Progress: ["
$TAR --record-size=1K --checkpoint="${checkpoint}" --checkpoint-action="ttyout=>" "$@"
echo "]"
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Should work on Linux and Mac.

If you're using Mac, you must install GNU tar, e.g., via Homebrew: brew install gnu-tar

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